Chapter 5

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Kaylee and Timmy were out walking toward the store. They were getting stuff at the house as they are planning to make a huge meal for everyone who is living in the house. Kaylee knows which one she is making since Timmy is just helping his big sister. When they arrived at the store, Kaylee and Timmy split up since each of them split the list that Kaylee wrote down. Kaylee went one aisle while Timmy went the other aisle. Timmy got most of his list done and hoping Kaylee got hers done.

"I hope sis got her list done," Timmy murmured.

Kaylee sees Timmy and walked to him.

"Did you get the list done?" Kaylee asked.

"Yeah," Timmy said, "Did you let others know that you are cooking?"

"I thought you were going to do that for me," Kaylee said.

"No sis. So, that mean others doesn't know," Timmy said

"Shoot. I guess we can make them tomorrow night after all," Kaylee said.

"Yeah," Timmy said.

They both check out the food and walk back to the house. They were talking about the other day how they became Goseigers and need to keep it secret from their family in America. When they got to the house and went to the kitchen to put the food away, they didn't know that Nozomu already left when the siblings Oliver return. Moune saw them came back with food.

"Kaylee, Timmy why are you back with food?" Moune asked cause both Alata and Eri to looked at them.

"We were out to get stuff for dinner tonight but I thought Timmy was going to tell you guys not to buy anything. When found out that he didn't so I told him that we can make it tomorrow night," Kaylee said.

"Oh," Moune said.

Timmy and Kaylee nodded and put the food away. Suddenly, they got a call from Hyde about the problem.

"Listen, everyone... Warstar is behind the Genius Flu!" Hyde said.

Everyone was looking at each other and ran to Nozomu's school. When they got there and sees the B.B.s starting to attack the students.

"B.B.s!" Kaylee said.

Eri, Moune, Alata, Timmy, and Kaylee were about to attack the B.B.s but stop by Nozomu.

"Don't hurt them! These are the kids from my class!" Nozomu said.

"Crap! They went so low by using kids," Kaylee snarled.

"Calm down sis," Timmy said putting his hand on her shoulder.

Moune, Eri, and Alata looked at the siblings Oliver. Kaylee doesn't look like she is calm so Alata puts his hand on her shoulder. Kaylee slowly calms down. Timmy noticed and wonder if Alata is the only one who can calm Kaylee down beside him. Timmy will test it later when everything is semi-normal.

"So this is the Warstar plot that Hyde was talking about," Alata said.

"So what can we do? We can't fight them when they are like this," Moune said.

"We don't have any choice but to keep the kids safe so we need to get the infected kids out of here," Kaylee said.

Alata nodded before both Kaylee and Alata were pushed out of the classroom with the B.B.s attacking. Both Alata and Kaylee looked up to see the kids were running out of the classroom. They begin to keeps the infected kids known as the B.Bs away from non-infected ones.

"We have to stop them before they could hurt the kids," Kaylee said.

They are fighting to keep the infected kids from going further. Kaylee and Timmy worked together to keep the infected kids from going out to infected other people but unable to stop as there are so many of them.

"There are so many of them sis," Timmy said.

"I know but we need to protect them from hurting other people and possibly infected them," Kaylee said.

Timmy nodded and trying to keep the infected kids in one place. Kaylee got an idea and use the Tornado card.

"Brother, distracted them as I got an idea," Kaylee said.

"Alright," Timmy said.

Timmy distracted the infected kids as Kaylee invocation the Tornado card to keep them in one place. Timmy managed to get out of the way and joined his sister.

"That does work," Timmy said.

"Yeah. Let's find others and hopefully that Hyde and Agri found something to help the kids," Kaylee said.

Timmy nodded. Kaylee and Timmy ran to find Alata, Moune, and Eri and see them did similar ideas to Kaylee. Alata, Moune, and Eri see the siblings Oliver and smiled.

"We better help Hyde and Agri. I think they might be fighting the monster," Kaylee said.

Goseigers and Timmy nodded. They ran to help Hyde and Agri and see that the monster is getting up so they shoot at the monster that was ready to attack Hyde. Hyde turns his head to see his teammates there in Goseigers.

"Alata! Eri! Moune! Kaylee! Timmy!" Hyde said.

They regroup up as Agri got back from giving something to the doctor.

"Where are the kids?" Hyde asked.

"No worries," Eri said.

"We used our Invocations to keep them in one place," Kaylee said.

"That way we can save them once we find out the cure," Timmy said.

