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A month later...

A fallen assassin solemnly looked out at the rain-stained window. It was raining cats and dogs outside and Beatrice couldn't even drift off because of the loud pattering rain outside.

She didn't feel any better when she even dared fucking tried to. Everything was useless. It couldn't be any better. After four tries while trying to be a stupid asshole, Beatrice gave up. She wanted to hang out with her friends, not trying to have a rough rainy night whilst attempting to sleep!

But perhaps her friends were too sleeping so it won't help if Beatrice could come to their house. Suddenly, Beatrice immediately realised that her friend Sabrina was at her house. They were having a sleepover, like they always do!

Wolf Sabrina continued to stir on her purple bed. Beatrice didn't want to try and wake her up because it would be a shame if she did. Sabrina was her best friend. She can't hurt her at all or do anything to harm her.

"Shit. I can't wake her up," she thought. "I don't want to sleep. Ugh. Today is so trash. All my friends are sleeping except Tyler who was ordering pizza in the middle of the night. I mean who ever ordered pizza in the middle of the night?!!"

She couldn't find the answer to that question. Beatrice was going to gods-damned scream the hell out of herself. So she crept into the kitchen without creaking the floor as she grabbed a bottle of wine and drank it all up.

When she finished, she tried going back to sleep. But when she tried to go back to her bed, something terrible happened! Something only a stupid fucking asshole would get if they caused any trouble. A strong feeling came into her mind as she began to get dizzy. Her vision was covered up with water.

The tears stung to her eyes as she didn't know where to walk or where to run. Before she knew it, Beatrice had fainted and had fallen to the ground. Pain reached before her as she suffered from the horrible blood. Everything went black.

All she could see around her was oblivion. Purple smoke disappeared in front of Beatrice. She could see something black moving in the distance. She could make out the shape of a grim reaper!

Beatrice wanted to run so badly. She wanted to call for help but no one would hear her. The grim reaper was coming closer. She could feel heartbeats vibrating in her chest. This was the scariest moment she had ever been into.

She was going to die. She just knew it. If she didn't run, she would for sure die. Beatrice was ready to run away from the grim reaper when all of a sudden, she heard a voice calling her.

"Beatrice. Don't run away from me! I won't hurt you."

Should she trust him? She didn't want to. She thought the grim reaper would look scary. To make matters worse, she thought he would kill her. Beatrice had to run. And she must.

Beatrice ran as fast as she could, only to discover that the oblivion scene goes nowhere. The grim reaper was going to fucking catch her! Beatrice was at a dead end. She could feel scary vibes in her body right now, urging her to find a way to escape from this creepy place instead of being an asshole.

The grim reaper would kill her if she didn't make an action. He was nearly visible in the purple smoke. Beatrice cried for help. No one could hear her. She turned back with fear. When she looked in front of her, she immediately realised that the grim reaper was now visible! He was getting ready to strike his mallet at her.

Beatrice closed her tear-stained eyes as she saw that the grim reaper had disappeared! She was free. But she still had to escape! Beatrice sighed in relief as she noticed angel wings in the distance. Now she could make out the shape of a scar on one of the wings. "Oh no! This figure in front of me is - a - f - fallen angel!" she whispered in great fear as she took a deep breath and turned to run away from this horrible scene.

The broken winged angel looked towards Beatrice. His eyes flashed with red light. The scene was very scary to watch. What if this was just a set up? It couldn't be, right?!! Beatrice looked up at the fallen angel. She wiped her tears and trembled with fear while she watched as the fallen angel had took out a knife!

Beatrice looked around herself, sobbing with fear. Next to her was a chair. She grabbed it and tried to throw it at the fallen angel in order to escape. But she failed! She tried again a couple of times until she finally aimed the chair right at him! But only to realise that the fallen angel was not human! He was only a ghost! That was because the chair fell right through his body!

"Holy shit. An illusion?!! I thought he was real!" Beatrice whispered. As she said this, she heard a slice and a scream. Her heart was pounding. She picked up a 'smoke go away' potion that was near her. The scream sounded like one of her friends. Oh no! Did the fallen angel murder one of her friends?!!

Beatrice sprayed the 'smoke go away' potion all over the room. It was like a smoke repellent! The potion was magic and was a potion created in the academy of Thorn Arena. Beatrice sprayed the potion until there was no smoke left in every single corner. It worked!

She was back in her house. Beatrice's heart continued pounding as she looked all around her. "Hello? Anyone here? Help, please!" she cried out as she walked towards the hallway. The light dimmed a little and everything went black. There was no light.

"Muhahaha!" She heard a laugh that panicked her. It was coming from her bedroom! Beatrice rushed to the bedroom, only when she reached there, she gasped. It was too late! All of her friends have fallen. And the fallen angel had gone.

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