Chapter- 24

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Mihir's POV

It's been three days and Isha is working for that Sabarwal.

I'm not liking it. Not at all!

Because I'm tensed for her safety. If by any chance, any slight chance she gets busted, she'll be in big problem.

And that'll be due to me.

We talked over chats these days so that there will be slightest risk of any tapping.

I've come to know many things in these days. And the most important is, that Sabarwal just want two things.

My humiliation in public and his own publicity.

To what limits people can go for just publicity!

I came to know one more important thing that too on first day.

I hate when Isha told me that how her department head threw a file at her to complete... But that was may be a sign.

It was the same file of the same land we were dealing on with them.

And we came to know that he wanted that land to himself.

He again had two profits by it.
First, Publitcity and money and second, me getting humiliated to purchase an illegal property! 

But I'm a bit worried today because Isha hasn't called me since morning.

I sighed and looked at the time. It was 10pm hence I dialled her number and she picked in one ring only.

"I was just going to call you" She said and I sighed listening to her voice.

Damn, why does that sound good!

"Mihir.. " She spoke and I again sighed happily.

Damn, the name again from her mouth!

Okay, shut up Mihir and focus.

"Where were you Isha. You told that you've to tell something important and you didn't call till now. I've been worried" I told

"Sorry. Got a little busy in works. But yeah you listen now." She said and I hummed.

" in morning when I went inside his cabin, I saw a few people. And...I remember one face" She told

"What do you mean" I asked

"There's a head of yours in real estate department Mihir. Mr. Khatri." She spoke and I know what she meant.

"Bloody traitor. I'm not going to spare him I swear" I muttered

"Not now. Because right now, there's a slight problem" She whispered

"What? " I asked

"You know right, That Sabarwal has been keeping me busy with some or the other works. And on the top with your company's deals and projects which I know about." she asked

"Yes.. So what? " I questioned

"Since morning he's trying to keep me busy with other things rather then that. I mean other files and I think he might.." She was speaking when I spoke.

"And you think he might know you're lying. Isha, we'll find another way to deal with it. You leave" I said

"No Mihir. He don't know. He's a complete fool. He tells me almost every plans of his but, whenever the topic of that deal comes, he skips it. Today, I had file of that in my hand and he somehow took that away from me. And when I asked him about it, he told that he'll soon tell. I just need a few more days. He's going to spit out everything" She said in a very convincing tone.

Since start I was the one who was not convinced with this plan because I know it's risky.

And now... I'm having a bit bad feeling about every thing.

I don't know why!

" You've two more days Isha. Just two. Do whatever you can do and that too being utmost safe. That's it" I told

"No Mihir. I need some more time" She said

"Two days it is Isha." I ordered being very clear that there's no space for arguing.

"Fine." She mumbled

"Just, take care of yourself" I whispered

"I am Mihir. And I swear, once he's exposed. I'm going to slap him once, very hard" She muttered

"What! Why? " I asked

"Oh.. Nothing." She mumbled

"Isha" I warned

"He's... He's bastard." She said

"Isha, did he do something. I swear I'll break his bones if he has tried to do somet.. " I was saying when she cut me off.

"No. Not till now. He..I mean...I'm mature enough to understand the way he says somethings. And that makes me un comfortable" She revealed

"You know what. You're not going there tomorrow. We'll find some other way" I stated

"What! No. You've given me two days. You've to stick to it" She stubbornly said

"And before you say anything, let me tell you I know Ma.. " She was saying when I spoke.

"Yeah yeah Martial arts. God Isha, you're stubborn" I sighed

"Oh that I'm Mr. Malhotra" She giggled and a small smile came on my lips.

"Just... Stay safe Isha. I can't... Let you happen anything" I whispered

"Why" She asked

Is that a question to ask!

"Because, you're there for my company and my reputation. So it's my responsibility to make sure that you're safe" I told and this was a half lie!

"That's it... " She asked her voice a mere whisper.

"What else do you thought? " I asked

"No nothing. Am, well, it's already late. Let's sleep" She said

"Ah, yeah. Drop me a message when you reach office tomorrow" I reminded her as everyday I do and she hummed.

"Good night Isha" I wished

"Night Mihir" She mumbled and cut the call.

Did I say something offending?

No, I mean as far as I remember I didn't say anything like that!

I didn't even say anything about chocolates and her favorite ice cream too!

Oh, let me tell you one thing! She's possessive about chocolates and ice creams!


But...something was off in her voice when she cut the call.

God, why are you so much bothered Mihir!

Yeah correct, why am I!

I should go and sleep!


But still why she soun...

Shut up Mihirrrrrrr and Good Night!


Isha's POV

Okay, one thing I'm sure of is, this Samar Sabarwal is brainless in business.

I got to know from company records that he took position of CEO after his father three years back and since then, company is almost everytime in losses.

The only deals which he cracks is either by his staff or by fraud.

Just like this time!

But yeah, his brains work in such frauds!

He has been trying to make things go down hill for Mihir since last three days but the financial proofs I've been giving him are... Fraud!

Oh come on  ! Two can play the game!

I told Vivaan bhai and Mihira bhabhi to create some fake papers and viola!

