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I don't know where that idiot is busy these days. It's not like we don't talk at all but, if I call her in morning, I get the call back in evening.

And then my letter reached to her dad's hand.

Wow! The one person, I'm actually nervous talking to got the love letter that I sent to my girl friend!!

But, I didn't know she would like it so much. I still remember it was the night she came from New Orleans.


"Hey" I exclaimed as I was talking to her after about 20 hours.

"Hey" She whispered

"Isha, are you okay" I asked

"Mhm hm" She replied

"You've cried" I sighed

"No, I didn't" She whimpered

Without another word, I cut the voice call and made a video call to her.

After some rings she picked up and even though that idiot wiped the tears, her little cute button nose was red.

"What happened? " I asked when she pouted and showed me.. The letter.

Okay, my emotional wreck cried because of me!

"Who writes such a... Such a emotional letter" She cried

"Isha, baby what's so much or crying in it. " I asked and this time she sobbed, with more higher pitch.

"Isha, wait. Are you on your periods" I asked and she looked at me and then nodded

Wrong timing of a letter Malhotra!!

"Hey, it's okay sweetheart. Stop crying. Did you eat the chocolates I sent? Mom made them for you" I told and her eyes shined

"Really! Meera aunt made? They're so tasty" She exclaimed and then giggled

Isha with high emotional hormones!

"What happened? " I asked and she turned her back camera and showed me the bed.

And it had wrappers of chocolates everywhere.

"Ok.. aay! How many did you eat? " I asked

"Just half" She said and I sighed

"Keep your bed clean Isha. It looks.. Dirty" I muttered

"Yeah whatever" She mumbled

"Okay, tell me how was the letter? " I asked

"The best I could've ever got. I actually felt you sitting beside me just here, saying all that to me. I'll... Always keep that safe with me" She whispered and I smiled kissing the screen of my Mac book.

That's a small gesture I adore of Isha. Even though it's virtual, she closes her eyes when ever I virtually kiss her.

And the smile from her face, never go unnoticed by me.

"So, when am I getting the reply of my letter" I asked and she smirked

"It'll be coming to you soon ." She replied

"When " I asked excited

"Whenever the delivery person comes" She said with a duh tone

"I'm waiting" I replied

"It's not a big letter Mihir. It has just one line written in it" She told

"Still, I'm waiting" I again said and she smiled nodding.

"By the way, what were you doing in New Orleans! It's a little scope of business" I asked

"Had some work. There was one party of interest there. Had to catch it before it would've left" She told

"God Isha, you and your ways " I chuckled while she smiled

"I miss you Mihir" She whispered and I looked at her.

"Then pray that we meet soonest" I told and I'm sure the desperation was clearly visible in my eyes to see her.

"Soonest" She replied kissing the screen as we bid Good night.

Soonest God! Please, soonest!


I sighed as I looked over to the phone to see if there was any, any message from her.

Last I talked to Isha was in the morning.

She's not in India again!

And this time, I had to understand because she had some very important deals signing in Bangkok.

It was already 10 pm hence I left for home.

As I reached home mom was there giggling to something dad was saying.

"Oh here he comes. Naam liya shaitaan haazir(Think of the devil & devil comes) " Mom said ruffling my hairs while I passed her a small smile.

"God, Mihir. Stop behaving like this. We know you wanted her here tomorrow but, she must be very busy. Stop sulking" Dad stated

"Yeah sure dad" I muttered and was going when mom stopped me.

"Mihir, get freshened up. I've cooked your favorite dinner" Mom said

"Thankyou mom. But I'm not hungry" I mumbled and mom looked at dad while he sighed.

"Mihir. On dining table in ten minutes. Your mom have been waiting to eat dinner with you" He strictly said and I looked at her.

"Maa, I've told you right. Don't keep waiting for me. Eat with your husband" I said with a small smirk when he smirked more.

"I'm not waiting to say her the same. Don't wait for your son. He has his girl friend" He mocked while I sighed

"Vhi to nahi hai ( it's she who's not here) " I mumbled

"God. Stop being a wreck Mihir Malhotra" Mom snapped and that was my signal that I was irritating her now so I chuckled kissing her fore head and went to my room.

God Isha, how much I wanted you to be here!

She must be in middle of a meeting right now as it's somewhat 1:30 pm in Bangkok.

We three had our dinner and I looked at the time constantly.

11:45 pm.

Honestly, these 12 am wishes never mattered to me.

