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"Did I kill children in my past life?" Jasper pouts in defeat.

"I should probably take offence to that." Tempest replies, watching the two figures stride across the room gaining the same stares she had from bystanders.

"You should." Jasper confidently assures her.

"Good job I don't have feelings." She counters.

"Sociopath." Jasper whispers.

"You're next." She whispers back.

"Are you cheating on me already wifey? As your medical advisor I feel like I should tell you Jasper is riddled with STI's."

Annnd he really does act like this. Twenty four seven.

Suddenly Jasper's mood swings make sense, Tempest concludes.

"Wouldn't touch Jasper with a ten foot pole." Tempest humors Blaise with a response.

"I'm impressed you know what an STI is B. Learn from experience?" Jasper claps back.

Tempest must admit, their dynamic is quite something.

Her encounters with each of them have been so small they're nearly non-existent, yet she could tell they couldn't be any more different if they tried.

"Blaise hasn't learnt shit in his life. Last night he called Africa his favourite country." Aspen rolls his eyes seeming just as chilled as when Tempest first laid eyes upon him.

Atleast this time he wasn't a blushing mess, Tempest thought.

"How was I supposed to Know Africa was a continent! I failed history!"

"Oh my god." Jasper groans, looking heavenward.

Aspen furrows his brows looking deeply concerned for his friend.

"I have the urge to thank you for making me feel smart for the first time." Tempest speaks, drawing the attention of all three boys.

"That's mean wifey but you have cool tattoos so I forgive you." The mention causes Aspen to join his friend in trailing his eyes over Tempest's tattoos. But they don't linger half as long before they flick back to her eyes, his cheeks heating up.

"Crew and I are leaving." She announces, fed up of the attention.

The well behaved cat on her shoulder nuzzles into her neck having heard his name being spoken.

"Not without me! I am not dealing with them two alone." Jasper demands, trailing right behind her.

Naturally Blaise follows too and Aspen copies his friend.

"What did I ever do?" Aspen questions Jasper, unhappy to be grouped with his overwhelming friend.

"Nothing on purpose, don't worry brother." Jasper calls over his shoulder.

So they consider each other siblings. Interesting, Tempest observes.

"What happened to your eye wifey? I thought-mfhmhhmgg..." Blaise's words are muffled by Jasper's firm palm clamped over his mouth.

His eyes are comically and adorably wide as his mind flashes back on his day, desperately trying to remember if he peed in Jasper's cereal today or not.

"Save that question for when there's less prying ears, 'kay?" Jasper harshly whispers between his teeth right by Blaises ear.  

The action made even funnier by the fact Blaise is significantly taller then Jasper.

Blaise whimpers in response and nods his head.

"Ew! You nasty shit!" Jasper retracts his hand, wiping his palm down his fitted pants.

Blaise smiles, proud his tactic to regain access to his airways worked.

He'd licked Jasper's hand.

"You might want to invest in some earplugs for the walk. This is them twenty four seven." Tempest turns to the face belonging to the calm and gentle voice.

She now realises his lime green eyes have the tell tale draggon slits in them, giving away his species which had been unknown to her until now.

She wouldn't have pegged him for a dragon out of all things. His personality comes across the opposite of hot and fiery.

It's more like a cool and gentle stream.

She'd have maybe guessed a witch or a fairy.

"No need. I have a handy party trick called dissociating."

One would think Tempest is proud of her disorders, they way she's been flexing them recently.

She finds herself shocked at how easily and thoughtlessly she's been confessing her life's troubles to this particular boy too.

"That does sound handy." He smoothly responds.

If only he were as smooth in terms of flirting with girls, maybe then he wouldn't engulf into flames at the slightest interactions.

Tempest finds herself admiring how respectful his reply was in comparison to anyone else's reactions of disbelief and mockery.

She appreciated how he didn't make a whole deal out of it. Nothing can change what happened and all she can do is make jokes out of it and trail on with her life.

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