Chapter 40

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Manik's POV

I kept laughing as Nandini stepped out. How easy it was to rattle her and I simply loved the pout she put up every time she got miffed. Sigh, I just couldn't believe a girl could affect me this good!

Just as I was going to follow her; Abhi walked in and he seemed a tad uncomfortable; his eyes wandering around the room

"What's up buddy?" I asked him, noticing his discomfort

"I think we should talk" he said hesitantly

"Sure" I got a little concerned. Abhi was not the one to get easily disturbed

"Ok. Am not sure if you have noticed but I think there is something weird about that Aryaman"

I could feel my face hardening. So he had observed it as well. I hadn't missed the hug that Nandini and Aryaman were sharing when I came in the room. And it was only my trust for Nandini that kept me from assuming the worse and hurting Aryaman.

"I knew it!" he exclaimed as he caught on to my expressions "I knew you could feel it too"

I slowly nodded my head "I have noticed something amiss but I cant really pinpoint what it is" I admitted

"Yeah, well, neither can I. I think he has a crush or something on Nandini" he offered an option

"Maybe" I couldn't deny it "But we cant know for sure. We don't know how close they actually were when she was in Delhi"

Abhimanyu's eyes went wide at that thought "Manik" he gasped "Are you implying that.."

"Whoa Whoa Whoa. Settle down, Mr. Overprotective Brother" I chided him "I am not implying anything of that sort. I meant as friends. Like how you and Aaliya are close. Maybe if someone from outside of our group observes the two of you, they might say the same thing"

"But Aaliya and I are just good friends" he defended

"Exactly my point, Abhi. That's why I cant say for sure"

"Hmm. Well, for what its worth. You are a thousand times better than him...for Nandini" he slapped my back

"Ha. Thanks man. Means a lot" I said and added "Abhi, you are a good brother. Nandu told me the entire story ...about your family. Thanks for being there for her. Thanks for convincing her to move to Mumbai or we wouldn't have met. I guess I owe you big" I said sincerely

"You aren't getting away that easy, my man! I'll ensure that you pay me ..when and how shall be told to you real soon! Anyway, I am heading home now. Will drop these morons on the way. One of them needs to learn to drive real soon" he grumbled. I laughed as we walked out

As soon as they left, Nandini went inside the room to get ready for dinner. Seeing that Aryaman was busy on a call, I went back to thinking about Abhi's conversation. So I wasn't being possessive and uncomfortable for no reason. Even we had girls who were friends but the way Aryaman looked at Nandini, the way he behaved in front of her, the things he said to her..which could have otherwise seemed normal, weren't actually that simple. There was more to the story but I had to be absolutely sure before I took any action. I wouldn't want to upset Nandini.

"NANDINI" I was rudely shaken from my thoughts as Aryaman bellowed her name. Great! What does he want now?

I was going to ask him but Nandini walked out with a "What" and I stopped! She was looking drop dead gorgeous. I immediately got drawn to her as I tried to take just how beautiful she looked with her hair open, slight lipgloss or lipstick whatever the girls called it and that perfect fitting knee length blue dress!

Clueless of just how divine she looked, she repeated "What? Aryaman?"

With a lot of struggle, I took my eyes off her and looked over at Aryaman. But apparently he was also caught in the same trance as I was. He was shamelessly gaping at her with his mouth open

"AHEM" I cleared my throat a little loudly and that seemed to have done the trick

He gave me a quick glance; his eyes not quite meeting mine; before turning to Nandini

"Err...yeah. Listen, great news. The entire clan is coming to Mumbai"

Clan? But Nandini just squealed and ran into his arms, clutching him tightly. I could feel my fists rolling up

"OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? AWESOME NEWS" she wouldn't stop screeching. I was sure she was going to break some glass with that voice

"YEEEPPPPPPPPPP" Aryaman joined her excitement "Well, I told them about Manik and obviously they had to come. I mean, it's quite a shock"

I really wonder why he kept referring to me as "a shock". Surely he could use a different term – surprised, astonished, amazed. See I could think of three words in less than a second.

"But Nandu" I could feel the hesitation in his voice "Harshad is coming as well" and all the uproar went down in a whiff

"Why" she almost growled. I could see she was angry and it wasn't like the one when I teased her

"Nandu" I rushed to her and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aryaman was going to do the same. Not this time, dude – my eyes told him and he looked away immediately

I turned my attention to the girl in my arms. Who the hell was this Harshad? "Baby, are you fine?"

She looked at me and as if suddenly realizing that she wasn't alone; she hugged me back. I could feel her rage through her body. Ok, I just had to know

"Who is this Harshad?" I addressed the question to Aryaman this time

He didn't look at me "Just a friend" he said softly. I could feel Nandini squirm in my arms. No. He couldn't be just a friend

"I need to know what's happening here" I demanded, my voice fierce

"Lets go for dinner, Manik and I'll tell you" she said softly against my chest

I didn't want to but if this is what she wanted, so be it. Nodding, I took her hand and led her outside but not before glaring at Aryaman. He was the bearer of the bad news – whoever this Harshad was

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