Chapter 3

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I couldn't breathe. I couldn't feel anything. He's going to send me to a mental asylum?! I thought desperately, in a vain attempt to pretend that this wasn't happening. I heard the other children talk about that place. It's the most well-known all-boys mental hospital in the country, and according to what the children have said, it's also the worst place in the world. Some kid from the orphanage got sent there four years ago. I heard his desperate cries for help.

I could understand why they would send me, but Jaden? Why would they send him? I have known that boy for years, and I knew that he doesn't deserve this fate. After finding the courage to speak, I rasped weakly, ''Why?'' My voice showed no emotion, but I knew that any second I would completely break down and probably murder him. I think Raul knew this as well. Jaden was still crying.

''You see, two weeks ago, Jaden was caught murdering two teenage boy-'' He was interrupted by Jaden's constant bawling. He honestly looked more pathetic than I usually do. Then he stood up and grabbed Raul by the scruff of his neck.

''Please, Raul, please, just don't do this...PLEASE JUST DON'T FUCKING TAKE ME THERE!''  His sadness was replaced by anger. ''Haven't you heard the fucking rumours, DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT THEY FUCKING DO TO YOU IN THERE?!!'' he screamed so loudly that the birds outside flew away. Jaden was panting heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead. He let go of Raul. The Jaden I remember would never lose his temper like that. ''All rumours have been proven false.'' Raul sighed. What rumours? What do they do to you in there? What's he so afraid of?

I would never believe Jaden could ever be capable of killing someone. But then again he has changed dramatically. If only I knew why...

I found myself speaking again, slightly louder this time, while staring at my feet. ''Unless you have actual proof, then you have no way to prove whether they're true or false.'' Jaden just looked at me as if I was an alien. Raul just cleared his throat and repeated. ''They have proven all rumours to be false.'' He was reading a book on his desk.

I wanted to get one of my knives I hid in my clothing and stab him relentlessly, but I knew that wouldn't do me any good. The deed has already been done. I looked at Raul, and for the first time I felt an intense hatred towards him. I just wanted to see him suffer. How could he do this to me? After all these years he just decides to throw me in some mental asylum. I've heard of those places. They're like a prison made for those who are judged as insane. He could have done it sooner if he wanted to.

I stood up and channelled a death stare at Raul. ''What makes you think you can just dump us there without us fighting back?'' I challenged. My tone was quiet and dangerous, and Raul could clearly see I was threatening him. Jaden then also stood up, an expression of pure rage across his face. ''Paich is right. You have no right to take us there.'' His voice was slightly cracking up from pure rage.''You're just a fucking coward, since you can't help us, you just dump us in some shitty hellhole because you can. You disgust me.''

Raul just paused, as if he froze on the spot. ''Jaden, I know what happened five years ago, and I know what it's done to you. If you continue the road that you're going down there's nothing I can do. You used to be such a sweet kid, even when your parents died in a car crash. Much like with Paich, I've tried everything, but there's nothing more I can do.''

My face lit up. What was it that happened all those years ago? Why did he kill those two teenage boys? Thousands of questions were pounding through my head. I wanted to ask why, but for some reason I just couldn't.

''No, I refuse to go to there. I'm not going to suffer like my best friend did four years ago. I'd rather die. I'm nineteen years old. It's time I started living my own life. And there's nothing you can do to stop me.'' He sounded absolutely livid. I was actually kind of scared.

''I'm sorry Jaden. I'm doing this to help you.''

Jaden then did something completely unexpected.


He instantly punched Raul in the face. He fell onto the ground. Jaden still looked livid. I just grinned as I watched him suffer. Heh, now the tables have turned. Nikaden taunted in my head. Now Jaden was hurting him instead of me. Raul got up and shouted: ''Guards!''

Three big security men arrived wearing a uniform with a strange symbol that consisted of a sphere with angel wings and a sword cutting through the middle. Below it said 'Angel Falls'. They grabbed hold of Jaden. He tried to squirm and protest, but they were too strong. Jaden was screaming illegible curse words. As they carried him away I decided I had to defend his honour.

''Let him go.''

The security guards just stared at me for a second, then laughed. One of them walked right up to me. ''Oh yeah, what's a pipsqueak like you gonna do?'' He taunted. He shouldn't have done that.

I ran towards the security guard. I could hear his rasp for help as I was strangling him to death. I pinned him to the floor. One of them tried to pull me away, but my fingers were wrapped tight on his neck. I saw him constantly attempting to break free, but it was no use. I smiled, knowing that I was protecting Jaden. ''All those who hurt Jaden have to go through me," I whispered so only he could hear.

''Remember that.''

I knew that he was slowly dying, because his frantic struggling was ending. I continued the onslaught hoping my message would be spread, that all those who hurt Jaden will be punished.

And then, finally, he died.

I was going to celebrate my victory, but then I was punched, hard, and everything went black.


I woke up. Ugh, was it all a dream?

I was finally able to grasp my surroundings. The floor, walls and ceiling were covered with cushions, and I felt like I was moving. My head hurt from where I was punched.

It wasn't a dream.

I was being sent to Angel Falls.

I couldn't breathe. My body was shaking wildly. I couldn't think rationally anymore. All that I could comprehend was that I was being taken away. I didn't know what to do. I just screamed and burst into tears.

''SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE JUST HELP ME ANYONE PLEASE!'' I screamed frantically, hoping someone would hear me. I banged on the soft walls. My knives were gone. I then started to punch myself. The pain made me feel better. Afterwards I collapsed on the cushiony floor, lying in the fetal position.

Things couldn't get any worse. I was alone, defenseless, and Jaden-less. Where was he anyway? He was probably in another vehicle like I was. What rumours was he on about? For the first time, I actually saw him afraid. Is it really that bad? What do they do to you in there?

I have to save Jaden. I don't care what happens to the other guys there. All I care about is that me and Jaden are safe. And then we can be together, and I will slaughter those against me.

Just then I heard some church bells. They started to relax me, and I felt a million times better. I suddenly remembered my favourite song that I wrote, and I started singing a lullaby that Raul once taught me.

I have given up. Just then Nikaden started talking.

You're seriously going to give up already?

''Yes. I am.''

But, you can't, you can do this!

''What makes you think that?''

Look, you don't have to do this for yourself. Do it for Jaden! He needs you right now, and if you don't help him, who will?

Wow, Nikaden was actually right. I couldn't just give up. No, I had to fight, for the one I care about most.

When I first met Jaden, I decided I would be his guardian angel, and protect him from harm, even if it meant putting myself in danger. And now I will fulfill my mission. He must never know until the very end. I will kill all those who hurt Jaden, I don't care about the consequences. Maybe when I get there I could find out what happened. Someone must have hurt him, and I will find that person and kill him. He's probably a prisoner there. The game has now started.

Just then, the vehicle stopped.

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