Chapter 21

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Nandini's POV

We had called it a night because when Manik had finally got to checking his phone, he had received some innumerable calls from his home. And he had called himself an orphan. Seriously?! Idiot.

I had somehow, after a lot of difficulty, managed to push him home, but not before ensuring he had another cup of coffee so he wouldn't sleep on his way

As I took the bed, I again revisited the happiest night of my life. It was all happening so fast. Just the evening before, I was worried about Soha and what she had said and now, the guy she had claimed to be hers was mine. I couldn't help and smile at the irony. But if his happiness was me, then he was getting me. No two ways about that

Just then I heard my phone beep and I knew who it was even before I picked it up


*As If I'll get any sleep today. Presuming you reached home safe?*

*Yep yep. Five minutes back*

*Good. Sleep now. Good night baby*

*Baby and all haan. Btw, I am already missing you*

* :-( Awwww.. Me toooooo. We'll meet first thing tomorrow*

*Cant wait BABY ;-). Ill come and pick you up and we'll go to college together*

Together?? Did he just write that? I called him

"Even you are missing my voice?" was the first thing he asked. I laughed at his cute antics

"Manik, you are damn adorable. But listen, how can we go to college together?"

"Why? You have a problem being seen with me?" he teased

"Shut up, Manik. What I meant was that none of our friends know about us. They don't even know we are friends yet – forget..."

"Forget? Yesss.... what are we, Nandini?" he was in no mood to get serious


"Alright alright. Listen, we have to tell them someday so why not tomorrow? I don't want to complicate things for us by hiding it from them. I want to hold your hand when I feel like"

How could anyone not love this guy? I thought to myself but I still wasn't sure of their reaction – especially Abhimanyu

He continued, "Dont worry. We'll figure a way to tell Abhi" He had guessed the real cause of my worry

I simply said "I love you, Manik"

"And I love you right back, BABY. HAHA"

"Sleep now, smartass. Ill see you tomorrow. Good night" and we hung up.

After rethinking about the night for a millionth time, I drifted off to sleep


Manik's POV

I couldn't wait to see her but the Mumbai traffic didn't seem to understand my frustration. A thousand snails would have passed my car as I waited and waited to see my girl

Finally, after a lot of cursing and cussing and horns and fights, I reached her building but nope, as if life could be that simple. Here I was desperate to see her but she was taking her own sweet time to get ready

I was still muttering angrily when she walked out of her building – looking as beautiful as ever and I immediately forgot I was supposed to be pissed and fell hopelessly in love all over again

"Hi Manik" she said brightly as she got into the car

"Hi baby" and kissed her cheeks.

She blushed, smiling even more brightly (as if that was even possible)

"Let's go?" and she just nodded

We spent the journey discussing just how to tell everyone about it, predicting their reactions. Yep, all her idea. I would have much rather discussed something much more meaningful but since when did boyfriends ever get their way. Even then, I must admit, I loved listening to her plan as she weighed all the permutations and combinations - as if her life dependent on it

We got to college in no time, much to my chagrin. Where was the traffic when you needed one?!

She took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. I walked up to her and held her hand to lead her into college

"Wait" she stopped me

"Nandini, will you please relax? This isn't an interview"

"No Manik, I was thinking. Maybe we should tell Abhimanyu separately. Dont you think he deserves to know before everyone else?

Hmm..sometimes, FINE, most of the time she made sense! I nodded in agreement and said "I actually think you should go talk to him. I think he will appreciate that more"

"WHAT? Me alone?!" she exclaimed 

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