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I didn't want anything else from God other then what I saw today.

This... This happiness of Mihir!

That face of him where his expressions told that now he's free of every guilt and every burden of his past.

And well, I came Mumbai in evening and told everything to uncle and aunt.

Avika apologised to Abeer uncle too for saying mean things to him in her anger.

And honestly, Avika is an amazing person! And the way I see Vikram with her, I feel so good because they both are meant to be together.

I remember Mihir's reaction when he saw me first.

Love! I could see that in his eyes! His body language, his expressions!

How did I get so lucky!

But the best moment for me today was, When Mihir got his Avi back!

I saw the way Mihir's eyes begged sorry just like his tongue rolled out this word sorry!

I could see the pain in his eyes and the happiness after everything sorted out.

But, right now I was sitting inside this guest room and was getting... Well bored.

I sighed and was opening room's door to go to kitchen for ice cream when I bumped into a tall.. Wall!

I was about to shout but before that a palm came to my mouth stopping me from shouting.

I looked at the person and then raised my brow.

"Shut up. " He muttered before I could say anything.

He closed the door with help of his back and I really wanted to laugh at the way he did it.

I tried to speak but someone actually forgot that they had to remove he palm.

And hence I did what actually people should do.

"Ouch" He shrieked as I bit his palm and it was instantly removed.

"What the fuck" He muttered jerking his hand while I giggled

"You bit me Isha" He added

"Because you were lost and weren't removing your palm" I said

"Ugh. Kid" He mumbled

"What are you doing here at this time. " I asked

"I.. Wanted to see you" He said

"What! Are you mad. What if anyone see you right now. Oh God, I don't want to get  teased. Go away mister" I told trying to push that hulk!


"Ugh! You're heavy" I whined when in another second I was in air and a small shriek left my mouth.

"Sush. You don't wanna wake them up" He whispered in my ear and I blushed as I looked at him and he gestured me to open the door knob.

"Mihir. Put me down please. Anyone will see" I exclaimed

"The girl who walks around behaving like a lioness is today behaving like a coward cat" He mocked

"Yes because it's not my home. What will Meera aunt and Abeer uncle think" I muttered pointing towards kitchen and he nodded walking there.

"Sush. Who's even telling them" He asked

"Duffer, jerk, ass! You're roaming around your mansion with me in your arms. Anyone can see" I groaned while he used his one hand opening refrigerator and taking out what I wanted.


"Two things! Next time you call me with such names, I'll throw you into pool with ice cold water." He warned and I chuckled but he narrowed his eyes and I hid my grin.

"Second, no one will see. We're going to my room" He added and before I could say he walked upstairs.

As we reached his room, he carefully put me down and locked the door.

"Mihir... " I whined

"Isha. Dad is the one who wakes up before mom. The time is 6:00 am. Home staff comes at 6:00 am. Mom wakes up around 7:00 am. And...since we were late today, it's going to be a bit delayed. Then too, you can go to the room by 5:45 am. Okay" He explained and I looked at him and then smiled nodding.

"Happy Birthday" I grinned and he chuckled kissing my fore head.

"Come" He whispered and I nodded jumping on the bed and he glared me while I looked away.

He came to the bed and sat resting himself with the head board of bed and then suddenly pulled me between his legs while I gasped.

"Mihir" I whispered when he hummed.

Ugh! Can I already kiss him!

I sighed and smiled because, I was feeling peace right now.

"I missed you" I whispered while he hugged me from behind.

"How did you do this Isha? He asked and I tilted my head looking at him.

" Do what? "I asked back and he raised his brow.

Oh okay!

"That's a long story!" I said

"We've whole night" He replied

"Okay then. Listen. You remember the day you told me everything in Jaipur?" I asked and he nodded

"After you came back here, I one day was sitting and thinking about this. I never Saw Avika but I knew one thing. Avika was more angrier on you because she thought she lost Vikram forever. And Vikram left because Avika told him to do so in anger! Right? " I asked and he hummed.

"So, If Vikram would've come back. So would've Avika. And the way you told me everything, I knew that Vikram loved Avika a lot. So.. Rather then focusing on Avika, I focused on Vikram" I told and Mihir looked at me.

