Chapter 13

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I sighed as I waited to finally be released from these chains.

I looked around the room where I was being held captive. Unlike the cells where the patients are held it was very fancy and clean.

I was also freed when I had to do my duties.

Sadly the other security guards has full permission to sexually harass me and hurt me. I tried fighting back, but when I did I was punished even more.

It was still really painful, but as time went on I got used to it.

I felt myself falling asleep, my eyes were slowly closing.

However I jolted in shock as the door opened, and I saw Caleb. He had a key in his hand.

"So, you are 'ere to free me I presume?" I asked.

He nodded his head as if to say yes. He walked over to me and freed me from the chains, and I felt much more comfortable.

Caleb was a lot nicer than the other security guards. He tried his best to look intimidating but he was actually a very good person. When him, Brutus and Jack were little their mother was killed. I was told that Paich killed Jack before he came here. They had to survive. They came here in order to make a living. During the time here Brutus has become twisted and violent. Caleb on the other hand has managed to keep his good nature.

I can tell that deep down he hates Lane. We all do. I never told Brutus  about my plan to kill Lane, or about the revolution that the patients have planned.

In here you can't trust anyone. They are all your enemies.

I don't think he is even aware of what's going on right under his nose, because both Lane and Brutus are idiots.

Although Lane is the biggest idiot of them all, since he had no idea what's going on either.

Caleb helped me up and then informed me that we would all be having dinner shortly.


I walked over to my room and carefully shut the door behind me. I looked under my bed, which I never slept in. I sighed with relief as I saw that everything was there.

The equipment needed to escape this place.

The knives. The key. The lighter.

I would need to send this to Paich so he can use them later.

I remembered during that tape that he mentioned something about someone called Jaden.

I wasn't sure who he was talking about, but we have a Jaden here, he's currently in Sector B, but he got sent to the Reject Bin a while ago.

After I got changed I proceeded to the dining room.

This whole place was really large, and this particular area wasn't like where the prisoners sleep at all. It was quite depressing there. I really wish I could help them. The least I could do is give them hope when they need it the most.

I sat next to Brutus, who was eating his roast chicken like a pig.

All fifty members were here. There used to be about sixty two until Paich murdered them, but they don't know that yet. The only people who are safe are those in Sector B.

Since Walter is now dead, we had to find someone else to do the cooking. I never liked him, I don't really like anyone for that matter, but his cooking was pretty good.

As we were eating, Lane said: "Everyone, I have an announcement."

All of us put our food and drink down, ready to listen to what he had to say.

"As you all know, several co-workers and patients are dying, and I intend to find out why. If this carries on we are going to have to take drastic measures. Fortunately the deaths that have occurred so far are not important. However we cannot continue to let who ever is doing this kill anymore of the patients."

You will be next Lane...I said to myself internally.

"In order to stop these murders there is only one thing we can do."

The room was silent for a minute.

"...We have to dispose of all the patients."

D..did I just hear that right?

Everyone started whispering to each other, they were obviously surprised by this course of action.

"Yes, the patients we currently have are usable but we need more. We will have to dispose of all of them in order to make room. They are just a waste of space. For all we know the killer could be a patient.

Any questions?"

A big security guard, Sebastian, raised his hand.


"When will they be executed?"

"We will get rid of them all in two weeks time. I still require them until then. They will all be stabbed to death while tied up," Lane answered.

I couldn't eat the rest of my meal. I started to feel sick. During my time here I grown what could be an emotional attachment towards the patients. I can't have them die. I want all of them to be free.

Lane sees them as nothing more than objects, I see them as people.

Without Ryou, Quattro, Paich, Mikael and Nate there was no way the new patients would be able to escape.

"Also, I have news concerning one of the patients."

The next two words he said made my blood turn cold.

"Paich Nikadi."

I started to get really worried. What if he gets executed? I can't have him die.

"He is one of the only three patients that is still technically a virgin. He has been tortured, but he still a virgin. A colleague of mine, known as El Diablo, is very interested in him, and is willing to pay a lot of money to take his virginity."

I raised my hand to ask a question.


"When will he be taking Paich's virginity?" I asked.

"It will be the day after tomorrow."

I don't have much time. I have to find a way to save him.

"Excuse me, I feel a bit ill, may I be excused?"

"Yes, you may." Lane responded.

I left the table and once again headed to my room.

I glanced at the knife and the lighter. I had to keep Paich safe, I had to kill El Diablo. By doing so they will believe that Paich isn't actually the killer, but somehow I had to make it look like I didn't kill him.

I started to write a note to Paich, which I would send him tomorrow.

After I hid it I lied on my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up when I heard someone entering my bedroom.

There were two security guards staring at me, one of them was Brutus, the other one was shorter than he was. I knew what they wanted from me.

"What do you want?" I asked them bitterly, but deep down I knew why they were here."

"Heh," Brutus smirked. "We're here for a bit of "fun" if you know what I mean."

"You're pretty good for an old lady," the shorter one said seductively.

"Shut up."

"Ooo...feisty aren't we."

Brutus was getting to close for comfort. I tried fighting back but he was too strong. Then he handcuffed me.

"This is what you get for being such a naughty girl."

He then took me and threw me like a piece of trash into a dark room with no light to illuminate it, the short one tagging along.

Brutus then looked down on me. I was scared. I was begging for mercy.

"Heh, I'm going to enjoy this."

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