Chapter 4

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Kaylee is seen cleaning the window but turns around to get something else. Timmy watched and help out with cleaning. Eri was cleaning by the window. Kaylee and Timmy saw Alata on the ground as the stool for Eri. Kaylee and Timmy giggled at the sight. 

“Do you have to use Alata as the stool?” Kaylee asked.

“Yes since I know he would help me,” Eri said. 

“Alright,” Kaylee said.

Alata tried to move for Eri but made her fall after finished cleaning one window and was going to the next window. Timmy runs to Eri and catches her before she fell to the ground. Kaylee smirked softly at her baby brother. 

“Thank you, Timmy,” Eri said.

“Your welcome,” Timmy said as he put her down. 

Eri went to the window and gets back on Alata. Timmy smiled softly and walked outside. Kaylee followed Timmy. Timmy saw his sister and realized that she is going to tease him.

“Sis don’t even think about it,” Timmy said.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Kaylee said.

“I know you are going to tease me, big sis,” Timmy said.

Kaylee pouted. Timmy chuckled and hugs Kaylee. Kaylee looked at Timmy.

“Love you, sis,” Timmy said.

“Love you, baby brother,” Kaylee said, “So you like Eri?” 

“U-u-uh...u-u-um…” Timmy stuttered.

“Don’t worried. I can see you like her,” Kaylee said, “But it's early right now.”

Timmy nodded. Kaylee smiled softly.

“Mind help me clean the front of the house and maybe do some little gardening,” Timmy asked.

“Timmy, do you remember what happened last time you tried to do the garden?” Kaylee asked.

“Oh. Yeah, I do…” Timmy said forgotten that he does destroy the plants more than he helped it.

“Mom and I tried to bring it back but they were dead before we could save them. Boy, Mom was so mad and banned you from the gardening,” Kaylee said.

“Yeah. That’s the only time I am thankful for that,” Timmy said.

Kaylee sighed softly.

“Timmy you gotta let go of that grudge against our parents. It’s not healthy,” Kaylee said.

“I can’t,” Timmy said.

“Maybe one day you can forgive them as I did after finding out about you,” Kaylee said.

Unknown to either of sister or brother, Eri heard some of the past about Timmy and Kaylee. Eri walked out cause the siblings Oliver to look at Eri.

“Hi Eri,” Kaylee and Timmy said.

“Hey guys,” Eri said.

“What’s bring you out here?” Kaylee asked.

“I’m gonna planted some plants,” Eri said.

“Well that is what I was going to do but I guess you can do that as long you don’t invite him to help,” Kaylee said as she pointed at Timmy at the end of the sentence.

“Oi!” Timmy said.

“It’s true,” Kaylee said.

“Fine,” Timmy said knowing that’s Kaylee is right.

“Let me guess. He killed them?” Eri asked.

“Yeah. Big time,” Kaylee said.

Timmy sighed softly.

“I’ll mow the grass instead,” Timmy said.

“Good thinking,” Kaylee and Eri said.

Kaylee and Eri got the plants out and plant them in the pot. Kaylee heard singing and looked at Eri as she is surprised that Eri can sing well. Timmy stops and listens to Eri’s singing before getting the lawnmower out to cut the grass.

“Here they bloom, there they bloom. All the pretty tulips…” Eri singed.

“Wow that is so good,” Timmy said.

“Thanks, Timmy. I know they will bloom soon,” Eri said.

“Is that true Eri?” Kaylee asked.

“Yeah,” Eri said.

“I hope you are saying is true,” Kaylee said.

Eri nodded and looked up to see the window.

“Alata! You know my favorite color, right?” Eri said.

Alata poked his head out the window holding the paint bucket and the paintbrush in his hands looking down.

“Of course I do! Pink, right?” Alata said.

“You know it!” Eri said.

“Just like you sis,” Timmy said.

“Oi! Pink is one of few colors,” Kaylee said.

“I know. Purple and white too,” Timmy said smirking at his sister.

Kaylee pouted softly being teased by her little brother.

“But actually...make it blue, instead!” Eri said as she picked the empty pot up.

