Chapter 29

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Manik's POV

Is she out of her mind? Instead of being scared of the obvious, she went on to bring a whole new twist to the story. I couldn't help but laugh at her

"Nandini, oh my god, you are truly one of a kind. Here I am telling you that my parents want to meet you in just two days of us being in a relationship and instead of asking me why, you are worried they wont like you"

She finally realized what she had said and blushed, looking down

Nandini's POV


That was the only question that barged into my mind. And as he spoke, I realized that he was expecting a different reaction. I mean, he was right, any sensible person would have thought it was too soon but since when did I ever think like a sane person?

I knew Manik was mine, all the way and even though there was a lot to be explored in this relationship and loads of milestones to cross and cover; he was the one for me. That I didn't have a doubt on

But his parents - that was a different story

"Manik" I said "I am serious. I mean, look at me, I don't know what will they even think of me? I didn't even exist in your life until a few weeks ago and now suddenly, I walk in as your girlfriend. What am I even going to say to them?" I rambled on

Surprisingly, he didn't stop me. He didn't even try to intervene. Well, I was in no mood to stop either

"What if they ask me about my family? Where is my dad? Why do I stay alone? Why didn't I go to US? Why am in Mumbai? Should I even tell them? I am not the conventional family girl that you can take to your parents, Manik. They are not going to like me" I finished

"Wow, Nandini" he clapped "You spoke for a whole of ten minutes. I timed it"

I could have slapped him if I wasn't so idiotically in love with him. All I could do was glare back

"Oh yeah and one more thing to add on to your worries" he continued nonchalantly "I think my mom really likes Soha and wants me to be with her. So I have a feeling that she is constantly going to compare you with her and prove to me that Soha is a better match for me"

That was it for me! I stomped my feet and stalked off, marching down the stairs; muttering unmentionable abuses as I walked. Somewhere in the middle, I stopped to hear his footsteps, trying to figure if he was following me. NOPE! Silence loomed all around me. He had some nerve

Suddenly out of nowhere, I felt his arms around my waist. But I was not having any of this. Just when I was going to scream back at him, he said

"My dear sweet beautiful Nandu," as he turned me around to flick my nose. He looked deeply in my eyes, cupped my cheeks as I stood right there; transfixed, my anger melting in a jiffy

"As long as you continue being the Nandini I love, no-one, and I mean no-one, can ever dare to not like you. There is one girl for me in this world – and that's you. I am yours and you are mine, Nandini and as soon as my mom sees that, no Soha can ever come in between us"

As he said these words, I felt a smile coming on. He was right. He was just so good with words.

"Now, are we okay?" he teased "Or am is still going to face the wrath of my angry little Nandu?"

I twitched my nose and pouted back at him. He just laughed and kissed my pout saying

"Whatever did I do I deserve you, Nandini"

"A lot of good karma" I answered his question as I took his hand and continued the walk down the stairs. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Ahaan. I'll be the judge of that" I looked at him, confused  "Whether its good or bad karma" he said ran down the stairs, laughing

"GRRRR....I hate you, Manik Malhotra" I shouted following him

He stopped, turned and swooped me in his arms "And I love you, my Nandini Murthy"


The next morning

Manik's POV

I got up with a huge grin on my face. The Nandini effect, obviously. As I recalled the events of last night, I chuckled to myself and got up to gear up for the day – which was going to be a long one. Nandini, being the annoyingly sincere girl that she was, had made me "pinky promise" that I would study for the entire day. PINKY PROMISE, REALLY?! I just shook my head at that. I am in love with a 12 year old, I told myself

She was going to come and meet my parents over dinner which was a good 12 hours away. How is a poor chap supposed to be stay away from his very hot and very new girlfriend? The world is conspiring against me, I was convinced.

Well time to keep the pinky promise, I said to myself and grudgingly opened the book. Ten minutes into it and I knew it was going to be a task. Knowing that it was a simple subject, even my practical side had given up on me.

I picked up the phone to buzz her when I got a message *Is my baby up?*

I smiled and typed *Up, wide awake and already half way through the book. I know how to keep my end of a "pinky promise"*

*Considering it took me ages to explain what it actually means, I am not sure I believe you. Anyway am going to let that pass since I do have a very important question to ask*

*Yes, I will marry you*

*MANIK* I could hear her stern voice even through the message

*Ok ok. Ask away* only to get a horde of messages

*What do I wear for dinner?*

*A dress? No right?*

*A saree? No, think it will be too much*

*Jeans and a simple top? But that's too casual*

I sighed to myself. What had my life come to? Just a few days back, all I had to worry was whether I was wearing my t-shirt wrong-side-out and here I was figuring what she should wear to impress my parents

*Why don't you ask Aaliya? She is great with such things* I patted myself for figuring the solution

*Awesome. Why didn't I think off that? Yay. Mwah. Now continue with your pinky promise. Love ya*

*Love ya too* and kept the phone aside, urging myself to finish the book.  

"I hope Nandini is coming today, Manik" my mom popped her head into the room

"Yes, Mom. She is very excited to meet you and dad" I replied, hoping that would put her at ease

"Hmmm...We'll see about that" she said 

Well, it was going to be a long day, sure but it was definitely going to be one hell of a night!

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