Chapter - 3

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And I screamed!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mummmaaaaaaa" I screamed on the top of my voice.

"What the hell is going on in my house" A voice came and I turned to look at the door.

"Thief.... Vivaan bhaii thieffff in your house " I yelled running to him while he looked at me shocked and then at my back and started laughing.

"What the fuck is this" The thief yelled from behind and I screamed hiding behind Vivaan bhai.

"Call 911. Ugh sorry . Call 100" I told while Vivaan bhai was still laughing.

"He.. He's not a.. Th... Thief" He said and I looked at him shocked.

"What? Then who's he? " I asked

"I'm going to sue you" The man mumbled and I chuckled nervously.

"I.. Actually, I'm sorry. I thought it was Vivaan bhai. I didn't know it's someone else. I'm sorry" I apologized while he muttered something under his breath and glared me.

"Remove this right now" He ordered.

He ordered!

And I don't take them!

"Excuse me. You can ask nicely too" I told and he glared me again and was stepping towards me when Vivaan bhai came.

"Ishu. Not the right time to argue. Just tell me how to clean this. " He asked and I glared back the man and spoke.

"Just wash your face with warm water and face wash duh. It's organic color. Nothing else." I said with a duh tone while he glared me again going inside washroom and closed the door with thud.


Angry hulk!

I shrugged and looked at Vivaan bhai and grinned hugging him tightly.

"Ahhh! I missed youuuu" I whined while he chuckled

"I missed you too Ishu. And what a pleasent surprise. Wait, what a terrific surprise" He winked and I laughed.

"I was going to take revenge back for the ghost revenge but, how would've I known that any other animal has taken over your place" I told

"Animal" The voice boomed from behind and I turned to see the man glaring me and I was shocked will not be an understatement.

"Mihir Malhotra " I mumbled while he was still giving me glares.

"Stop scaring her Mihir. She's my kiddo. Isha " Vivaan bhai told and that's when his glaring session came to an end and he looked at me for once and then went out of the room.

"How do you know Mihir Malhotra. Oh My God. He's Mihir Malhotra. CEO of K & M Empire." I freaked while Viv bhai looked at me with a raised brow.

"As if it's a big deal for you. You too are hieress of B & M Enterprises" He said with a duh tone.

"I still ain't. And he is. From three years." I explained

"So what. He was 24 then. And you're going to be 24 .And in sometime you'll also be a CEO. So how does it make any difference." Vivaan bhai asked and I shrugged

"There isn't any. But, did I create a mess? " I asked when he chuckled denying.

"He's just...nothing. He's like this around new people. Don't worry. But you should've at least seen face before painting" He said and I huffed

"Is that my mistake that any other person is in your room . You always used to tell me na, that the room just right to kitchen is yours. " I whined

"You remember this too? " He asked and I smirked.

"I remember everything bro but I don't remember you telling anything about that angry hulk" I giggled

"Well. I told you. Didn't I use to say that I've the best people in Mumbai. He's on the top list" Vivaan bhai told and I frowned.

I used to be on that top list. And now it's him.

I already hate him for this now!

"I can kill him for taking my place" I muttered

"You won't change. Idiot. " He said and hugged me while I smiled hugging him back.

"But, why you're here. What's the sudden reason. I'm sure you're not here just for that prank" He asked getting serious.

I was about to tell again when there was a knock on the door.

"I'm leaving Vivaan." The hulk said and I looked at him while he glaring me one more time left.

Such a rude man!

I mean come on! I didn't do anything knowingly.

Yet you threw all the color on him and he was looking as if someone stood up in mud.

No one asked your opinion dear conscience!

"Isha. I asked you something" Vivaan bhai asked brining me out of my thoughts.

"Can I get something to eat first. An ice cream will do " I asked and he chuckled going out and I too followed him.

Well, what was that angry hulk doing here.

"Here's your ice cream" Viv bhai told giving me the same and I grinned savoring it.

"So answering your question. I'm in a kinda dilemma " I said and he raised his brow and I sighed telling him the full story

"And Kabeer uncle was ready for it" " He asked smirking

"Come on bhai. At least mom helped me" I told

"So. Now Mumbai for six months. Not bad huh. " He grinned and I chuckled.