"And where did you find him? " He asked

"New Orleans as I told" I replied

"But how? No one knew where he was. I myself tried finding him so much but couldn't " He again asked

"I searched for Vikram Singh Rathore on internet. And I saw how he looked.  And basically got to knew about him from internet as much as I could. And from the time you told me the name was ringing that I've read it somewhere in last one year only but I wasn't able to process it for a hell lot of time. But then suddenly, it clicked me all of a sudden one day when I was eating Ice cream" I grinned

"What's even the relation of this and Ice cream Isha" He said a bit annoyed

"Because I was eating ice cream at Aayush uncle's home. And his living room has a one very big painting" I told

"What does that relate. Can you break the suspense already Isha" He asked

"Well, on the bottom of the painting there was this name. Vikram Singh Rathore" I told ad he looked at me.

"Vikram didn't remove his any id from any social site. And on his every social site his bio stated... Paint brush is my peace" I revealed and he looked at me with wide expressions.

"The painting was made by Vikram" He mumbled and I nodded

"I asked Anna aunt where she got it from. Because Anna aunt is an interior designer. And she picks out things for home very keenly yet very unique. She told me that she got it from a dealer in Louisiana. So I took the contact of that dealer and sent it to Trevor and told him to find out the details of Vikram Singh Rathore from that dealer. That dealer was really a hard nut to crack because he always sent back Trevor with one answer. We don't give details of our artists to random people" I told

"Then, how did you get it" He asked

"When I told Trevor to buy all the beautiful paintings from him and in return just one answer" I smirked

"Finally I got the address somedays back. And that was my meeting in New Orleans" I added

" And there was no meeting in Bangkok" He huffed and I denied.

"How did you bring him Isha." He asked

"Went to him. Told him who I am. What I'm to you. He was angry. Honestly angry on you in start" I told and started narrating whatever happened.


"Hey! Is that Vikram Singh Rathore's house? " I asked when the lady looked at me and nodded.

"Who's he? " She asked as she saw Trevor.

"Oh, he's.. My brother. Don't worry" I replied and she nodded.

"Wait. I'll call Vikram. He's my tenant." She told and I nodded looking around.

There were many pictures hanging and I'm sure this lady is fan of his works.

"Hello Miss! " A voice came and I turned around.

"Isha Mittal" He whispered

"Glad to know that you know me Mr. Rathore" I smiled

"Who doesn't! You're on business news now a days" He said gesturing me to sit and I nodded gesturing Trevor to go outside.

"You've quiet a good knowledge about business" I told

"Ms. Mittal, when you've came searching for me in such a small city all the way from India then I'm sure you know a lot about me" He asked

"Smart. So, I'll directly come to the point Mr. Rathore. I'm here because of Mihir" I said and he looks at me.

For a few moments he kept looking at me as I saw his jaw clench.

"Why are you here. Did he send you! How did he find me. And more then all that please go before I have to force you to go away from the house " He gritted his teeth.

"He's not what you th.. " I was saying before which he spoke.

"I don't wanna listen. Just go" He warned

"What is wrong with you Vikram Singh Rathore. I'm saying something and I won't go before I complete what I've to say! " I yelled and he looked at me

"Just ten minutes Mr. Rathore and if you think I've wasted your time, I'll go by myself. But please just for once listen" I asked

"Please" I whispered and he sighed and nodded.

"First thing. Mihir hasn't sent me here. I'm here by my own. He doesn't even  know that you're here or I'm here with you right now. I swear" I swore and he nodded looking away.

"I... I'm Mihir's..let it go. I know about everything what happened Vikram. Whatever happened was hell wrong. I know that. I t was really wrong. But Mihir isn't a wrong person. He's a good person Mr. Rathore. Just his ways weren't good. But he regrets it. Everyday! He has lost his best friend.  And it's paining him. The guilt of seperating you two is paining him" I told

"So what Isha! Did it do anything correct. I too lost my Avika because of him. I lost the love of my life because of him. I don't know where she's. Is she good or bad. Hell I don't even know if she's ali.. I.. Don't know anything" He angrily said

"She's fine Vikram. It's just, just like you she isn't happy. " I sighed and narrated him whatever Mihir told me that day while revealing his past.

When I completed, He looked at me with teary eyes.

