Chapter- 4

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Isha's POV

After that bad encounter with that bad man again, I called Mr. Abeer Malhotra.

Damn, his voice speaks aura!

I'm sure that this angry hulk has taken this gene from him only.

But, I've to say that Mr. Abeer Malhotra is very nice!

And he invited me to his mansion today evening.

Well, It's my brother's in laws house too by the way.

But, Right now we're here for a very important work!

I sighed and looked at my suitcase but huffed.

I've nothing to weaaaaarrr!

You always say this Isha!

I looked at the clothes and called mom.

"I've nothing to wear" I said as soon as the call was picked.

"Then buy anything Ishu " Dad's voice came and I looked at the phone.

"Dad. It's mom's phone" I told

"She's in washroom. So I picked. Now say, what happened" He asked

"Well, I've nothing to.. Wear" I mumbled and he chuckled

"Go to mall and buy something princess" He as usual pampered and I smiled.

"You know if it would've been mom, then she would've told that you've a full walk in still you show tantrums" I mimicked mom while he laughed.

"Well, talked to Abeer ? " He asked

"Um, yes. I called him and explained him the situation. And he invited me to his mansion in evening to talk over it" I told

"I got Vivaan's call too. And...he gave a... " He was saying when I spoke

"Shocked surprise" I completed

"Exactly. Well, The girl he has chosen , is amazing. I've read some of her cases in newspapers. She's good at debates" He told

"Meet her in person dad. She's so sweet" I said

"Well. That's going to be very soon now I guess" He told

"Yup. Okay, now I'm getting late. It's already 6 pm. I'll talk to you later" I said in one go while he chuckled

"Just remember princess. Dress to impress yourself. Not others. That's what your mom would've said you." He guided and I smiled.

I've just got the world's best parents!

"Bear hugs to you and mom. Thankyou. Bye" I whispered and he hummed a bye cutting the call.

I looked again at my wardrobe and chose a floral dress getting into it.

Tying my hair in a ponytail, I was ready.

Hence after some minutes, I called Vivaan bhai and soon we were on the door step of Malhotra Mansion.


This is so much beautiful. Just so so much beautiful.

And this reminds me of Mittal mansion & I'm missing that already.

Vivaan bhai rang the door bell and someone opened it.

And soon he was taken into a hug.

"Vivaan. So nice to see you" A woman of mom's age exclaimed and then she looked at me.

Meera Kapoor Malhotra!

One of the most successful businesswoman in the world!

"And you must be...Isha" She passed me a warm smile and I joined my hands.

"Namaste Mrs. Malhotra . Yes, I'm Isha Mittal" I introduced and she hugged me too.

"Oh please. Don't be so formal. Baani have told me about you" She told taking us inside in living room.

"Mom knows you personally? " I asked a bit shocked.

She never mentioned this!

"Ah well. Not very much personally but yes...we've attended some events to gather and became friends and how can one business woman of her time would not know another one" She said with a playful smile while I chuckled.

"She must be your competitor aunty " I asked

"Well, everyone in business loves healthy competition and your mom is best example of it" She assured while I smiled.

"Ah. Isha's here" A voice came and I turned to see a man in fifties and who doesn't know him.

The Abeer Malhotra!

I passed him a warm smile again joining my hands while he smiled at me.

"Kabeer Mittal's Princess" He said and I chuckled.

"Welcome to Mumbai. So, how's Mumbai treating you? " He asked

"Well. It's quiet good.. & fast" I honestly told and everyone chuckled.

"So limelight again is snatched by Isha. Everyone here forgot me" Vivaan bhai spoke and we all chuckled.

"Hello Vivaan" Uncle said with a smirk on his face and Vivaan bhi just smiled looking everywhere.

"Am, what happened? " I asked

"Nothing. When I told dad about Vivaan, he took his full interview like a CBI, even while knowing that he's Aayush uncle's son. God these dads I tell you Ishu" Mihira bhabhi's voice came and I looked at her coming downstairs with a file in her hand.

"It's every dad's right" Abeer uncle told

"Yeah yeah. Warning and threating too" Mihira mocked

"Warning and threating too doll" He again stated while I smiled.

"Even my dad would've said the same" I whispered

Ah dad!

I'm missing you!

"Missing Kabeer? " He asked and I sighed  when he smiled putting his hand on my head.

