battle against the angels

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. Also, I will be featuring some attacks that are in the series as well as some of my own! Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Eleven - battle against the angels

As Miroku, Sango, and Inuyasha talked, the angelic demon could sense his brother's presence along with two distinct presences. One belonging to the angels and the others belonging to the demons. Sango and Kirara sensed the presences as well as Inuyasha could. Inuyasha easily recognized the demon scents but he wondered how Sesshomaru knew the angels.

"It's all right Sango, stand down. It's only my brother Sesshomaru along with the allies he went to get." stated Inuyasha. Sesshomaru entered the temple along with the two demons and two angels. Inuyasha recognized the two demons as they were from a branch family close to the dog family that both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were from.

The first was fox teen close to the same age as Inuyasha. His long bushy brown hair was tied back into a low ponytail. His Caucasian ears were similar to the way that Sesshomaru's ears was as he had a long bushy brown with a white tip fox tail and fox feet instead of regular feet. He had slitted emerald green eyes as he wore a two-piece outfit (a teenage Shippo).

The other was a wolf teen a few years older than Inuyasha. He wore his long dark brown hair up into a ponytail as his Caucasian ears were similar to Sesshomaru's. He had slitted golden brown eyes as he wore tan wolf fur as clothing (Koga).

The two angels looked somewhat alike as they both had long black hair which fell to their waist in lenght only one wore it back in a low ponytail. Their large white wings rested against their slender backs as they both had slightly pointed Causcasian ears. The only thing that was different about them was their eyes and the outfits they wore. The one with black eyes wore a priestess robes (Kikyo) as the one with blue eyes wore a red oriental style dress.

"Guys may I introduce some of our allies. These are the angels Kikyo and Kanade (from the 4th Inuyasha movie) as they were close friends to your mother Inuyasha. This is the fox demon Shippo and the wolf demon Koga whom are members of our branch family." stated Sesshomaru formally.

"This is the slayer Sango and her demon cat Kirara, as this is the monk Miroku." stated Inuyasha.

"Forgive me for being rude but we thought that you were only a rumor Inuyasha." stated Kanade.

"That's understandable. I would introduce my mate but she went to see a doctor, a friend to the family whom they trust to keep her pregency a secret. The reason why we have assembled all of you together is because we all wish for this war to end. I can not do this alone as it is too much for me and Sesshomaru to handle alone. That's why we are asking for your help." stated Inuyasha.

"And these two humans are going to help us?" snarled Koga.

"I'd watch your tongue Koga, I can sense that the slayer has enough skill and power to kill you without batting an eye. As forn the monk, his cursed hand could swallow you up to the point of no return." stated Kikyo. Both Sango and Miroku looked at Kikyo stunned. Even though they had just met the angel, she seemed to know a bit about them.

"You seem to recognize the curse that I have on this hand. Perhaps you can tell me whom it was that gave me this curse?" asked Miroku. Kikyo took Miroku's cursed hand into hers as she closed her eyes focusing her powers on Miroku's hand.

"This curse was given to your family by a powerful angel whom currently rules Heaven. It seems that this ancestor of yours had flirted with this angel and stole her celestial robes. When the angel found him, she retrieved her robe and cursed this person and their family to have the wind tunnel to swallow them up. The angel whom had placed this curse upon your family is Kaguya (from the 2nd Inuyasha movie)." stated Kikyo in a haunting voice before she reopened her eyes. "I believe Inuyasha has filled you in on the curse itself and how to get rid of it." stated Kikyo as Miroku nodded his head.

As everyone discussed the plans for battle, it seemed that an angel had spotted them. It flew back to Heaven to alert the ruling ladies of Heaven. All the angels of Heaven were female so, it upset them that Izayoi had a child with a demon and that the child was a male one at that. It was bad enough that Izayoi fell in love with a demon but to give birth to a half demon male off spring terrified them. The only way that the angels felt that they could redeem themselves was to kill the hanyou child.

Forgive me my Ladies but, the hanyou has been spotted in the human world as it seems that two of our own sisters have sided with him to mount an attack on both the angels and the demons. stated the angel as she bowed quickly to the two leading ladies of Heaven. The two angels got up from their chairs. One angel had her hair tied up into a bun with angel feathers stuck in it as she had jet black eyes (Kagura). The other angel had breast length wavy black hair which she wore pinned back with red pins as she also had jet black eyes (Kaguya).

Assemble the soldiers at once. We must kill that hanyou and teach our sisters not to defy Heaven's law! stated Kagura. The angel nodded her head before she took off. The two angels took off to get their battle gear as they had to rally the troops for battle. Once they were ready, they followed the angel whom had spotted Inuyasha.

Inuyasha's ears perked up along with Kirara's as both let out a low deep snarl. Almost everyone in the group could sense what was coming their way. Sango unstrapped her sword that hung from her side as she tossed it over to Miroku.

"Get ready monk, here they come!" shouted out the slayer. Miroku caught the sword as both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru also unsheathed their swords that hung by their side. The sky grew dark as thousands of angels blanketed the sky.

"Miroku use your cursed hand to thin out some of their line." stated Kanade. Miroku nodded his head as he stepped forward undoing the beads that were wrapped around his hand.

"WIND TUNNEL!" he shouted out as a huge gust of wind began to blow things pulling them into the black hold that was in the palm of Miroku's hand. The angels tried to fight the wind as quite a few of them got pulled into the black hole. Miroku kept it open for as long as possible before he quickly resealed it back up breathing rather heavily as it took a lot out of him just from using that one attack. There was still a good number of angels left as Sango threw her large boomerang clipping a few angels of their wings. Without so much as batting an eye, Sango threw some talismans at them, restraining them. While they were restrained, Sesshomaru attacked them using his father's fang that was transformed into a sword that he owned.

"DRAGON STRIKE!" snarled Sesshomaru as blue lightning released from Tenseiga frying the paralyzed angels. Kaguya swooped down grabbing Miroku's cursed hand.

"So, you are a descendant to that monk that I have cursed long ago. I am surprised that you have lived this long without being swallowed up." stated Kaguya causing Miroku's eyes to widen.

"BLADES OF BLOOD!" snarled Inuyasha as bright crimson flashes of light managed to force Kaguya away from Miroku. "Why don't you leave him alone and pick on someone close to your own kind?" asked Inuyasha as he could begin to feel his demon blood boiling.

"In order to fight you hanyou, I welcome a challenge." snapped Kaguya as she flung Miroku with a simple flick of her wrist. Luckily Miroku was caught on Kirara's back as the demon cat flew avoiding some of the angel's attacks. Kaguya moved taking out one of the pins from her hair as it transformed into a sword. The two swords clashed in a shower of sparks as Inuyasha tried his best to keep his demon blood from boiling over. He didn't want for his demonic nature to take control causing him to possibly attack his own allies. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his brother shape shift into his full dog form attacking the angels. Everyone was holding their own against the angels. "Give it up hanyou, you are too busy fighting against yourself to win this battle." laughed Kaguya.

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