Chapter- 23

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Isha's POV

Okay, it's time to expose that bastard!

Well, I feel like I'm a cop!

Shut up Isha!
It's very serious matter so stop being an idiot.

I was going to enter office when my phone pinged.

Don't come with a face as if you're going to a fight. You've made a loss to company Miss. Mittal, a sad, guilty face would be preferable .

It read!

And a small smile came on my lips when again my phone pinged. This time it said-

Isha ! Focus on the plan ! And stop smiling! People are watching you.

I sent a thumbs up and carrying a bit sad face, I entered my floor to see Sarah, Aryan and Ayaan.

"Hey Ishaani" Sarah chirped as usual.

"Hey" I mumbled

"Well, someone's in a bad mood today" Aryan asked

"I...might have messed up. And I'm sure sir is going to sue me" I acted when I heard a small chuckle.

"No ways he's going to sue you " Ayaan spoke and it felt.. Sarcastic.

It was sarcastic!

"I wish" I replied

"Oh if you wish, then damn sure he's not going to do anything to you. Even if you burn his office" He chuckled again and I looked at him.

"What are you saying Ayaan" I asked shocked

"Nothing Ishaani. Carry on. You might have to serve him coffee. " He mocked

"Ayaan. What the hell are you saying" Sarah interrupted

"He has his PA to do so Ayaan" I offended

"Then too you're interested to serve him coffee" He chuckled humorlessly

What the hell is wrong with him!

"Keep your sarcasm outside the big metal gates of this office Mr. Mehra when talking about me" A voice boomed and we all turned to see Mihir.

He looked at me and then gave a hard glare to Ayaan.

"A sorry would be preferred Mr. Mehra" He again boomed and Ayaan looked at me and then at him.

"Sorry" He muttered and went away from there while Mihir looked at me.

"And you Ms. Mittal, do you even know how to work or someone just sent you from high school here. " He chided and I looked at him confused.

What did I do now !

I looked at him and he glared me and it's when I understood what he was doing.

Okay acting started!

"What do you mean Mr. Malhotra" I asked

"That you're an idiot.  Yesterday, I lost so important deal due to you. The deal you got signed is don't know which deal. I thought you're a responsible person but my mistake. You're just as good to sit and write reports" He yelled and I frowned

He's much rude even when he's acting !

"I.. Didn't do it knowingly sir. I told you yesterday too" I muttered

"And what should I do of that. You know what Ms. Mittal, I don't want such irresponsible people in my company. You can leave" He stated and everyone  around me gasped.

"What" I asked damn dramatically and he looked at me shaking his head a bit.

"Fired. You Are Fired" He gritted and I looked at him.

"Sir it was just a small mistake" I cried

"Are you going to go or should I call security Miss. Ishaani" He fake growled and left the office.

I can't fake cry!

Hence I looked at everyone around wiping the zero tears I had and took my bag.

"Ishaani... Ishaani wait" Sarah yelled from behind.

Sorry Sarah!

And I too went out of the office building.

That was fun dude!

Really fun!

I just took a cab and went directly to Vivaan bhai's office.

Well, it's near to Sabarwal office.

I went towards his cabin and found everyone there.

"Vivaan bhai, I'm fired" I cried and he chuckled.

"Drama Queen" Mihir muttered and I looked at him.

"Excuse me. I'm not" I offended

"Oh you sure are. Vivaan, how much she has over acted there you know"  He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"And what about you. Just came there and started scolding as if I really did something. I.. I mean I did but it wasn't necessary to scold me like that.. Publically. I've reputation to keep on " I blabbered and they both looked at me raising their one brow.

Huh, the best friends!

"Fine. It was necessary" I muttered and they both shook their heads which clearly indicated their disapproval over my emotions!


"Isha. Now the main thing. The plan starts from here" Mihir said and I nodded taking out the card which that Samar Sabarwal gave me.

I looked at them both and dialled the number.

"The Sabarwal office. Whom am I speaking to? " A female voice came and I looked at Mihir while he nodded.

"Am, this is Ishaani Mittal. I.. Actually called for job. I.. I mean Mr. Sabarwal told me to call if I want to speak regarding it" I told

"Oh, a minute Ms. Mittal. Sir is on the call" She said and I hummed.

"Well well, Morning Ms. Mittal" That bastard's voice came.

"Good morning Mr. Sabarwal. I.. Need your help" I directly came to the point because he knows that is the reason I've called.

"Oh of course I know. I knew you'll need that. I told you that day too right that you're fit for the company like ours." He said and I gritted my teeth.

"Yes sir. I've been blamed for something I didn't do. And now guess what, I wish you would've done something like that. At least my soul would've been in peace to see Mr. Malhotra so tensed" I told while he chuckled.

"So, when can I expect you Ishaani" He said

On the first name so early!

"Whenever you say Mr. Sabarwal. I'm free. Mr. Malhotra have just... Ruined my career. I so... Hate him" I lied looking at Mihir with an apologetic face who was listening to everything carefully.

"Ah! He's a person to be hated. No wonders. Come to me Ishaani. You'll love here. I mean work. We've plenty of work and exposure" He said and Mihir looked at me as his jaw clenched.

"A.. Uh.. Sure sir. Time" I mumbled

"Whenever you're free" He said and I hummed cutting the call.

"That's the reason you know I told you that you're not going." Mihir chided as soon as the call cut.

"See the plus point Mihir. He's so easily going to be in the trap" I told and he glared me.

