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"Tempest was wearing a brown contact lense before. It's a stupid, quirky human trend, along with the hair." Jasper grasps his left thumb in his right hand and wrings it as he speaks.

They'd retreated to the ideally quiet spot on the beach that was starting to become their new regular meeting place.

As promised, Jasper was lying on behalf of Tempest whilst trying to tackle their current dilemma that is Aspen and Blaise.

The problem being that Jasper wasn't aware he had a tell when he fibbed.

A tell that the intelligent Aspen was aware of.

"He's lying." Aspen outs Jasper for Blaise's oblivious sake.

"Jasper! What would Jordy say?" Blaise gasps, referring to the one and only Jordan Keller, Jasper's father.

"Don't call him that to his face. He'll have you in a headlock faster then you can blink." Jasper responds.

"Please, Jordy's about as intimidating as an obese chihuahua. He doesn't scare me." Blaise scoffs.

"He does." Jasper argues.

"He definitely does." Aspen backs him up.

"Enough about my handsome self! You were busy lying about wifey's eye colour remember?"

If there's anyone in the whole of Erridan that gives Tempest's lack of filter a run for it's money, it's Blaise.

Although for him it's due to a lack of common sense and social boundaries.

Aspen laughs at the fact Blaise turned the tables on Jasper who clearly was hoping to distract Aspen and Blaise by straying the topic from Tempest.

Jasper turns to Tempest, silently asking for her input with his eyes.

"Don't look at me, I told you I don't lie." Tempest officially exposes both herself and Jasper.

"Ha! We knew it!" Blaise calls.

"I knew it." Aspen raises a brow in challenge directed towards Blaise.

"Don't bust my bubble penny boy. It's not nice." Blaise sulks, batting his lashes.

Tempest observes silently, still struggling to believe how someone with the appearance of a young boxer, dark braids and all, can have such a contrasting personality.

"Her eyes?" Aspen repeats, not letting the subject slide.

"One's brown, one's blue. They match my natural hair." Tempest fails to restrain herself from telling the truth.

"Tempest! I don't think you understand what a loose mouth Blaise has! You've basically just told the whole island. Well done." Jasper's coffee coloured orbs bore into Tempest's menacingly.

Aspen's eyes bounce between the two of them, their unspoken words speaking louder in his mind then those that had been said.

All he hears is they don't want the island to know her features are real. They must have meaning.

And just like that he reached the conclusion it took them days to reach.

"Shit!" He vocalises the moment it hits him.

"Don't tell Blaise, please."

"Tell me Penny!"

Both Jasper and Blaise plead in sync.

Aspen smirks toward Jasper who is pleading with his eyes. Begging him not to expose his new friend.

Aspen basks in the rare moment of having the upper hand on Jasper Keller.

All the times Jasper would  cruelly blackmail him and Blaise, as older siblings in their family tended to do, flash through his mind.

"I feel like it's only fair to share the secret with Blaise considering all the times you've bullied us growing up..." Aspen speaks eventually.

"Yes!" Blaise celebrates as Jasper groans.

"You know he'll tell the parents Aspen. Think about Tempest and what they might do to her."

"They wouldn't get the chance."

"They won't do anything."

Aspen and Tempest both roll their eyes simultaneously.

"I love a bad girl." Blaise unnecessarily chimes in, his expression remaining so innocent that it's comical.

"You don't know that." Jasper chooses Aspen to respond to, their eyes stubbornly locked on one another.

Silence follows as Aspen weighs his options.

"She's part vampire part angel." He reveals, his tone even and unwavering.

"Damn it Aspen!"


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