Chapter 22

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Nandini's POV

"Yes. Nandini, you are his sister and he feels responsible for you since the time you have shifted to Mumbai. I think he ought to know the truth from you"

URRGGHHH....I hated it when he was right! He had literally pushed me into the ravens and walked to the canteen; leaving me to face it all alone! Alright, I was being melodramatic but comeon, how do I go and tell Abhi that I am madly in love with someone I met a few days back?

Go for it, Nandini. I self-motivated myself as I began the search for Abhi, somewhere hoping and praying that he hadn't come to college. But nope, there he was – frantically waving and running towards me

"Breathe in breathe out, Nandini" I muttered to my own self as he joined me

"Nandini, I am so sorry. I didn't even check on you yesterday. I completely forgot that you had shifted to Mumbai. The weather was so horrible and now I feel terrible for not being there. It was only when I saw you now did I remember" he gushed on

"Abhimanyu, relax" I said. Yay! he had given me a window

"I got home safe and sound. Thanks to..." I took a deep breath "..Manik"

Yep, got the reaction that was expected – of astonishment and confusion and shock

"MANIK?" he asked "He dropped you home?"

"Yes. Not only did he drop me home but he also stayed back to ensure I was fine. You know, he has been helping me with my studies and exams also. He has been so sweet to me, Abhi. He is seriously a sweetheart - so caring, so loving, so warm" It was my turn to ramble on

"Wait. Are we talking about the same Manik?

"Yes, Abhi. Your friend, Manik". Realization slowly hit him

"Nandu, is there something going on between you two?" and I nodded, not really looking into his eyes; waiting for him to react

But it didn't come. I turned to him but he just kept staring at me

"Abhi. Are you alright? I know its too much to take in and its a little fast but..."

And he just hugged me with such a force that I almost fell "Nandini, I couldn't have asked for a better guy for you" he said "Manik is one of the most misunderstood guys around here but I know that he is a gem of a person and you guys absolutely deserve each other"

Now it was my turn to get shocked! "You mean, you are completely fine with it"

"Fine with it?" he broke the hug "Am super thrilled with this"

Wow. It was that simple. This was it! My life was sorted. Abhi was okay with it. How did my life change so much so suddenly?

"Nandu", Abhi shook me out of my thoughts " I need to know the ENTIRE story. Wow, its unbelievable - I mean MANIK?  I am still to get my head around this. Whoever thought the two of you would get along? And  MANIK," he again repeated "Off all the people?! WOW! Btw, where is he?"

"In the canteen. Waiting for us so we can tell everyone else" I smiled

"Oooooo. This I cannot wait for" his face lit up "Let's go" and we headed to the canteen for a season 2 of the Manik-Nandini declaration series

*sorry for the small update but the reactions from all his friends, especially Soha will make for a slightly long one and I need sometime to draft it. Will update it by tomorrow for sure*

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