"Yep! So I think it's about time to beat this jerk!" Moune said.

Goseigers line up as they face the monster.

"Skick Power of Storm! GoseiRed!" Alata said.

"Skick Power of Breath! GoseiPink!" Eri said.

"Skick Power of Flash, Gosei White!" Kaylee said.

"Skick Power of Illusion,Gosei Emerald!" Timmy said.

"Landick Power of Stone! GoseiBlack!" Agri said.

"Landick Power of Buds! GoseiYellow!" Moune said.

"Seaick Power of Waves! GoseiBlue!" Hyde said.

"Angels have a duty to protect the Earth! Invocations Sentai Goseigers!" the Goseigers said.

"Zilence, all of you!" the monster known as Waroworls yelled as he blasts the fire from his mouth.

Goseigers went running in different directions as soon as the blast coming toward them.

"Everyone, aim for the wound on his thorax!" Hyde said.

Kaylee, Hyde, and Eri jump in the air and shoots at the wound that Hyde made. The Landick siblings hit the wound. Alata and Timmy used their swords to stabs the wound cause Waroworls to rolls back.

"Let's finished this," Hyde said.

Goseiger gets together and puts their weapons combined to shoot at Waroworls.

"Gosei Buster!"

"The flash of Skick Power!"

"The rush of Landick Power!"

"The focus of Seaick Power!"

"Punish!" Alata said.


The blast came from the Gosei Buster as it hits Waroworls. Waroworls got destroyed before the B.B.s Bats came to make him grow megasize.

"Oh snap!" Kaylee and Timmy said.

Goseigers managed to get back from Waroworls before summoning their zords except Kaylee and Timmy to become Gosei Great. Kaylee and Timmy were watching the battle and can see that their friends are losing against Waroworls when he took the Dragon Sword from them.

"WATCH OUT!" Kaylee and Timmy yelled.

But they see that the Goseigers manage to stop it. This cause the siblings to sighed in relief. Then they saw something coming toward them.

"What the?!" Kaylee murmured.

"Maybe they got new power?" Timmy asked.

"Yeah," Kaylee said.

Kaylee and Timmy watch as Gosei Great change into Seaick Gosei Great. Kaylee and Timmy looked aww at the sight and smirked knowing who is going to win. Seaick Gosei Great destroyed Waroworls.

"That's what you get for messing with kids," Kaylee said darkly.

"Scary..." Timmy said as he steps back from Kaylee.

Kaylee looked at her younger brother and smiled.

"Sorry but I don't like anyone who used the kids against us," Kaylee said.

"I know sis," Timmy said, "You told me that many times but you are scary when you say that."

Kaylee nodded. Kaylee and Timmy demorphed. They see the Goseigers came down and demorphed.

"Is everything alright?" Eri asked.

"Yeah," Kaylee said.

"I want to check on someone," Hyde said.

"Is it about the kid and the researcher?" Timmy asked.

"W-what?! How did you know?" Hyde asked.

"We saw the news and knew you must help the researcher to find the cure for the poor kids," Kaylee explained.

"I see," Hyde said.

Kaylee smiled softly. Hyde looks at others and walks together to check on the kid and the researcher. They can see that the kid is safe and back to normal before going with his mother who is the researcher.

"Thank goodness she finished that cure," Eri said.

"It is nice," Alata said.

"I guess we owe this one to Hyde, huh?" Moune said.

"Rather... this incident couldn't have been revolved without Agri's help," Hyde said.

"You mean he did something to help you?" Kaylee asked.

Hyde nodded. Agri looked embarrassing. Kaylee chuckled softly.

"At least you both work together," Timmy said.

"Yes but Agri, take care of that ax of yours. The blade was warped by 1/13th of an inch," Hyde said.

Kaylee and Timmy groaned softly when they hear geek words made them remind them of someone they know. Alata and Eri looked at the siblings Oliver and wonder what makes them groan.

"I change my mind. I can't work with you," Agri said and walked away.

"Geek words," Kaylee and Timmy muttered.

Alata and Eri heard Kaylee and Timmy said that and understands it. Then Alata, Eri, and Moune join Agri. Kaylee and Timmy looked at Hyde.

"Hyde you should be careful with your word," Kaylee said.

"I agree with sis," Timmy said.

Kaylee and Timmy joined others leaving Hyde behind. Hyde was little hurt by Agri.

"Hey! Agri," Hyde said as he was chasing after his friends trying to figure out why Agri called him know-it-all.

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