"So, what I've to do. Dad has told me to first meet someone. My phone is dead so, I'll check his message after sometime and then tell you. And you'll have to drop me wherever the place is " I told

"Right now. Take rest. Tomorrow we'll talk about it. Today I've a very important hearing in court. And I've to leave in half an hour. Okay" Viv bhai said and I nodded

"I'll also go. I'm tired" I yawned

"No need to go to your pent house. Crash here only" He told and I nodded going back to his room and jumped on the bed.

"Oh, Trevor the bodygaurd is downstairs. Tell him that I'm here tonight" I told and he nodded.

"Bye. I'll be back till evening. Don't go out anywhere. You don't know M of Mumbai" Vivaan bhai told and I frowned.

"I'm not a kid bhai" I whined

"Tu hai. Tujhe pata nhi hai par Tu hai(you're! You don't know but you're) " He mocked while I threw the pillow on him while he laughed yelling a bye.

Come on Isha!

Get sleep!

It's going to be a long day tomorrow!

I slept straight till night and after dinner, I again slept in the guest room.

In the morning, I woke up when I got Dad's call. After talking to him, I went to my pent house and getting ready, I went to Vivaan bhai's office and was going in his cabin when was stopped.

"Excuse me. Do you have an appointment" The intern asked

"Amm... No. But can you tell Viv.. I mean Mr. Martin that someone from Jaipur is here" I told and she nodded.

After a minute I saw Vivaan bhai coming towards me and I smiled.

"You could've called me Ishu" He said

"Your phone came busy" I told as he took me to his cabin.

"Of course Mr. Desai. We've the case in our hands. Don't worry. Today is the last hearing and the decision is already in our favor. " The woman's voice came and I looked at the person.

There she was standing in a white shirt, black trousers and a black coat in her one arm .

Her hairs were tied in a high pony and she was wearing those high pointed heels.

"Whoo. Hottie in the office" I smirked while Vivaan bhai was looking at her.

"Ehm. Is something fishy" I asked raising my brow when he looked at me but before he could say anything, the girl spoke.

"Thank God Vivaan you came. You know I've found just amazing proof." She exclaimed hugging him tightly while he looked at me.

"Oh my God. Isha. Isha Mittal." She chirped again and took me into bone crushing hug.

And here I was shocked.

What is this?

Who is she?

" Oh God, I can't tell how much happy I'm. " She started when I looked at Vivaan and then she looked at my shocked face

"Ugh. I'm sorry. I didn't even give my intro. Hello, It's Mihira. Mihira Malhotra" She introduced forwarding hand and I shook mine with her.

Name sounds very familiar.

"Am, well you know me , I'm Isha Mittal" I replied and she smiled

"I'm sorry Ishu. It...I was going to tell you. You remember I told you that there's a girl in Mumbai who too is a lawyer... " Vivaan bhai said and I nodded as a smile crept on my face.

"Oh my God. Is she that one. God, you don't know since so much time he's into you. Since your law college. And this idiot never told me your name. But, Oh my freaking Goodness. So you both are dating right? " I asked excited and she smiled.

"Since an year & he proposed me yesterday " She told

"And I'm getting to know today. That's so bad Viv bhai. If I wouldn't have come here, you won't have told me" I whined

"Ishu. I was going to tell you. In fact, I was going to tell everyone. Because, I love her. And I want to marry her. It's just... Time didn't allow me. And, her parents wanted to keep it private. In fact we both were coming to Jaipur this weekend to meet you all" Vivaan bhai said and I frowned but a smile replaced it next second.

"Holy shit. You're going to get married. Vivaan bhaiiiiii" I screamed hugging him and he chuckled hugging me back.

"And.. What should I call you. Mihira bhabhiiiii" I grinned and she blushed looking down.

"I'm fine with Mihira though" She mumbled

"Awe. She's so cute. " I said

"No. You're more cute. I was so eager to meet you. And you know, I've heard so much about you from Vivaan. And yesterday's incident too" She winked and I looked confused at her and then bit my tongue as Reality hit.

Mihira Malhotra.

Mihir Malhotra!

Shit shit shit! The Malhotra twins!

Son & daughter of Mr. Abeer & Meera Malhotra!

"That...was really by mistake" I mumbled when she laughed.

"I would love to see my idiot brother going through this pranks everyday. " She said and I looked at her and grinned.