Kaylee and Timmy stumbled when they heard that from Eri.

“What, now?” Alata asked as he was stumbled like Kaylee and Timmy.

“Yes!” Eri said.

“Eri, why did you change your mind on the color?” Timmy asked.

“Just feel like it. Probably to make more feel like home,” Eri said.

“Oh,” Timmy said.

Eri busy working on the plants as Kaylee went to get water for the plants.

“Alata! Make it gold instead,” Eri said.

Timmy chuckled softly. Kaylee came back and water the plants with Eri. Suddenly, Eri, Kaylee, and Timmy heard bad sounds and went to grabs their heads as it is hurting them.

“Oh no… what is this?” Eri asked.

“It hurt,” Kaylee whimpered softly.

“Head burst…” Timmy mumbled.

Eri turns to the window hoping that Alata would help out.

“Alata!” Eri said.

Kaylee and Timmy screamed in pain as they couldn’t handle the noise any longer and passed out. Goseigers came out to see the siblings Oliver passed out while Eri was still holding her head.

“What happened to them?” Hyde asked.

“I don’t know but that noise is hurting my head right now,” Eri said.

Agri and Hyde picked both Kaylee and Timmy and took them inside and put them on the couch for now.

“Come on. Let’s handle the problem that both Eri and Alata are hearing right now,” Hyde said, “We can check on them later.” 

Goseigers agreed with Hyde. Later on, Kaylee and Timmy woke up in pain. Kaylee slowly gets up and walked to grabs the first aid kit to get the medicine for the headache that both she and Timmy are feeling right now.

“S-sis?” Timmy asked.

“Meds first talk later,” Kaylee mumbled.

Timmy nodded slowly as Kaylee came back with two water bottles. Kaylee handed one to Timmy and took the medicine while using the water bottle. Timmy did the same thing as Kaylee by taking it. They saw the Goseigers coming back carry both Alata and Eri and knew they must have the same problems as them.

“Kaylee, Timmy,” Hyde said when seeing them awake.

Kaylee and Timmy wave slowly. Others put Alata and Eri on the couch and put the cool cloth on their head while Moune getting the blankets for them.

“Are you two ok?” Hyde asked.

“No… are they ok?” Kaylee asked softly.

“No. It seems like you and they have the same problem,” Hyde said.

Moune came back and put the blanket on Alata and Eri. Kaylee and Timmy watched Alata and Eri while they snuggle up with each other. Nozomu enters the door.

“I’m back,” Nozomu said before seeing four of them are on the couch not feeling well, “Alata, Eri, Kaylee, Timmy… what happened?”

“Alata and Eri were hit by a Warstar sonic attack,” Hyde said, “Kaylee and Timmy were passed out unknown but we believe that they might be the same as Alata and Eri.”

“Sis and I don’t know why we both hear same as them…” Timmy said softly.

“The Skyic tribe are masters of the wind. It makes them especially sensitive to such things,” Hyde said.

Kaylee gasped softly as she learns the information. Timmy looked at his sister. Hyde looked at Kaylee wonder what causes her to gasp.

“Do you remember the ancestor we were talking about?” Kaylee asked.

“Yeah,” Hyde said.

“We did say we were trying to find out the ancestor but never say anything about who they are,” Kaylee said.

“I do remember that,” Hyde said.

“After hearing you say about the Skyic tribe being masters of the wind. I think we might be descendants from the Skyic tribe so we might have that ability,” Kaylee said.

Timmy’s eyes wide realized how much Kaylee figure it out. Hyde was surprised and realized it.

“That does explain why you both faint due to the noise since you both are sensitive,” Hyde said.

Kaylee and Timmy nodded slowly.

“We want to help you,” Kaylee and Timmy said at the same time.

“No, you both need some rest right now,” Hyde said.

“Fine,” Kaylee and Timmy said.

“Hold on, you talking about your family’s past, Kaylee?” Nozomu asked.

Kaylee nodded slowly and close her eyes as she lay her head on Timmy’s shoulder. Timmy smiled softly at his sister.

“How are we going to fight against that noise?” Agri asked.