"Trap. Trap is for you, you idiot. Did you listen to his way of speaking Isha. No ways I'm going to let you go there. " He stated

"I will go Mihir. You can't just stop me" I determined

"Yes I can. And wait, the deal's mine, the company's mine. The loss will be mine. You need not to worry" He said

"I need to worry because the mistake was mine. And I'm going to repent it. Please Mihir. Don't make me feel bad for myself. Don't make me feel.. That I lost. Please" I pleaded and he threw the pen stand on the floor angrily.

"You can't just black mail someone emotionally" He warned and a small smirk came on my lips.

"It means you're getting blackmailed" I told and he looked at me.

"It's not a joke Isha. Vivaan, make her understand this" He huffed looking at Vivaan bhai who was watching the two of us keenly.

"She's Baani Bajaj's daughter Mihir. Even if God comes down right now and say her to not do what she has determined, she's still do it" Vivaan bhai sighed and I smirked more.

"I'll be safe. I know.. Martial arts too" I said and they both looked at me.

"Shut up" They said in unison and I frowned.

"Fine. But never get into troubles Isha." Mihir said and I nodded.

"Okay Ishu, now listen. If you ever find that you're in danger. Just get out of there and come directly here okay." Vivaan bhai guided and I nodded.

"Fine fine. I'm going." I told and they both nodded.

I left Vivaan bhai's firm and hailed a cab reaching Sabarwal's.

Taking a deep breath, I put my specs and entered the building.

"Good morning. I'm here to meet Mr. Samar Sabarwal" I told

"Appointment" She asked

"Oh, he called me here. You can cross check with him itself. I'm Ishaani" I said and she nodded making a call and then looked at me.

"Sir's waiting for you in his cabin" She told and I nodded.

I took the lift and entered his cabin.

"Good morning Mr. Sabarwal" I wished and the man looked at me with a small...greedy smirk.

Oh come on! Good smirks doesn't look like that!

Yeah sure! They look like as of Mihir's right!


No. I mean yes.. Like him.. Dad.. Abeer uncle, Aayush uncle etc.

But his smirk is... Cheap!

"Ms. Ishaani, in which thoughts" His voice broke my trail of thoughts.

"Am, nothing Mr. Sabarwal. Just thinking that how can someone throw me away like this even when I wasn't at mistake" I started my plan and looked at him with a sad face to find him smirking more.


"We take a lot of care of our employees Ishaani. You see, we care about everyone" He spoke standing up from his chair coming towards me.

I swear if he do something, I'm going to beat him up!

"Am... So interview sir? " I asked trying to sound genuine when I know he's going to keep me on job.

"Really! You think I'll take an interview from you. Not at all Ishaani. You're already selected. The talent like yours.. Shouldn't go waste" he said looking at me and I clenched my fists to control myself from punching him.

"I'll.. Ask your secretary for my seat" I muttered and was about to go when he stopped me.

"Well, I need your first project to be something interesting Ishaani. about you work with my finance team, telling them the financial secrets of your ex boss" He spoke and I chuckled inwardly.

Here this bastard shows his colors!

"What do you mean sir" I acted

"See Ishaani. You know, Mihir Malhotra fired you just for such a small mistake. He could've given you another chance right., but he didn't. Know why, because his ego would've hurt. And he humiliated you publically too. So when he has hurt you, your intership have been affected, basically future affected, so why not to hurt him now. Destroying his ego. " He smirked and I looked at him.

You Are Such An Idiot Sabarwal!

"And how you know that he humiliated me publically" I asked and he looked a bit surprised and then looked here and there.

"Isn't that obvious. I mean, he must've done that. He's like this only" He tried covering up.

And that means, there surely someone who's working for him in K &M!

"Yes Mr. Sabarwal. You're right. He humiliated me in front of everyone" I dramatically sighed looking down.

"Yes Ishaani. So You should actually take revenge from him. " He smirked

Dumb ass!

"But how sir" I asked innocently

"Simple. You've worked with him for months. Work for me now.  I'll even pay you double. And I want him publically humiliated and me being publically popular" He smirked like cheap people.

First..Money ? Really!

Man.. After months I can literally buy tens of companies like yours in a snap of finger !

And second... You'll humiliate him...

I won't let this happen you jerk!

"Second thoughts Ishaani" He asked

"No sir. That man humiliated me in front of everyone. Then it's his turn now. I'm with you" I said a bit sad and he smirked coming a step more closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder squeezing it.

"I'm always there for you. Anytime" He whispered and I clenched my fists moving a bit away.

"I'll... Just start my work" I told and he smirked again while I left the cabin.

I went towards the finance department and saw some people there.

"Hey, she's the one from K & M" Someone mumbled

"Ishaani right? " One of them asked and I nodded

"Great. We've been waiting for you. Let's get started over work. But before that can you just help a little" He asked

"Complete this file" He added showing me the one and handing  me that went away.

What the  fuck was that!

I'm not your father's servent

I huffed and looked at the file.

Oh My Goodness!

Wow! Even God's with me!

Hola beautiful people! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter?

Well, our Mihir & Isha are quiet good in acting too😂

But yeah, as materal genes, Isha's a drama queen😂😂😂❤

Isha is all ready to expose Samar Sabarwal! Will she succeed? Or will she get exposed herself?

Let's see what happens!

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed ❤

Next update soon!

Till then..

Big hugs ❤

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