This idiot man got trapped in those.

I want him to get frustrated and vomit everything from his mouth.

My spy camera is on all the time and waiting for his confession!

God, since days I feel like lady Sherlok!

What I don't understand is about Mihir.

Firstly he wasn't ready to let me even come here. And when somehow I convinced him, he was ready just for a week.

And now... Just five days!

I've only two days left and I've to do something because Mihir sounded extremely adament last night.

I was right now in the meeting, well a name sake meeting because his main agenda is to somehow depress the K & M reputation.

I don't understand why he wants to get himself ruined!

When I was talking to Vivaan bhai yesterday he told me that Mihir is entertaining him just because the matter is related to government land. If it would've been a different case, he holds so much  power to destroy this Sabarwal in minutes!

"Ishaani, why isn't anything working" He snapped at me and I looked at him.

"I.. I don't know sir. May be his company would've come to know that I'm working for you" I told

"Useless. You all here are useless" he screamed

Just let me once get a proof, I'll tell you who's useless and who's not!

"Sir, why don't we just keep a media conference and tell about the illegal land deal" I suggested

"No we can't! We can not" He gritted

I very well know why!

"But why sir" I asked innocently

"Because we...Oh Wait. Why are we discussing this. Let's discuss another ways to destroy him. How about kidnapping his... Sister.. Or mother and then blackmailing him " He smirked and I really wanted to laugh at his foolishness.

Dude....Mihir would killed you!

And Abeer Uncle.. He would burn you alive!

"No sir. We can't. Don't we all know Mr. Abeer Malhotra. He'll burn us alive " His lawyer said frightened and I chuckled inwardly.

Least, someone's brain here worked!

The meeting.. Well the nonsense carried on for some more time and I took a break going towards washroom.

I was about to come out when I heard someone talking.

"That bitch really thinks that Samar sir don't know anything. She's a complete idiot" Someone said and I thought they're talking about someone else so I was about to open the door but I heard someone else too.

"Yes. That Ishaani. God, I feel so jealous of her. She got to work with Mihir Malhotra. But, I'm so happy that Samar sir knows that she's playing him. And that little bitch doesn't have any idea that she's going to be backfired." Another girl said and they both laughed.

What the hell!

Mihir... Was right!

"And Samar sir very well know, what to do with such people. And as of Mihir Malhotra. He won't even care for an intern even if she dies. So she's just so dumb to come here risking her life." One of them laughed more and my palm went to my mouth in shock.

Mihir... I've to tell Mihir about this all!

Wait but no! If I tell him or even Vivaan bhai or bhabhi they'll not let me be here for even a second at any cost.

So before telling them, I need proof.

I just... Need to get away from here first.

"And that girl doesn't even know that the papers she's trying to find since so much time are also fraud. The real papers which were to be signed of that Land deal are at my desk.

My! Wait.. Who the hell is this my!

I gulped and thought something and then  removing my shoes, I stepped up on the dustbin and was shocked to see the person!

Maddy! That bitch!

I knew something is off with her since the day one she was being sweet to me!

I carefully stepped down and waited for them to go and when there was no voice coming out, I went outside and called Mihira bhabhi.

"What happened Isha. Are you fine" She asked

"Yes bhabhi. I just want you to make a call on a number I give and keep her engaged for ten minutes. Please. " I told and she nodded.

Forwarding her the number of Maddy, I went to my cabin passing her the most fakest of the smile!

Fakest.. Is not even a word Isha!

And soon her phone rang and I smirked!

After she went away I looked here and there and went towards her desk and looked at the drawer.

And then they say me idiot!

I smirked inwardly looking at the key and opened the drawer when I saw a file there.

Taking out the file, I put it in my bag and hurriedly ran towards the main gate.

Hailing a cab, I sat inside and dialled Mihir.

Pick up! Pick up!

After eight rings he finally picked up!

"What" He asked

"I need you to urgently meet me. I'm driving towards Vivaan bhai's office. Will be there in five. Reach as soon as possible" I told

"What happened Isha? Are you alright? " He asked

"I've found something. Finally! " I said

"Okay! I'll be there" He told and cut the call while suddenly, the cab stopped all of a sudden and I was pushed in front.

"What happened" I asked the driver as I saw a car just in front of the cab, but before he could speak, I saw two people coming and they sat inside the cab.

"Excuse me. What's this" I argued when one of them put gun on the forehead of cab driver.

"Keep driving. To the place we tell. " He threatened

"What the.. Who the hell are you" I snapped when one of them glared me.

"Who do you think we are you little bitch" One of them said pointing gun at me too!

Oh, I'm used to much more dangerous glares you idiots!

Okay, shut up Isha!

You've been kidnapped!

Wait a second...

Damn... Shit!

I've been kidnapped!

My childhood dream came true!

God, shut up Isha!

This is serious!

Hello guys! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter? 🤩

This side if Mihir being damn concerned for his... Friend😅🙈🙈❤

And Isha found a proof finally but...


While... She being she... Dramatic😂

But yeah, it can be serious though!

Let's see what happens!

Do vote, like, share and reviews are always welcomed!

Next update soon! 🤩

Till then...

Big hugs ❤❤

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