“But… I know we’ll find a way. It’ll work out, somehow,” Eri said softly.

“Eri… she’s just trying to make us feel better,” Moune said.

“No. If Eri says so, then it will work out. Don’t worry,” Alata said before looking at Eri, “If there wasn’t any hope, then she wouldn’t say that.”

“She must have a way of finding another way to beat right?” Timmy asked.

Alata nodded. Hyde looked at Alata.

“Alata, why don’t you just rest for now?” Hyde asked.

Alata nodded and lay back down to get rest as Eri, Kaylee, Timmy is resting. Kaylee heard Moune saying about them being weird as she threw the shoes at Moune.

“Ow!” Moune said as she rubs her head and turns to see who did that but seeing that no one did.

Kaylee smirked softly in her head knowing that she got Moune. Kaylee can hear others.

“At any rate, we need to locate the enemy. There’s no question that he’ll return. We will need a plan to stop it,” Hyde said.

As the rest of the Goseigers are talking, Timmy thought he heard something moving across the floor and looked over to see strange machine moving. The machine shows the face on the screen and that can turn into more like a robot came out of the cover scaring everyone in the room. Everyone was screaming as they got scared.

“You don’t have to look so frightened!” the machine said.

“You scared us,” Kaylee said, “Just who are you?”

“I’m Datas,” the machine known as Datas said, “If you are looking for the enemy. I can find him.”

“Whoa! Can you find any enemy for us?” Timmy asked.

“Yes,” Datas said.

After Datas telling the story of why he was there and who sent him there. Nozomu walked up the steps.

“So you are saying that you are sent to hereby Master Head from the Guardian Realm to be powered down in case of an emergency?” Nozomu asked.

“Yes! I was programmed to activate in the event of an emergency! I’ll help you any way I can,” Datas said.

“So Master Head is like you guys’ teacher?” Nozomu asked.

Kaylee and Timmy were wondering about that.

“Your leader, I guess?” Nozomu asked.

“More precisely, he is the administrator over the Guardian Realm and holder of all its wisdom. He is the Guardian Angels’ mentor,” Hyde said.

“Let say that he is a very great man,” Moune said.

“Wish we could meet him,” Kaylee said.

Timmy nodded.

“But you can’t be serious,” Agri said as he gets up from the chair and went toward Datas and taps on Datas, “This thing works for Master Head?”

“I am not a thing!” Datas said as he was mad being called a thing, “I’m Datas. Just have a look at this!”

Datas became a machine to pulls out the location.

“I can analyze height, material composition, and reverberation between local skyscrapers…” Datas said.

“Too much science,” Timmy murmured.

“Hush you,” Kaylee said.

“... cross-reference it with local weather conditions, temperature, and humidity… and extrapolate that Marsatta’s next appearance will be… right here,” Datas said.

“You’re kidding, right?” Moune asked.

Everyone was lost and try to figure out the plan.

“We should go. The most important thing is to try no matter what,” Alata said before tried to get up but gets stops.

“Wait! You’re not fully recovered yet. We’ll go,” Hyde said.

The Landic siblings used their arms to bump each other. Hyde, Agri, and Eri leave to the location that Datas found for them. Timmy and Kaylee looked at Alata and Eri. 

“You want to help them?” Kaylee asked.

“Yeah,” Alata said.

“So do we,” Timmy said.

“Why you both want to help?” Eri asked.

“We want to help other people for a long time,” Kaylee said.

“I see,” Alata and Eri said.

“I know someday you would help the people like us,” Eri said.

“Alright,” Kaylee and Timmy said.

Nozomu and Datas were listening to them. Soon, the bad noise was heard all over the world cause many people including Nozomu to be in pain. Kaylee and Timmy hissed in pain when they heard the bad noise again. Eri is holding her head as Nozomu fell to the sit-in pain. Alata gets off the couch and went to Nozomu to make sure he is ok.

“Nozomu...are you ok?” Alata asked.

“Humanity’s in trouble,” Datas said, “Look at this.”

Kaylee and Timmy looked at Datas and knowing he is right. Datas bring up the map with people from all over the world. Alata and Eri looked at it too.

