Country Troll Chase

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(After the song, the children are thrown in jail)

Mary Dawn: Now, I want you three to sit in here and think about what you've just done. That was a crime against music.

Mayor Angelene: Wait, no. We're here to warn you about Grace, the Queen of Rock.

Mary Dawn: [sighs] Sweetie, I already know and have heard about this Queen Grace and her fancy World Tour. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got to go wash what you call music out of my ears. [walks away]

Mayor Angelene: [gasps]

Annie Buckaroo: [comes out from Mary's hair, she chuckles] Oh. You in real trouble now. Right, Aunt Mary?

Mary Dawn: Keep an eye on 'em, Growly Pete.

Annie Buckaroo: Yes!

Growly Pete: Growley, growley, growley, growl.

Mayor Angelene: No, no. Music should bring us together, not divide us! Sugar.

Angelo: [sighs] Well, I knew it. "Who Let the Dogs Out"? Too far.

Mayor Angelene: Okay, Angelo. You can say "I told you so." I know you want to.

Angelo: Y-You did great out there, Ate.

(Landon sits on the bunker bed with both of the children)

Mayor Angelene: [shrieks]

Landon: I'll never survive the big house. We've got to get out of here.

Mayor Angelene: I know. That was such a rad medley.. I can't believe it didn't work.

Landon: Tell me about it.. I did the splits. No one even clapped. Am I not cute anymore?! Come on!

(Landon's pants are ripped from his bottom)

Mayor Angelene: Maybe my teacher was right. The other Trolls are different in ways I was not prepared for. Some Trolls, they don't just want to have fun.

Landon: [as Mr. Creeper] Anybody got a plan B?

Angelo: Plan B? Right up here.

(Then Angelo pulls out a shovel from his hair)

Angelo: Step one: escape from Lonesome Flats.

(The boys start to dig a hole for them to escape)

Mr. Creeper: [snorting, spitting noisily]

Mayor Angelene: [sighs] Plan B it is. I guess we're going home.

Jacob: Whoo-hey!

(His laso clings onto the cell gate, and it is pulled open)

Mayor Angelene: [screams]

Jacob: It ain't right to put you in jail 'cause your music's different. It seems some folks round here don't appreciate a rad medley when they hear one. [winks] Let's skedaddle.

Mayor Angelene: Yes! Mission back on! Angelo! Angelo! You can stop rescuing us.

(The boys stick their heads out of a hole)

Mayor Angelene: [gasps, runs up to Jacob and sits on his back]

Angelo: Ate, you don't even know who this is.

Mayor Angelene: I'm Mayor Angelene. What's your name?

Jacob: Name's Jacob.

Mayor Angelene: Angelo, this is Jacob.. Jacob, this is Angelo.

Landon: Enough with the formalities.. Let's go! Uh, this is Mr. Creeper, by the way.

Mr. Creeper: [squeaks]

(Mary Dawn bursts the door open with several Country Trolls)

Jacob: I said let's skedaddle! Hyah!

Mary Dawn: [pulls out Annie Buckaroo from her hair] Go get 'em, Annie!

Annie Buckaroo: [hisses, blabbering]

Angelo: [screams] This was my plan C, by the way.

I feel it comin' like a highball train

Mary Dawn: Charge!

Bearin' down on the end of the line

(Jacob shouting)

Jacob: Hyah! Hyah!

I see the black clouds...

Mayor Angelene: [she sees a cacti forest] Oh, no! Jacob!

Jacob: I got it, Mayor Angelene.

Mary Dawn: Don't let them get away!

Mayor Angelene: [screaming, shouting]

I'm feelin' meaner than an old bobcat

(Landon sobbing)

Annie Buckaroo: [blabbering]

I got the hammer down and won't look back

Annie Buckaroo: [laughs]

My mind is headed down a one-way track

I'm leavin' Lonesome Flats, I'm leavin' Lonesome Flats

(Jacob jumps over a hole)

Jacob: [whoops] Yeah!

