'She's Here'

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Mahir's POV

I woke up again with a heavy head.
It was Sunday so I couldn't even go to office but I had another important thing for today.

I opened my phone. It had become my routine to see Surbhi's photo firstly after getting up and before going to bed.

I know I wasn't totally right by not telling her anything.  But I'm doing this for her good only. She'll be happy by not having a friend like me in her life.

But yeah.. She'll be the first and you'll be the last girl I've loved.

I hardly pray for anyone but today I was going to Cathedral just to pray for her and her happiness.

I went to bathroom and then came out. I wore my tuxedo and went downstairs.

"Sir your breakfast is ready" The cook told and I nodded having my breakfast.

After this I had to attend a video conference so I did the same. It wad already 2 pm and then went outside.

Richard my driver came there.

"Sir where " Asked Richard

" Nowhere. Give me the keys. I'll drive myself " I told

" Okay sir" he replied

I sat in my Lamborghini and firstlyi had my lunch outside but honestly it was just so that my work won't be affected due to health otherwise I had no intentions of even eating.

And then I drove to the Cathedral.

The nearest was St. Paul's Cathedral so I drove there onyl.

It is believed that whatever you pray here is listened directly by God and it come true.

I went inside. There were very few people. I went in the front.
I was standing there.

"From where to start. You know everything. I never blamed you for anything. I never asked you for anything. I accepted what you gave me. Never complained you about anything. But today I have a complain.. Today I'm blaming you for something. Today I am asking you something. 
My life was just going. I was living just for the sake of my family and their happiness. I never thought of my happiness. I never even asked you for that.  But then you sent Surbhi. A girl who was able to make Mahir Maheshwari Smile. Why did you sent her in my life when, When you know I..I can't make her happy. She is a girl who deserves each ounce of happiness in life. I am here today only for one thing. Just to make one wish.
Please.. Please make her happy. Do give her all the happiness she deserves.  Don't make her sad. Make her smile. Give her every reason to smile.. Forever.  I know I love her. But my love for her is selfless. I.. I'll be happy seeing  her happy.  She deserves to be cooed.. She deserves someone who'll pamper her all the life... I... I think I'm not like that... I am not even a good friend... So how can I...
I'm just praying you to give her everything. You've done what you wanted to do with me. I didn't even complained a single time for that. I'll never complain for it.. But just make her happy."  I prayed to God.

"Child. Have faith in God. He'll do everything good" came the bishop and blessed

"I have faith in one who of course have faith in him and I'm here asking for her happiness only " I replied to bishop

"Child. Your love is selfless and your love will get everything  in which her happiness resides" he told

It looked as if his words meant something.

I nodded and went towards entrance.

Surbhi just be happy wherever you are. I'm sorry for not replying and not talking to you..but believe me its  for your good only. You are a pure soul..a good soul and you don't deserve a person like me in your life.

I came towards my car, When I found out that I've forgotten my keys in the cathedral itself.

I sighed and went inside while fidgeting with my phone in my hand dialing a number when suddenly I collided with someone.

My phone dropped from my hands.

As soon as my hands touched with her...A sudden spark arose in my hand.

The same touch...

The same unexpectedly increased heart beats yet heart at peace after so long.

And next thing I know was, I holding her protectively. 

She was about to fall on the ground but I engulfed her between my hands.

 Was I dreaming ?

Was she really Surbhi or it's just me hallucinating.

My eyes were constantly seeing her without even a single blink.

Surbhi... are you really here ? Am I...

"Ma...Mahh...Mahir" she whispered before I could think anything else.

No ! I was not dreaming. She was for real. Everything  near me froze. Everything was still. I was still.

 She was standing, actually she was engulfed in between my arms. How much I wanted to hold her like this only..but.. I couldn't.

My senses knocked in when she tried to stand properly. I removed my hands from her waist. Her face was
pale & teary. She was crying.

  Idiot ... she is crying.

 But why is she crying!!

Was she okay!!

What has happened to her.

She looked pale. The shine on her face was low. The smile that I always used to see on her face was no where to be seen.
It looked as if she's not having a proper sleep.

"Surb.." I tried to say but before I could say anything  I got a tight hard slap on my right cheek.

 Is she crazy!!! How dare she slap me.

Oh she has all the rights!!!

"What the hell Sur.." I tried to say a bit angrily but she cut me off.

"Mahir Maheshwari. What do you think of your self ? I know you don't care about whatever happened but I hope you at least have some sense to reply to anyone's message. Are you for real Mahir ? You didn't even think of anything. You didn't even for once think of me. I was hell worried if you were okay or not. Were you alright or not. I was waiting for your message since these days and you...you even didn't care to tell me just two words that I'm okay. But no. You don't think of anyone. Not even your friends.  I know I'm no one to you but at least for once you could've messaged me and said you are okay. How could you do this" she shouted

No..No..Mahir...You don't have to go back from your decision.

Be away from her life.

"Why do you care, wherever I'm, how I am & who are you to ask me such questions. And how the hell did you slap me. You are no one to ask me about my whereabouts and don't show this care to me" I snapped

These words were so so much painful and difficult for me to say.
I myself don't know what I was doing but I was just saying all this.

I saw Surbhi standing there at her place looking shocked at me. No one of us spoke for a minute but then she looked at me with hurt.

"Ye..yeah. Yeah. You're right. Who am I to you ? Sorry. I forget I'm no one to you. I forgot I was never.. Nothing to you.. I'm sorry for wasting your time.. And asking you all this questions. I've no right to ask you all this. I'm sorry. You, You can slap me again. And worry not. You'll never have to see my face again. Sorr...sorry Mahir...Mahir Maheshwari"  Surbhi sniffled running towards entrance wiping her tears.

"What are you doing my child. The one for whose happiness you were praying before... You are making her cry. Don't repeat the mistake again. Go stop her and ask her for the forgiveness before it's too late " The bishop said.

He's right. 

What am I doing ?

The one whom I want to see happy.. I'm myself making her sad and because of me she's crying and because of me she's in this state.

Mahir.. Stop her. Stop her before it's too late !!!


Hey guys... Hope you all are doing great..

So how's book going on till now... Hope you are loving it...

What's gonna happen now? Is Mahir going to tell her everything? 🥺

Let's see what's next!

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Update soon!!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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