And now I'm missing him moreeeee!

"Let's have dinner first. It's already 9 pm" Meera aunty told and I nodded.

"Shall I help" I asked while she politely  denied.

"Where's Mihir" Abeer uncle asked

"I'm here dad" A voice came from the main door and I looked there to find the angry hulk standing.

Think of the devil, and devil appears!

This idiom was made for this man only!!

"Guess we making you CEO was mistake. Is this time to come home Mihir" Meera aunty complained while he side hugged her.

"Work pressure mom. " He told

"Ah don't teach me that. Oh, did you meet Isha" She asked pointing me and I looked at him and instantly looked everywhere other then him.

Shit! Shit!

What if he tells her what I did!

My first impression will be so bad!

He looked at me and then just nodded.

"I'll be back soon " He told and giving me one final look went upwards.

What was that!

After some minutes the angry hulk came in a t shirt and pjs and sat on the seat opposite to me

Why I feel so intimidate when he's in front of me.

I mean come on, He's not my boss!

Yet I feel like he's a dinosaur ready to eat me!

We all had our dinner and after which we again settled in living room while the angry hulk took his leave flying away from there.

He isn't... Social! I mean with him family too!

"So, Kabeer too told me about the thing and Vivaan too. And I liked your spirit young woman " Abeer uncle told fidgting his phone

"But, Mumbai can be tough you know" He added

"I like to deal with tough things uncle. They're a challenge" I assured while he looked at Meera aunt.

"Looks like smaller version of Baani Bajaj is speaking" Meera aunt told and I smiled

" You know right that even if once you tell who you're, people are going to bow their heads giving you jobs" Mihira bhabhi smirked

"That's the thing. No one knows who Isha Mittal is. I mean for the first time, I'm feeling as if this can be useful. " I grinned and everyone looked at me.

"Elaborate" Meera aunt asked and I nodded

"I don't want special advantages aunty. I just want to be.. Me. Just Isha. Not Isha Mittal. And that's the reason I didn't want to do it in Jaipur. I will not reveal my identity here. And uncle, I want your help in the same. " I told

"No no no. Kabeer won't ever had allowed this. Neither will I " Abeer uncle strictly denied.

"But uncle, no one will treat me
indifferently if they get to know who I'm." I explained

"We've better way" Abeer uncle told and I looked at him.

"You want to do it yourself right. Fine. Work in our company" He said and I looked at him confused.

"What. How can I? " I asked

"It's that simple as I said. Work in our company " He again said and we all looked at him more confused.

"Abeer. Stop hiding behind the bush. Get yourself clear" Meera aunty told and he smirked.

"Of course Love. " He looked at her while she blushed and looked away.

Awe! She's so cute!

"In which field you've done MBA" He asked

"Marketing fianance & International business" I replied

"So why to go anywhere else when you've Asia's one of the most biggest company approaching you" Meera aunt said reading uncle's mind and while he nodded looking at her.

"Thank you uncle and aunty but, That will not be on my capabilities. And I want a job of intern, on my own capabilities" I politely denied.

"God. You women are sometimes so stubborn. Kiddo, we hire interns in our company. And you're a specialization in two fields. Won't it be an asset to our company" He asked

"And when I'll leave after six months, won't that asset become liability for your company " I questioned back

"You're manipulative. And a business woman should have this capability. But Isha, you can't manipulate me. You want to intern in a good company & I can bet you won't find anyone good even in whole freaking India better then us. God, we've some kids even from universities like Harvard & Oxford." Uncle countered

"I agree with him Isha. You want one thing right. That you don't want any special attention on your working place. You don't want people to know who you exactly are. So just think, Our company will be the one to make your internship papers & then approve them. They won't be going in any third hand. Your identity won't be revealed. It'll be a win win for you" Mihira bhabhi said and I sighed.

"I know you & dad have already plotted that against me" I pouted looking at Abeer uncle and he smiled.

"Well, I need my friend's daughter to be in safe hands. And hence I've taken the responsibility" He said and I looked at everyone.

"Okay then. I'm joining as an intern in Kapoor & Malhotra Empire" I told and everyone cheered while Mihira bhabhi hugged me excitedly.

"I'll tell Mihir's secretary to add your name in file" Meera mom told when I stopped her.

"Oh no, no ways. I'm not doing this." I abruptly said when everyone looked at me shocked.

