Queen Grace's World Tour

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Landon: [screams] Angelene, help!

Angelo: Ooh.

Landon: Angelene! [shrieking, gasping]

(wild grunting)

Trolls: Watch it, watch it!

Mayor Angelene: Landon?

Troll: Oh, run!

(Trolls clamoring)

Landon: [screams] Help! I'm being harangued by a monster! [gasps] Someone stop it! [shrieks]

(wild grunting continues)

(Angelene goes in and takes the monster with her hair)

Mayor Angelene: Gotcha! Ah! It's in my hair! It's in my hair! Get it out, get it out, get it out!

Angelo: [yells and gets the monster, shushing] There you go. [he touches the eyes] There you go. Calm down. Who's a good boy?

Arabella: What is that thing?

Louden: It's creepy.

Addie & Sophia: It's scary.

Dru: [auto-tuned] And nasty.

Tiny Russel: Hold me, Daddy.

Dru: Oh.

Mayor Angelene: [she picks the letter up] "To Mayor Angelene."

(Trolls gasp)

Mayor Angelene: Oh, don't worry, everyone. It looks like it's just an invitation.

Landon: Whew!

Arabella: Just an invitation.

Landon: I love invitations.

Mayor Angelene: [clears throat] "Grace, the Queen of Rock, announces her One Nation Under Rock World Tour. Bring your string to the biggest party the world has ever seen." Queen of Rock?

Mr. Cooper: It's nothing! It means nothing at all.. It's just junk mail. You don't need to worry about it. I mean, quit looking at it, everyone. Forget what you saw! [chews the invitation]

(Angelo goes to Cooper)

Angelo: [yells, shushing]

Mr. Cooper: [grunting]

Angelo: There you go. There you go.

Mr. Cooper: [eyes boinging, purring]

Angelo: Calm down. Calm down. [quietly] There you go.

Mr. Cooper: Okay, I'm calm. I'm calm.

Mayor Angelene: Mr. Cooper, what's going on?

Mr. Cooper: Well, I have long feared this day would come. I was hoping to protect you from this, Angelene.

Mayor Angelene: Protect me? I'm not a little kid anymore, Mr. Cooper. I'm the mayor now.

Mr. Cooper: You're right. The truth is we are not alone in this world.

(eerie warbling coming from Mr. Creeper)

(warbling stops)

Landon: [stammers, shushes]

Mr. Cooper: There are other kinds of Trolls.

Troll: What?

Mayor Angelene: Wow. That's... Mr. Cooper, that's great. The more Trolls, the merrier.

Mr. Cooper: You don't understand. These other Trolls aren't like us. They're different.

Mayor Angelene: Different how? Different like Arabella?

Arabella: I love being me.

Mayor Angelene: Or Fuzzbert? Or Cassie?

(Fuzzbert babbling)

Mayor Angelne: Or Skyscraper Troll?

Skyscraper Troll: [in unison] Yeah, different like me?

Mr. Cooper: No, it's not that. They're different in ways you can't even imagine. You see, we love music with a hummable hook, with an upbeat melody, with a catchy rhythm that makes you want to snap your fingers, tap your toes and wiggle your butt. That's our music. That's what makes us Pop Trolls.

Arabella: Ooh.

Addie: It is.

Sophia: Yes.

Mr. Cooper: But these other Trolls, they sing different.


Mr. Cooper: They dance different. Why, some of them can't even begin to grasp the concept of Hammer Time.

("U Can't Touch This" playing)

Arabella: You can't touch that!

Louden: [screaming]

(Trolls clamoring, both crying)


♪ Stop ♪

(music and clamoring stop)

Mr. Cooper: How about we break down to a smaller group?


(birds chirping)

(The group goes with Mr. Cooper in a cave)

Mr. Cooper: It's a story as old as time. [clears throat]

In the beginning, there was silence.

Pop Ancestor: [singsongy] Boring.

Until one day, someone made a sound.

Our ancestors were so inspired by the sound, they took six strings.

And those six strings had the power to control all music.

They could play anything.


Techno, Funk, Classical, Country, Hard Rock and Pop.

And every kind of music in between.

There was something for everyone.

It was one big party.

But little by little, Trolls became intolerant of each other's music.

They fought over what kind of music the strings would play.

The elders realized there was but one solution.

Each tribe would take a string and go their separate ways.

Those six tribes have lived in isolation ever since.

Techno, Country, Rock, Classical, Funk, and us, the Pop Trolls.

Mayor Angelene: Now Grace's announcement makes sense. She wants to reunite the strings so the Troll World can be one big party again.

Angelo: Wait, that's all you heard? One big party?

Mayor Angelene: [chuckles] Yeah! It's when all the Trolls lived in harmony. And what's more important than living in harmony?

Angelo: Well, I heard fighting. The strings together leads to fighting.

Mr. Cooper: Exactly, Angelo. That's why we need to keep our string safe.

(He opens the colorful tinfoil waterfall to the Pop String)

Mr. Cooper: Behold! The pop music string. [he touches the string and it makes a sound]

Female String Voice: Oh, yeah.

(Trolls gasping)

Mayor Angelene: It's beautiful.

Mr. Cooper: And powerful. Which is why we can't let it fall into the wrong hands.

Angelo: And we won't.. Not on my watch. What we need is a plan.

Mr. Cooper: Don't worry. I've been preparing for this day for years. We run.

Mayor Angelene: Run?

Mr. Cooper: And hide.

Angelo: On it.

Mayor Angelene: But we don't even know what we're running and hiding from.

Mr. Cooper: We're hiding from Grace and all the other different Trolls.

Mayor Angelene: You're assuming the worst about

someone you haven't even met.

Mr. Cooper: You're not listening to me.

Mayor Angelene: You're not listening to me.

Mr. Cooper: I'm your teacher!

Mayor Angelene: And I'm the mayor.

Mr. Cooper: Uh, teacher trumps mayor. Now, there's no time to debate this. Let's go. Come along, Angelo.

Angelo: Well, I, um... [he goes with Cooper]

Mayor Angelene: We're all Trolls. Differences don't matter. [gets frustrated]

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