Chapter 14

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Paich's POV

I think I was finally feeling the painful emotion known as boredom.

The Meeting Point was almost completely silent. Nothing of interest was happening.

Most people just sat there thinking about what might possibly happen to them. They were obviously scared and confused.

But I wasn't scared at all, because I had an accomplice that has been helping me, the woman known as Larouge.

She has secretly been communicating with me and hiding the equipment needed to escape from Lane and his inferiors. She has been working for security, and has infiltrated it so I no one can know about my secret.

This also meant I could no longer kill the patients because that would simply be a waste of my time. Sadly when we escape not everyone would be safe.

I had to stop killing for a while because Larouge is probably the only one that can kill Lane.

However, it wasn't easy. Every second of me not killing someone was like torture, possibly worse than the torture I had to endure here. I don't know how I managed to survive for 18 years.

I missed my old life, just playing with my toys without a care in the world, with no problems whatsoever.

However the outside world is a dark and scary place. Even if I do escape I don't have anywhere to go. I'll probably mutilate Raul's face for betraying me like he did.

That little stupid-head, sending me here was the biggest mistake of his life. Once I leave this stupid place I will make him regret his decision.

I will kill them all.

Ryou was just sitting there in absolute silence, he was deep in thought. He has been getting paler recently, almost like he was sick.

I decided that since we were partners in crime, I had to try and be as sympathetic towards him as I can. Even though I didn't care about him at all.

I walked up to him, slightly nervous.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

I never interacted with any other human before until I was sent here. They were probably as evil as Lane was. Nothing but worthless stupid-heads that deserve to die in the most painful way possible.

"No, there's nothing wrong," he responded, his face lit up. "I was just thinking about my time in the orphanage."

Did I hear that correctly? He went to an orphanage just like I did...

"I grew up at orphanage too..." I said quietly, more to myself than him. I wonder if he had a playroom like I did.

"Did you have any friends?" he asked me politely. 

"I did have one friend but..." I suddenly remembered that horrible memory that has haunted me for years. "...he's gone now."

"I had two best friends." Ryou started grinning. "One was Nate, who was my best friend since forever. The other is gone too after a terrible incident five years ago." The grin from his face was slowly disappearing.

"...His name was Jaden."

Jaden? As in the Jaden I love?

"Can you tell me who Jaden is?" I asked, trying to hide my panic.

"His name is Jaden Solomon. We grew up in the orphanage together, and eventually we became friends. Ever since Jaden came along, me and Nate didn't talk very much, we were still friends though."

His voice was monotone and without emotion, much like mine.

"I was adopted a while later, but I returned about five years ago by Carlisle and Larouge. However I found out he was brutally attacked by a gang, and he grew distant towards me."

I was getting a little bit worried because he looked like he was going to burst into tears. He has uncontrollable mood swings so I hope he doesn't get to angry.

He then started crying. I didn't know what to do or to calm him down, I was panicking internally.

He then stopped and wiped the tears off his face.

"S...sorry about that..." he whimpered.

"It's ok," I said trying to comfort him, not that I really cared.

After an awkward silence, the words "I knew him" slipped out of my mouth.

Ryou was very surprised after hearing that.

"You knew Jaden? But how?"

"We grew up in the same orphanage."

"But, how is that possible?" he asked frantically. "We never even met each other until now!"

So Ryou lived in the same orphanage that I did for all these years, and I didn't even realise it...

I started to feel sick when he referred to Jaden as his 'friend.'

I was feeling some kind of strange emotion, I think it was called 'jealousy'.

I can't have Jaden and Ryou be together. Ever.

So, what are you going to do about red hair boy then? Nikaden taunted.

"I'm going to kill him." I replied, whispering so quietly that Ryou couldn't hear me. Now I have three people on my to kill list. Larouge will take care of Lane. And I will take care of Ryou and Nate. I may have to keep Ryou alive for a little bit longer in order to help us escape. But he will get what's coming to him.

Also, I know finally know what happened to Jaden. He was attacked by a gang, just like I was when I was four years old, until Raul saved me. And one of the kids who attacked me was no more than six years old...and he looked like...Quattro.

Everything was clear to me now. Now I have to kill him as well. I'll also kill Mikael if I ever get bored. They must all be punished.

The only stupid-head worthy of living is Larouge, she has been a useful pawn. And even her fate is uncertain.

I am far superior than any of these stupid-heads. They will be executed in the name of justice.

"I don't know," I finally answered, not knowing what else to say.

"Where is Jaden now?" Ryou asked me.

"He..." I was reluctant to answer his question. "He was sent here with me."

Ryou was completely shocked. He then stared at me as if I was some alien.

"Then...why isn't he here?" His voice was cold and dangerous, yet he was scared at the same time.

"I don't know." I really didn't know where he was, and how he is coping.

"He must be in Sector B," said Ryou. He looked even more worried.

"Oh my you know what this means?!" Ryou started shouting.


"In Sector B they are really violent, even more than us. Unlike us, who hate Lane and his co workers, their minds are so messed up that they worship him like a god, and anyone who doesn't worship him is either sent to the Reject Bin, or they fucking sacrifice them! Every month Lane and the patients go to the Sacrificial Chamber, and they torture those they deem unworthy in the most painful way possible!" Ryou started to break into tears once more.

"We have to help him." I told him.

He once again wiped his tears off his face. "Excuse me?"

"We have to help Jaden. I want to free him as well. We have to work together."

Ryou was silent for a while.

"Ok, I'll help you."

"Thank you."

Ryou then smiled at me and walked away to go and talk with Nate.

My face was still emotionless, however I was smirking on the inside. That stupid-head still believes that I am on his side. Once we save Jaden, I will kill him. Just the thought of stabbing him to death made me happy. I will turn my back on him at the last minute. He will pay for trying to steal Jaden away from me.

I couldn't tell anyone about me and Larouge working together, it would be too risky.

It won't be long now before everyone who has ever stood in the way between Jaden and me will meet their end...

Starting with Ryou and Nate.

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