“If we don’t find a way to stop this, many people will either go deaf or dead,” Kaylee said.

Others nodded agreed with Kaylee.

“We need to go…” Alata said.

Kaylee and Timmy get up. Nozomu grabs Alata’s arm.

“You can't! You are not feeling well…” Nozomu said.

“Sometimes, things don’t work out,” Kaylee said.

“We can always find a different way to work out,” Timmy said.

“Alata… let’s go,” Eri said.

“We are coming with you this time,” Kaylee and Timmy said.

Alata nodded and picked Nozomu up to put him on the couch. Then Alata, Eri, Kaylee, and Timmy were walking down the steps. Alata is helping Eri while Timmy and Kaylee were behind them to make sure they won’t fall.

“Can you make it, Eri?” Alata asked.

“It’s ok. This is gonna work out,” Eri said.

When they made it outside while supporting each other, Alata opens the door and walked out holding Eri. Kaylee and Timmy followed them.

“I know it… there's got be away,” Eri said.

As the door close, Kaylee and Timmy stop when they saw the plant. Eri turns her head to see the plant.

“They bloomed!” Kaylee said.

“That’s it! Kaylee, Eri maybe your songs can help,” Timmy said.

Eri and Kaylee nodded. Alata went down to the plants and realized it.

“This will work. Let’s go to help others,” Alata said.

Kaylee and Timmy nodded. Eri was confused about what Alata is saying. They were on their way to meet others. When getting closer, Kaylee and Eri begin to sing to block the bad noise so none of them can listen to it. 

“Alata who is that monster that makes noise?” Timmy asked.

“His name is Marsatta,” Alata said.

“Ugh! What is up with the monsters and their names?” Timmy asked.

“You seem like you know the monsters?” Alata asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” Timmy said.

“Alright,” Alata said.

When they got there, Eri and Kaylee are still singing, Alata and Timmy were helping Eri and Kaylee getting to the scene of the fight, and where the monster that makes bad noise is known as Marsatta. Both Kaylee and Eri got to the seat and sits down while singing. Timmy and Alata watched while protecting Eri and Kaylee. Agri, Moune, and Hyde saw them from where they were on the ground due to the blast and bad noise.

“Eri! Kaylee!” Moune said.

The morphed Goseigers are slowly getting up. Soon the tree behind Alata, Eri, Kaylee, and Timmy is blooming the flower. Marsatta is mad that Kaylee and Eri interrupted the music that he picked out. The unknown monster was not happy and was about to attack Kaylee, Eri, Timmy, and Alata. Hyde shoots at the unknown monster. As the Goseigers are busy with an unknown monster, Alata pulled the card and morpher out.

“Hear me, wind! Carry Kaylee’s and Eri’s song to the world!” Alata said letting the wind help him, “Invoke!”


The wind begins to carry the song of Eri and Kaylee throughout the world to help people not to hear bad music that is coming from Marsatta but rather from themselves. Marsatta tried to stop the sound from Kaylee and Eri but his machine broke. Kaylee and Eri continued singing until the machine is fully broken. Alata looked at Kaylee and Eri.

“Eri,” Alata said.

“Right,” Eri said.

Both Eri and Alata get their morpher ready. Kaylee and Timmy wish they could join but felt something in their pocket.


“Change card! Invoke!” Eri and Alata said as they morphed into GoseiPink and GoseiRed to joined others.

“Brother, did you feel something?” Kaylee whispered.

“Yeah,” Timmy whispered, “Could it be?”

“The morpher like others? Yea,” Kaylee said, “Let’s join others.”

Timmy nodded as both pulled the morpher and the card out of their pocket. They pulled the morpher.


“Change card! Invoke!” Kaylee and Timmy said.


Kaylee became GoseiWhite while Timmy became GoseiEmerald. Both Eri and Alata were shocked to see their friends morph into Goseigers like them. Others didn’t see Kaylee and Timmy morphs as they were getting up.

“The Skick Power of Flash, Gosei White!” Kaylee said.

“The Skick Power of Illusion, Gosei Emerald!” Timmy said.