But today, I wanted just that one person in any ways and I know it's not possible.

"Mom, I'm in study. Have a pending file to look after" I told and she nodded.

"Don't sleep before 12 . At least let us wish even though you're sulking" Mom said

"Yes mom" I replied and turned my ways to go to study room.

I looked at my phone once after ten minutes but then I knew, she already cleared it that she'll just be able to leave message may be.

I sighed and took the pen in my hand from pen stand just when there was a knock on the door.

"Yes mom" I said and the door opened.

But, I was dreaming!

Yes I was!

Because it wasn't mom!

"Happy Birthday" She whispered while I was still looking at her shocked.

"That's a dream" I muttered and the figure in front of me took a tissue kept at side table and threw it on me making a ball of it.

"Ouch! " I muttered but then I looked at her.

"Should I just kick you hard to make you believe I'm here" She snapped and that's when I stood at once from the chair.

I took fast strands towards her.

"Are you for real? " I asked

She moved a bit more close to me and whispered in my ear.

"Choo kar dekh lo ( Just touch & see)" She whispered and I instantly hugged her tight.

"Happy Birthday Mihir" She wished and a small tear escaped my eye which I wiped.

"Thankyou. God, it was all your plan! " I huffed

"Yes, I made a fool out of you" She as usual mocked clicking out her tongue and I chuckled kissing her fore head.

"But then, your picture from jet" I asked confused

"Old photo idiot" She smirked and I sighed

"You're such a bad ass" I huffed and she chuckled kissing my cheek.

"I was dying to see you today Isha. Thankyou for coming. I love you" I professed and the next instant I was pulled into a kiss.

It came as a small shock but then I grabbed her by her waist, closed the door and kissed her more passionately.

The urgency, the wait, the love and the seperation of these five months, the kiss said it all.

I've never seen Isha holding me so tight as she was today.

"I..missed you" She whispered as a tear left her eye.

"More! Much more" I sighed and hugged her tight while she fitted perfect in my arms.

"I've something for you" She said and I looked at her.

"You're enough for me" I replied and she looked at me and grinned.

"What? " I asked

"Butterflies" She told and I chuckled kissing her fore head.

"But I really have a surprise. Don't be a spoilt and come" She said

"Wait, mom & dad knew right? " I asked

"Duh! I was in guest room since last hour and I listened all your blah blah" She said and I raised my brow.

"You all really made a fool out of me" I told and she laughed while holding my hand and took me to the lift.

"Close your eyes" She said

"I'll fall" I told

"I'll not let you fall. Never" She replied and I looked at her blue eyes which shined and I trusted her without blinking.

She put her palms over my eyes and I closed them.

Soon the lift dinged and she took me out.

"Three... Two... One...Surprise" She whispered removing her palms.

"Isha wh..." I was saying as I opened my eyes but the scene in front of me made my words die inside only.

My eyes couldn't even believe what I was seeing.

I looked at Isha and she blinked her eyes.

I looked at mom & dad and they did the same while mom had tears in her eyes.

And then I looked at the two people on front of me.

Avika & Vikram.

"I'm sorry" I whispered the same word that I say whenever there's even her mention.

And the same instant she ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry" I said as tears left my eyes.

"No. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" She cried

"Hey, look at me. Please don't cr.. " I was saying but her words ran in my ears.

You've lost the right to wipe my tears!

"I.. I didn't know the whole story and I.. Judged you. I'm sorry Mihir" She sobbed and I didn't think of anything else before wiping her tears now.

"No.. I'm sorry. It was all my mistake. I did such stupid things that I ruined your life" I cried and she denied yet cried.

"My life is standing right there. Right here. In all of you" She said

"I didn't loose anyone. " She added and I hugged her more tightly.

"I missed you Avi di" I said and she looked at me and then wiped my tears.

"My little Mihir. My Best Friend" She whispered

It's the second time in my life I've said her di!

"I thought I lost you" I snivelled

"She didn't let that happen" She said pointing Isha and she smiled turning and wiped her tears while mom hugged her.

"Happy Birthday Mihir" Vikram said and I looked at him and then went near him.

I sighed and joined my hands.

"I'm Sorry. As much I've ruined Avika's life, I ruined yours. Much more. I'm a sinner, but if possible forgive me" I apologised

"Mihir. No one ruined anyone. These months, was a test. A test that we both passed. Look, I still love her, just like before. And her eyes, still shines, just like before. The power of love Mihir. And you were concerned about your best friend, your sister. You had all the rights" He said

"But my ways were wrong" I sighed

"But where were you. I found you in whole states" I asked

"New Orleans" He replied and I nodded but then looked at Isha shocked.