(Annie falls into a hole)

Annie Buckaroo: [blabbering, screams]

Jacob: Yeah! [whoops]

Mary Dawn: Come on, Growley Pete!

Mayor Angelene: Uh-oh.

Mary Dawn: Do your thing!

Female Country Troll: [whooping]

Growley Pete: No one can escape my mustache.

Male Country Troll: That's how you do it!

(His mustache grabs Angelo's foot)

Angelo: [gasping]

Growly Pete: Hyah!

Angelo: [laughs] That tickles.

Landon: Angelo, hold on to Mr. Creeper!

Angelo: [yelling]

Mr. Creeepr: [straining]

(yelling and straining continue)

Mary Dawn: Hyah!

Male Country Troll: We're gonna get you now!

(Annie pops out and bites Angelo's pants)

Angelo: [screaming]

Jacob: [whoops]

Mayor Angelene: Jacob, look out!

Annie Buckaroo: [blabbering]

Mayor Angelene: We're not gonna make it!

Angelo: Oh, yes, we are. [he takes Annie off of him and bites Growley Pete's mustache]

Yeah, I'm leavin' Lonesome Flats

Mayor Angelene: [screaming]

Jacob: Well, I hope Pop Trolls can swim. [they fall off into a river]

All: [screaming]

Mary Dawn: Oh, for Pete's sake. Well, dangity-doodly.

Annie Buckaroo: Dangity-doodly. [she climbs back into Mary's hair, she grunts]


(relaxing music playing)

Mr. Creeper: [squeaks]

Creeper God: Welcome home.

(choir singing, music distorting)

Mr. Creeepr: [coughs, pops]

Landon: [gasps]

Mr. Creeepr: [squeaking]

Landon: Oh, Mr. Creeper, you're alive. For a minute there, I thought you'd kicked the bucket.

Mr. Creeeper: [groans]

(Angelene and Angelo coughing, panting)

Mayor Angelene: I'm really glad you came with me. [panting]

Angelo: Me, too.

Jacob: [galloping] Yah! There you are. Whew! I think we lost them. [he shakes his body off]

Angelo: [grunting]

Jacob: We should be all right.

Mayor Angelene: Thank you. I don't know how we can ever repay you. Oh, wait! Yes, I do. [pulls out gumdrops] Gumdrops!

Jacob: Gum what? Oh. Well, thank you. [he eats it] Whew. That's got a zing, don't it? Uh... Whoa.

Angelo: It's not candy time. It's question time.

(His star marking turns white)

Angelo: Huh?

Mayor Angelene & Landon: Hug time!

Landon: Ooh. Oh, that feels good.

Jacob: Wow.

Angelo: [grunts] Why are you helping us? [bell dings, he slaps it] What's in it for you?

Mayor Angelene: Hey! Angelo. [chuckles] I'm sorry about my... associate.

Jacob: I loved your message about music bringin' Trolls together. You may be Pop, and I may be Country, but Trolls is Trolls.

Angelo: [imitates Jacob] "Trolls is Trolls." Wow. Deep.

Mayor Angelene: This is the beginning of a partnership between Trolls that's going to save all Trolls.

Jacob: You're darn skippy.

Mayor Angelene: [chuckles] Ah.

Angelo: [groans]

Mayor Angelene: Okay. We need to get to the Funk Trolls before Grace.

Jacob: Well, quickest way is down that river. I'll build us a raft.

Angelo: [scoffs] This ought to be good. Guy probably doesn't know the first thing about building a ra...

(Jacob starts building a raft)

Jacob: Cappuccino, anyone?

Mayor Angelene: Cappuccino? Cappucci-yes.

Landon: Oh!

Mayor Angelene: Are you seeing this?

Landon: Oh, wow.

Angelo: [sighs] I do want one. But I am not happy about it.

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