"You know honenstly, he looked like someone has just drained him out of mud" I giggled and we both shared a laugh.

"You both are saying about my best friend" Vivaan bhai peeped and we looked at him.

"Viv bhai. Mumbai has really trapped you hah. Best friend. Girl friend. Fiancee. Forgot about family." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Drama queen. " He mumbled while I huffed.

"Well, you too have to work hard now Ishu. Hey, I call you Ishu right" She asked and I smiled.

"With all the rights Bhabhi" I said smiling and she smiled more.

"Okay. You both can continue. Baby, I've got a very important hearing. Gotta go. Wish me luck. Bye " She said in one go and we both chuckled.

"All the best. Bye" I & Vivaan bhai said in unison and she smiled running out.

"She's just so amazing. I already love her" I told after she went.

"She's very very amazing" Vivaan bhai smiled and I smirked.

"Whipped huh" I teased when he pinched my nose.

"Ouch. That hurts. And Mr. Vivaan Martin, I'm here for work" I dramatically said and he chuckled.

"Have a seat then Ms. Isha Mittal " He told and I nodded taking the seat.

"Isha. So now tell, do you have any companies in mind since you're not interning in B & M " He said and I looked at him with a sad face.

"I'll have to go first to the company which dad will message me. I couldn't make him bent to that condition of mine. His message didn't deliver to me yesterday , So he told that in an hour or two he'll message me the details and I can talk to the person"I told while he nodded.

"I guess there's someone in Mumbai who can help you. If you want I'll talk to Kabeer uncle too." Vivaan bhai told and I grinned nodding when my phone beeped and Vivaan bhai looked at it.

"I knew it. " He said smiling

"What happened" I asked and he shoved the phone to me and I was shocked.

Abeer Malhotra!

"Abeer Uncle. Your future father in law " I asked and he hummed.

"Well...I was talking about Mihir" He said and I frowned.

"No. We'll not take his help. Abeer uncle it is. After all he was The Abeer Malhotra of his time. And even till now." I told

"But what's the problem with Mihir" He asked

"I don't know. I just said Abeer uncle. What's the problem with it. He can suggest someone under whom I can complete my intern ship. I'll talk to Abeer uncle but not that Angry hulk " I pouted and he knew I was adament.

"Fine. We'll go Malhotra Mansion" He told and I nodded.

"I'll just once call him" I told and was about to open the door when I bumped into someone, just to fall but was in air.

Is your mumma's love story repeating!

Shut up!

"Watch where you walk" I groaned still my eyes closed and the next moment I was on the floor.

"Ah mummaa" I cried looking at the black polished shoes.

"Shit. Ishuu" Vivaan bhai's voice came and I looked up to find that angry hulk looking at me.

"Don't you have a little ettiquettes" I gritted

"No" He replied and I looked at him while Vivaan bhai gave me his hand and I stood up while Viv bhai suppresed his laughteer.

"Stop laughing and how can you be a friend... Sorry best friend with someone like him. He's so so damn rude" I cried

"Ishu. Sush" Vivaan bhai whispered while I glared him.

"Oh I see. So now your little angel, your sister is less important. Great man. And you know what. I hate you for snatching him from me. " I yelled at that man's face while he looked at me with clenched jaw.

"A word more and I'll forget you're someone dear to him" He warned and I looked at him unbelievable.

"You're pa.. " Before I could say Vivaan bhai spoke.

"Isha no. And Mihir you too. " Vivaan bhai said and I huffed.

"I'm going. I've more important work" I muttered and glaring them both I went away.

You just note down you sub conscious.

I have a man on the top of my hit list.

Mr. Mihir Malhotra!

Yeah sweety! The same man, who's father is going to help you!

Ugh! I already hate you sub concious.


Hello peeps. Hope you all are doing amazing!

Firstly, Happy Rakshabandhan 😍

So, how was the chapter!

And... Of course he had to Mihir😂

What more good start they could've had😂❤

And... Well Mihira & Vivaan🤭🤭😍

And... Get ready to soon meet your favorite Abeer & Meera 🥳😍

Hope you all loved the starting☺

But but... Please share the book on your profiles and let others know about it.... Because I'm not getting the response I thought! 🤕

Show some more excitement so that I too love to publish the chapters for you all❤

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed ❤

Next update soon!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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