"You... " I whispered and she smiled shrugging her shoulders.

"That was your meeting at New Orleans" I asked and she smiled.

"Okay people. Let by gones be by gones. You three are starting fresh. Lemme introduce you all. Mihir Malhotra, it's Avika Khanna & Vikram Singh Rathore. And Avika & Vikram, he's Mihir Malhotra, the bore" She said with a mocking tone at end when everyone laughed while she smiled.

"You haven't wished me Avika. And you both two" I said to mom and dad

"Happy birthday" They all said in unison and hugged me.

"I got my Avi back mom. We got our Avi back" I sobbed hugging mom while she wiped my tears.

"Yes! " She said with a chuckle bht tears were in her eyes too.

"Let's cut the cake. I'm waiting for it since ages" Isha whined and we all looked at her and chuckled.

I cut the cake and fed everyone while when I looked at Isha... I mouthed a thankyou to her.

"She's amazing" Avika said and I looked at her.

"Very very much" I replied and Avi looked at me..

"My my. So much love" She teased

"How am I going to ever repay what she had done for me today" I asked

"Just, make her every wish come true. Love her so, so much that this smile never fades away" She said pointing to Isha who was talking to dad on don't know what topic.

Dad was listening to her while kept speaking and laughing.

"She has given me my life back Avi. She has given me you back. She has made me love myself. How can I even let that smile go away" I told and she smiled hugging me while I hugged her tighter.

"Where is Mihira? " She asked

"She's in Noida for a case. Will be here tomorrow" I told

"Okay guys. Enough for today. It's 2 am" Mom said and I looked at Isha gesturing her to come near.

She smiled at Vikram whom she was talking to and them nodded coming towards me.

"To my room then? " I smirked while her eyes grew wider and cheeks red.

"Excuse me" She exclaimed such that everyone started looking at us.

"Isha. What happened? " Dad asked

"Uncle. He's saying me to go to h.." She was speaking when I put my palm on her mouth.

"Not go to home. Pent house I mean. She can stay here " I said and she looked at me while I glared her.

"Mihir. Remove your hand" Dad commanded and I nodded gesturing her to not utter a word.

She's going to get me killed by my own parents!

"Yes of course. She isn't going. And what are you telling. I've told her this before hand only. " Mom said with a duh tone and I sighed nodding.

"You three, take three rooms" Dad told and Vikram looked at Avika while I chuckled.

"What are you laughing Mihir. Three rooms means Isha too in another room" Vikram mocked while I looked at Isha and she time she laughed.

"Guys. I'm very sleepy now. I'll take my guest room" Isha smirked and was going winking at me while I looked at her with a sad face.

"Wait. I.. Want to talk to you about a... Deal. Yes. Business deal. You can sleep after ten minutes" I lied

"Mihir listen.. " Dad called and I looked at him.

"Son, esa hai na ki jis class mai tum padh rahe ho, mai principal tha us school ka(The class you're studying in, I was principal of that school) " He mocked and everyone laughed while I scratched the back of my neck.

"Fine. Good night everyone" I said and looked at Isha narrowing my eyes while she hid her smile.

Sighing, I came to my room and looked over my phone which was filled with wishes from my contacts.

But today, all what mattered was those five minutes.

Isha entering my room wishing me, and giving me the best surprise ever.

No one has any idea that what burden I was carrying since these months.

That burden which got so heavy that I almost forgot there's even a life to live.

But then, this girl came in my life, made me fall for her. Told me that still there's life and today...

Today, she made me burden free!

Not just my love but my respect increased thousand folds for her!

You know...

It's kinda wierd but before her, I used to be fine when I was alone. But now that I have her in my life...

I feel Lonely... When I'm alone!

That's may be, another definition of love!!


Hello dear readers! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So a long time.. I know 😅

Can't help guys, I'm occupied by so many things and works!!

But yet, I try to write as much I can and here I'm with another chapter!

So... Isha is finally here!

And.. The surprise she bought with herself, I was even teary eyed while reading it again🥺❤

Avika is back! Mihir Got his first best friend!!

Mihir got his Avi ❤❤

But... How did this happen! We'll see in next chapter!!


Happy Birthday To Mihir 🥀❤❤

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed 😍

Next update soon!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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