"There was nothing in those papers" He asked

"Nothing at all. He wasn't ever going to do what you both thought. He just wanted to make sure that you're not lying and you love Avika as much as you said. There was nothing in those papers Vikram" I told

"And..we all are suffering this" He said

"I know there would've been another way but, he chose this. That doesn't mean he's a bad person. A good person sometimes makes bad choices but that doesn't mean the person is bad. But he's guilty every single day Vikram & I can't let this happen" I whispered as small tear left my eye.

"Why didn't Avika listen" He asked

"Because actually Avika was in her own guilt after Mihir told that you denied any deals. She was afraid how to even face you. " I told and he sighed

"Is she...still... Single? " He asked

"The last time Mihir went, she was. But, it was more then half an year ago" I mumbled

"What if she doesn't want... " He was saying when I spoke.

"She loves you. Mihir used to say me that you both will never stop loving each other. So how can you give up. You're sulking here since somewhat an year or more. Making paintings defining your broken heart" I snapped

"How.. Do you know" He asked

"My aunt, Anna aunty is having your painting at her home. That's how I found you. And listen Vikram, life doesn't give everyone another chance to find the same love in same person again! It has given you the chance. So grab it. Before it's too late... And you sulk here for your whole life making sad paintings"I mocked when he sighed but then smiled.

"Where is she? " He asked

"Dharmshala. Himachal Pradesh. Let's go" I said

"Okay Isha! wait! I live here. It'll take a bit time. Tickets and all " He said

"It won't! I've my jet. We're landing directly to nearest airport and then drive there. " I stated

He nodded and soon after he packed some of his stuff we were in jet.

I told him so many things that Mihir told me about but kept the parts that Avika would tell him by herself.

"Why doing so much for Mihir Isha. There must be a very close connection" He asked smirking

"He's.. My.. Boy Friend " I mumbled

"I'm happy for him" He said

"You aren't angry with him? " I asked surprised

"I was. In the start. But then I knew, Mihir is possessive person and Avi wasn't just his best friend but like a sister. And which brother won't be possessive for his sister. And then, Mine & Mihir's rivalry used to be current affairs those days. As you said Isha, he wasn't wrong, his way was wrong." He said

"You're a good person" I smiled

"And you're very good person" He replied and I chuckled

Soon we were at the nearest airport to Dharamshala and hailed a cab going there.

Just like Mihir told me before, I knew that there is a main circle here hence we went there and on a small refreshment shop I asked the man very simple question!

"Where does Ishaan lives? " I asked

"That small boy ?" He questioned back and I nodded

"House number 4 on the left corner" He answered

"Okay. Thankyou. Gimme some chocolates too... And ice cream" I said and Vikram looked at me.

"Ah don't judge me. I won't eat alone" I whined

"You ate four ice creams till here since we left New Orleans" He said

"Never say no to chocolates and desserts" I grinned but his face was showing a like of tension.

"What happened? " I questioned

"What if... She's not here now! What if.. She's... Married? " He asked

"Let's hope for the best" I mumbled

We went to the told address and rang the bell.

A women in her mid thirties opened the door.

"Yes? " She asked

"Am.. We're here to meet.. Avika.." I told and she looked at me and then at Vikram.

"Vikram... " She whispered while we both looked at each other shocked.

"How.. Do you know me? " He asked

"Annie, I mean..Avika told me about you. Come inside. Sit. I'll call her" She said

We both sat on the couch as she called Avika.

"Yes aunty. What happ... " She was saying before which her words died inside her mouth.

She looked just at the person beside me while.. Wait.. When did he stand up!

I too stood up and looked at the facial expressions being exchanged between both of them.

"Speak" I nudged Vikram and he may be came back to the senses.

"Avi" He whispered and Avika didn't take a second more to come running down stairs.

"Vikram" She cried and hugged him tightly as her life depended on him.

And the hero here too didn't react shocked now and hugged his woman tightly.

I and aunty looked at each other and smiled as we both were witnessing this beautiful moment!

"I missed you! Why did you leave huu! Just because I told you to leave you left. Why" She sobbed punching his chest lightly.

"I shouldn't have. I should've fought with you! I should've make you stay and say everything whatever happened." Vikram said and she nodded.

