Chapter 39

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Nandini's POV

I knew he was upset. He thought he was hiding it very tactfully but I knew there was something bothering him. I could read it in his eyes

Perhaps I shouldn't have asked Aryaman to stay at my place and I was cursing myself for taking that decision impulsively. I knew Manik had become very uncomfortable since that very moment – actually even before that. He hadn't seen me with any guy before – I mean we had common guy friends - Arjun and Sitesh and Abhi was my brother. Aryaman he didn't know.

Well, Aryaman was a good friend but the buck stopped there. Manik was my world. Wait, why was I even comparing the two of them?

I was thinking how do I undo this mess I had created. I didn't want Aryaman to feel bad, I liked him but I couldn't afford to see Manik upset. My poor baby was trying so hard to be okay with this and I knew he was only doing it for me.

"So what am I eating?" Aryaman walked into the bedroom I was in, thinking over all of this

"We can order something for you. I am sure Manik is not going to let me cook with this" waggling my now bandaged finger around

"Oh so you and Manik going out even if you are hurt" he questioned me

"Aryaman, its just a small cut. I can walk and dance and jump around you know" I jumped around to show him

He snorted and laughed "You are hilarious, jellycow. Good to know that you haven't changed"

I smiled at him as he walked and sat next to me

"So.." he said, looking at me

"Soooo.." I imitated him

"You and Manik, huh?"

"Yep. Still not over it?" I laughed

"No. I mean yes. I mean no" he fumbled before he got his words together "I mean I am still in shock. How did this happen? So quickly?"

I shrugged not really knowing how to answer that "I don't know. We just clicked I guess"

"That's such a vague answer, Nandini" and I knew he was serious because he rarely addressed me by my full name "I just want to your good friend. I have the right to be concerned about this"

"Ok," I decided to respond to him seriously "I am not sure when exactly this happened. I guess I developed a huge crush on the day I met him but I realized soon enough that it was more than that. I found myself opening him to him; sharing the deepest of my worries and trust me when I say this, I haven't been this happy in a long time. I think I am discovering a whole new me with him and I loving every minute of it"

Aryaman slowly smiled as I finished my Manik recital "Wow. I didn't know it was this serious. When you told me earlier that you were in love with him, I honestly thought it was too soon and you guys were just dating. But this is truly it, eh?"

I smiled back at him and said "You have no idea, Aryaman. It's difficult to stay apart now"

He hugged me and said "You deserve to be happy, honeybeans. You, off all the people, I know"

"Nandini", I heard Manik enter the room. As he looked at both of us, enclosed in a hug, he squirmed a little before saying "Sorry, Am I disturbing you guys?" He was SO CUTE!

"Nope" I said, leaving Aryaman and walking up to him with a smile "I was just talking to him about us"

He smiled, a little uncomfortably but I took him into a hug and he responded instantly; snuggling me in his gigantic arms

"Oh god. You guys really need to get a room" Aryaman groaned "Wait a minute, I am in that room. I should leave" as he walked outside

But he turned at the door and said "Manik, take good care of her man. She is too precious"

"Of course" Manik said roughly, still lost in our hug evidently "That's my job" and I hugged him tighter

We stayed there for a whole moment till I spoke "Manik, he is just a friend. Nothing more"

He took a while to answer and finally said "Its not you I don't trust, Nandu. I don't know him so it's a little difficult"

"I think I shouldn't have asked him to stay here. Its not worth making you uncomfortable"

I could feel his smile against my neck "Its okay, baby" Ok everytime he said that, I felt a little tingle in my stomach and I simply loved the way he said it "He is your friend after all and he wont be here for long. I hope" he added

Whatever did I do to deserve this guy!

Suddenly without any warning, my stomach growled and Manik chuckled

"What?" I pulled myself out of the hug and grumbled "A girl can get hungry"

"Of course. I wonder where the food goes though" checking me out from head to toe

"Hey. I have a raging metabolism rate" I complained and he started laughing hysterically. Call me dumb, but I didn't quite understand the joke

"What's so funny? Care to share?" I said sarcastically

"Its not a raging rate, dumbo. It's a higher or faster metabolism rate"

"Whatever" he and his amazing language skills and started to walk out

"You can have raging hormones, though" he called out and I turned him, shocked that soon turned into anger, as I stuck my tongue out to him before storming out. I could still hear him laughing behind me. JERK!

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