Chapter 8

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Quattro's P.O.V

Today was the day. The day that we've all been preparing for. Mikael and Paich have perfected their duet. I've convinced someone to destroy everything backstage, it's some guy named Marcus. Me and Ryou are going to sneak into Lane's office and grab the key. As an extra precaution, Nate is going to play his electric guitar after the duet. The only problem is that Marcus won't be able to hold the guards away long enough, so we'll have to bring some kind of weapon with us.

I don't think Ryou would be too pleased about that. He disapproves against any and all violence. He's too soft for his own good. They'll eat him alive one day. That's what I've learned after spending all my life working in a gang. I've been a member ever since I was five.

Although I really didn't care about their beliefs or whatever. I only joined for two reasons. Me and Mikael. When I was four, my parents just abandoned me. Mikael was only two, and I think he was abandoned as well, since I found him in a cardboard box. We both fought for each other ever since. We always stole food together. Despite what Mikael said, who didn't like the idea, I had to join so we could make a living. We both lived in a very small house, although me being part of a gang I managed to afford some food. Mikael always played with an old keyboard he found on the street one day. He was actually very good.

Mikael lost his eye when he was attacked by a wild dog. I managed to make him an eyepatch and he's been wearing it ever since. The cut on his arm was from where someone tried to kidnap him, but I saved him.

Although at times we fell out considering the fact that I'm very highly strung and I can get very angry when I want to. Luckily I never hurt him before. I love Mikeal. No, not that way, that would be too awkward. It's more of a brotherly love, because to me he is like family. We are both inseparable.

Also, Quattro wasn't my real name. It was my gang name. The others were Luno, Doss, Treys and Cincco.

As for the Fallen Angels, they seem alright, although other than Mikael, I don't care about them very much. I don't like Paich, there's just something about him that makes him seem...creepy, somehow, like he's hiding something.

The five of us were waiting backstage. The event was about to start. All the staff members were sitting there. Although I knew that there were security guards guarding the doors. There was Brutus, Lane, the cook who rapes people, he recently fucked Jaden yesterday, about 12 others who I didn't recognize, Larouge and Caleb. There was about  security guards behind him. Larouge took to the stage. Her face showed no emotion.

'"Ladies and gentleman, the Gladiator's test is about to begin. Me and Lane will be judging who wins and who loses.''

Everyone clapped. ''May Paich and Mikael come to the stage?''

They both walked past us. My eyes met with Mikael's for a split second before we split apart. Good luck...I said internally to Mikael. He looked nervous. I could see Paich trying to avoid Lane's gaze. I couldn't blame him. I would have done the same.

''Paich and Mikael with both be performing a duet together. I have tutored them personally. I hope you enjoy.''

Everyone clapped once again. Paich gave us a look as if to say: 'Go now'

So me and Ryou did, while Nate stayed. I glimpsed at Marcus. "You know what to do."

He nodded weakly. He started to trash the place by flipping tables over, punching the walls, and screaming violently. Luckily the beautiful sound coming from Paich's singing and Mikael's piano playing managed to entrance the audience. The security guards however pinned him to the ground.

''What the hell do you think you're doing!?!'' he screamed at Marcus.

''I-I don't-know...'' he whimpered. Me and Ryou started sneaking past the door when they weren't looking. We found ourselves running down a deserted hallway. I heard Marcus screaming as they took him away. Hopefully they didn't know what we were doing. They were going the opposite direction.

We finally made it to Lane's office. I was still grossed out by the table covered in blood and semen. There were whips and other torture devices. Lane is one seriously fucked up guy, I thought to myself.

''OK, so where's the key?" Ryou asked frantically, scrambling through Lane's draws.

We both searched through his office, finding some paperwork and some pictures, but nothing more.

''I'll continue searching, you're on lookout duty.'' Ryou stated. I did as he said, and I stood waiting by the door. The Ryou started squealing quietly. ''Holy shit, I found it, I found the key!'' he whispered, trying to contain his happiness. ''Let's get outta here.''

Then, I heard something. I remained silent.

Ryou noticed my silence, so he started to look worried.

''Quattro, what's wrong?'' he whispered.

I stared at him, my face was sweating with worry.

''I hear footsteps. I think someone's coming.''

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