Eri, Alata, Kaylee, and Timmy went to fight against the B.B.s and destroyed them. Agri, Hyde, and Moune see them fighting and confused about who is GoseiWhite and GoseiEmerald.

“Eri, Alata, who are they?” Moune asked.

“It’s K-,” Alata said before gets cut off by Kaylee.

“Later, we got this monster to take care of,” Kaylee said.

“White is right,” Timmy said.

Goseigers nodded and looked at Marsatta. Marsatta got up from the ground still mad at the Goseigers.

“Protecting the Earth is an Angel’s duty! Invocation Sentai Goseiger!” the Goseigers including Kaylee and Timmy said as they posed.

“Don’t pose at me, posers!” Marsatta said pointing at them.

Marsatta starting to blasting at them. Goseigers block the attack that Marsatta sent to them to be killed. Goseigers start to shoot their blast back to Marsatta.

“Guardian Super Sonic!” Goseigers said.

Goseigers begin to combine their weapons except for Kaylee and Timmy. Goseigers were pointing at Marsatta while Kaylee and Timmy were standing behind them.

“Gosei Buster!” Goseigers said.


“Punish!” Alata said.

The blast was sent to Marsatta from the combined weapon. The blast hits Marsatta and causes some explosives. The unknown monster is not happy but sent some kind of bug called B.B.s Bugs to make Marsatta grow into mega size.

“Great muse-icians never die!” Marsatta said.

Kaylee groaned softly. 

“They never learn,” Kaylee muttered.

Goseigers looked at each other. Timmy and Kaylee step back.

“We will let you handle this,” Kaylee and Timmy said.

“Ok,” Goseigers said.

Goseigers summons their zords. They jump into their zords. Marsatta plays the music cause Kaylee and Timmy are hissed in pain.

“Turn that damn music off!!!!!!!” Kaylee and Timmy yelled.

“Ok,” Alata said.

Kaylee and Timmy were watching from the side and knowing that their friends will win the fight.

“Hey sis, let's meet them at the house,” Timmy said.

“Good idea. I want to check on Nozomu to see how he is feeling after hearing that horrible music,” Kaylee said.

“Yeah. I am thinking that I need to ask Datas if he can help us with our family history,” Timmy said.

“Good idea,” Kaylee said.

Kaylee and Timmy demorphed and walked to the house to meet Gosiegers there. When the siblings Oliver got there, Kaylee went to check on Nozomu and see him ok. Timmy walked to Datas.

“Datas, can I ask you a question?” Timmy asked.

“Sure,” Datas said.

“Can you check the family history?” Timmy asked.

“I can try,” Datas said.

“You don’t have to do right now,” Timmy said.

“OK,” Datas said.

Timmy sees Kaylee going outside and follows her. Kaylee got outside and climbs the tree. Timmy watch his older sister climbing and smiled. 

“Sis you never change,” Timmy said.

“Hush you, little brother,” Kaylee said.

Timmy chuckled and sees Goseigers came back. Hyde, Agri, and Moune went inside while Eri and Alata stay outside. Alata sees Kaylee in the tree.

“Kaylee, why are you in the tree?” Alata asked.

“Just feel like want to climb,” Kaylee said.

Kaylee jumps down from the tree. Eri picks up the two pots. Alata looked at Kaylee.

“Was that you and Timmy who could change like us?” Alata asked.

“Yes,” Kaylee said, “But we can talk later.” 

Kaylee walks to pick one pot up as Alata picks the other two pots. Timmy opens the door for them to go in and went upstairs to put the pots on the bench. As so they enter the room, others saw them.

“What is it? What are we talking about?” Eri asked.

“You guys! Master Head just…” Moune said before gets interrupted by Alata.

“I forgot to finish painting,” Alata said.

“It should be brown, I think,” Eri said.

Kaylee and Timmy facepalms at Eri’s changing color.

“Please just picked one Eri,” Kaylee and Timmy said.

“Ok,” Eri said, “Brown it is.”

“Finally!” Kaylee and Timmy said.

Timmy went to paint it for Alata so he doesn’t have to deal with it. Eri giggled softly.

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