"I.. I'm sorry Vikram. I'm so sorry! I judged you! I...didn't even give you a  chance to speak. Everyone deserves a chance. I acted abruptly and made decision. I'm so so sorry! " She cried

"It's okay! It's totally fine. It's you whom I've always loved. I do and I'll always do. Just don't go away from me this time" He whispered and she nodded

"Never ever. I promise. Never" She said and hugged him again.

I smiled when I saw a message on the phone.

When are you coming back! I'm missing you!

I smiled turning the screen off and found Avika looking at me.

"Isha Mittal.. " She said and I smiled

"One and only" I told

"How.. You're.. Wait. You were with him. What's going on? " She asked confused and that's when Vikram narrated her everything.

"I.. He tried contacting me a lot of times. But, he was wrong in what he did to me.. To both of us. Do you think it's easy? Loosing your best friend? I lost him too because of himself. I lost my love because of him. Why he did that." She whispered as tears left her eyes again.

"I'm.. Not taking his side or anything Avika. All I'm saying is, just keep yourself once in his shoes and think. And I'm not saying this because I know him. I'm saying this because I've seen him keeping himself in your shoes every day. There isn't a day when he doesn't feel guilty of what he did. His heart is heavy with this one guilt Avika. You too know his intentions weren't wrong. Please forgive him! Because I know one thing! These tears does not leave the eyes if the person isn't close to you. He's still that close to you. I know that! So don't punish him and yourself. Think about it." I said and she looked at me and then Vikram.

"She's right Avika. And you said right, everyone deserves a chance!" He told

"I'm not angry on him. I was hurt! But you're right! He's.. My best friend! How can I leave him. I.. Knew the face with which he went from here. " She whispered

"He didn't come home for a month after that Avika. He went to Paris. Leaving everyone of us here. Leaving me alone. You might have been right in all but he begged to you for one chance." I said looking at her and she looked away.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed

"Just.. Give Mihir his Avi back. He's incomplete without you. Give Meera aunt & Abeer uncle their second daughter back. Please" I asked joining my hands and she  came and hugged me tight as tears left my eyes.

"I became selfish right" She lamented

"It's okay to be selfish. But not now. It's his birthday tomorrow." I told and she nodded

"I know!" She said and I smiled

"So, you're ready to forgive him? " I asked

"As much Mihir wants his Avi back... This Avika too wants her Mihir back." She said and I hugged her tightly smiling.

"Thank you for everything. Thankyou for being there for Mihir" She added

"Chocolate? " I offered and she looked at me and then chuckled.

"He's very very close to you right " She asked

"H.. How do you know? " I asked surprised

"You're wearing an over sized T shirt. Which is brand. It's two year old T shirt. I gave him on his..last birthday we celebrated together" She told

"Oh My God. I never saw the name. I.. Hope you don't mind me wearing this" I mumbled

"No. Not at all. I'm glad that he finally found someone. And knowing Mihir he doesn't share his clothes with anyone! Specially the t shirts! So, I can guess how much special you're for him" She said and I smiled

I looked at aunty who was looking at us with happy tears.

"Thankyou! For taking care of her" I thanked and she smiled.

"I'll pack your stuff" She said

"I'll miss you" Avika whispered hugging her.

"Me too. But promise me you'll talk to your parents first" She demanded and Avika nodded.

"I will but I don't know how to face them. I don't even know how to face Abeer uncle. I said something about him that I didn't ever mean" She cried

"It's okay! Everything will be fine. Let's go! It's already 6 pm. And I wanna surprise him." I told excited and everyone chuckled

Soon we bid bye to the land lady and were again in my private jet.

This time me reading a book while giving privacy to the couple!

At 7 pm we reached Mumbai and went directly to Malhotra mansion.

Aunty & uncle were too shocked to react but the happiness I was looking at faces was such peace providing.

I told my whole plan to everyone and with that we went to the guest room at the last corner of mansion.

"Isha.. " Avika spoke

"Yes" I asked

"I'm so happy that you're in Mihir's life. He got lucky" She said

Before I could say anything I heard honk of the car and I smiled looking at her.

"Me too! " I replied


Hola guys! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter!

For me, this will always be one of the most beautiful chapter because the efforts Isha showed...the things Isha did just for Mihir... ❣️

So this is how Isha came with Avika & Vikram! ❤

And now... It's gonna be Mihir' birthday 😉

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed!

Next update soon!!

Till then...
Big hugs ❤❤

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