Chapter 28

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Nandini's POV

I rushed outside, wondering how will I even get to college at this time of the night. I had a car but I was learning and wasn't confident enough to drive

Just then I ran into Abhi and Aaliya in my building lobby. I had completely forgotten they were around

"Nandini" Abhi panicked looking at my face "What's wrong"

"I...need to get right now. Manik...has called me there" I said, panting heavily.

"At this time? Is he mad?"Aaliya exclaimed "Don't be silly, Nandini. Ask him to come over here"

But my mind refused to listen to any logic. All I knew was that I had to get to meet him as soon as possible "No, please. I just need to get there"

"Ok, relax. I'll drive you there" Abhi said

"But Soha? Where is she?" they were so clueless

"Ill explain on the way" I reasoned with them. I couldn't waste any more time on that stupid girl

Abhi drove, crossing all speed limits, on my insistence. As worried as I was, I still narrated the entire incident with Soha. Aaliya immediately had tears in her eyes . Even in my desperate state, I told her it wasn't her fault. Poor thing...imagine being used by your best friend.

"Soha did this all intentionally. She wanted to see you in a state of despair and that's why she insisted that we come to your place" she muttered

But Abhi as usual was worried about me "Nandini, don't worry. If I know Manik, he wont get caught in this trap. He will be with you. Just trust him"

Inspite of me, I got a little worried. Of course I trusted him but I still couldn't help but get a little anxious of what was awaiting me. Soha's expression when she spoke to me and her confidence somewhere had started taking a toll on me but I shook all the negative thoughts away. No, Manik will not leave least not him!

Just then we reached college and I jumped out. After reiterating it wasn't Aaliya's fault and assuring Abhi of my safety, I ran in a speed I never thought I could achieve, up the stairs to our passageway. I didn't even spare a thought to think how the college was open at this ungodly hour in the night

I reached, breathless and gasping and was going to call out to him, when I felt him crashing against my body, submerging my petite little body in his strong bulky arms

Stunned, I didn't know how to react

"Nandini" I heard him whisper

I managed to wriggle out of his bone crushing hug and finally asked "Manik, are you alright? What happened to you? Why did you call me here?"

To which he just smiled and did what had now become a habit with him – collided his lips with mine. I wanted to resist, ask him a zillion questions but he overpowered me in no time. Somewhere deep down inside, I was relieved – at least "We" were okay. Soha had not managed to seep in through our relationship. He wasn't going to leave me and I wasn't wrong in trusting him.

Finally, after eons, he stopped and got back to the hug

"I missed you" he said, his lips tracing the crook of my neck. Before I could lose myself again to his heavenly actions, I asked

"Manik, what did Soha do?" He let go off me instantly

"Are you freaking kidding me? How does this Soha manage to crop up everywhere?" he asked irritated

"That means she did something. Manik, please tell me what"

He sighed and went on to tell me how Soha had convinced her along with his parents of the relationship. I was dumbfounded. That girl was seriously taking it to a whole new level. I took over from him and went on to tell him what she did

"This Abhi and Aaliya" he said clearly cheesed off "They are really naïve. How could they fall for her lies?"

"Manik, its not their fault" I tried to convince him but he was in no mood. He tried calling Abhi but remembered that there was no range up here

I heaved a sigh of relief. His anger was really something. To cool him off, I took him back in a hug. I slowly felt his arms go around me

Manik's POV

I had every reason to be angry. Off all the people, I couldn't believe that Abhi and Aaliya couldn't see through to Soha.

But how could I even stay angry when this angle of girl was right there beside me? As we got comfortable with the hug, I suddenly remembered what I had called her here for

"Nandini" I mustered up the courage to tell her

"Hmmm..." was all she could say and she tightened the grip around me

"My mom wants to meet you. I told them about you and now she insists on meeting you personally" I stopped to gauge her reaction

She had stopped breathing but she hadn't let go off me. Worried that she must have passed out in fear or anger or I don't know,  I managed to get her hands out of my body and took them in mine, trying hard to read her expressions

But she was in a state of shock. "Nandini" I shook her, now clearly worried and she looked up at me, her lovely eyes as big as saucers, looking at me questioningly

"But Manik.." she finally managed to speak

I braced myself for – "Are you outta of your mind ", "Isnt it too soon", "Why did you tell them about us?"

"What if they don't like me?"


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