"What? " Uncle & aunt asked at the same time.

"Why" Mihira bhabhi whined

"Because he's the boss. How did it slip out of my mind." I muttered when Uncle raised his brow.

"Did he say something to you" Uncle asked

"No uncle. But," I was saying when Vivaan bhai spoke after a long time.

"She's just a little scared" He smirked while I glared him.

"Not at all" I stated while Meera aunty chuckled.

"Don't worry. He won't scold you" Meera aunty giggled

He has already done it twice!

He's an angry hulk!

"Ishu please. Or else talk to Kabeer uncle" Vivaan bhai told and I sighed.

I'm going to talk to dad after wards.

He has literally played me here.

God! He's so manipulative!

That's not my dad!

That's Kabeer Mittal!

One who knows how to make people work according to him!

"Not him bhai please. Uncle, I'm ready to work under you "I told and uncle chuckled

" Well, I wish but young lady, I'm retired from CEOs post long time ago. And I don't take decisions any more. But don't worry. You don't have to work under him directly. You're an intern. It means he's your boss's boss's boss. " He said and I sighed.

"Ishu come on. It's only him who can help and honestly It's only him whom we can trust with you" Mihira bhabhi whispered

Oh I don't trust him because he can kill me anytime.

Just imagine, me saying anything to him which he doesn't like and he'll, stab me!

Boom! Game over!

What the hell! What are you even thinking Isha!

"He won't ever get ready for it. I'm sure he already hates me" I said muttering the last part to myself.

"Well. Leave that on me. Just join from tomorrow. And don't be late. He don't like late comers" Meera aunty told winking towards me while I looked at her surprised.

What the hell was that!

"Fine" I sighed and everyone exclaimed happily.

"All the very best. " Uncle & aunty wished and I smiled.

"Thankyou so much" I replied and after a while took my leave.

Going to pent house I got my things ready for tomorrow and then called dad.

Now I know one thing which has tk removed and I'm your daughter dad! Will do it by hook or crook!

"Trevor is not going to be there with me" I stated as soon as he picked the call.

"That point of discussion was dismissed very early" He told with a duh tone.

"Yes and I too now know why you sent me only Mumbai. So now, I'm here on my terms. No Trevor" I stated

"God Princess. Don't be stubborn. He's for your safety" He said

"God dad. Don't be stubborn. No one knows who I am" I replied in his own tone and heard him sighing.

"I'm not going to risk your safety" He told

"And well no intern can afford a body guard. Get him off me dad. At least till I become CEO. Or I'm confronting mom this instant." I warned and he groaned.

"You're impossible Isha. Fine. But then you've to promise me that you're not gonna put yourself in any kind of problem. I want your safety assurance" He stated

"I'll be alright paa. Stop worrying. I'm 24" I told

"Fine. So work from tomorrow? " He asked

"Yeah. You and Abeer uncle manipulated me a lot hah" I huffed

"Well, I trust them" He said and these words are enough for me to shut up because there are very few people for whom dad says this.

Like very very few!

"But that Angry hulk " I muttered

"Who? " He asked

"Mihir Malhotra" I mumbled again

"Ah, he's ruling the Indian market. You're going to learn so much from him. He's just copy of his father in business. And honestly, I've met him twice or thrice in some meeting or business parties, and his aura speaks discipline, power and hard work. " He said

You just forgot arrogance, anger and rudeness dad.

"Where's mom. I haven't talked to her since morning" I told

"Well, she's... Asleep. " He sai

"Why. What happened. Is she alright" I asked concerned

"She's fine. Just tired due to a long meeting. And moreover it's half past eleven in night." He told and I hummed

"Okay. You too sleep. I'm also going to bed. My boss's boss's boss hate late comers" I mocked while he chuckled bidding me good night.

After changing into my night suit, I jumped on the bed and soon sleep over powered me.

It's going to be one hell of the day tomorrow.

Hello guys! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter!

And..... Isha is going to the same office 💃😂

But, her boss's boss's boss... Is Mihir Malhotra!

And it's definitely going to be worth seeing because they both have reason to not like each other since first encounter 😂

Let's see what happens next!!

I know you all are waiting for... Mihir's POV... And... It's now gonna come! 😍

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed!

Next update soon!

Till then...

Big hugs! ❤

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