a demon's rage

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea.  Also I will be featuring some attacks that are in the series as well as some of my own! Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Twelve - a demon's rage

Inuyasha couldn't stand this angels attitude as no one could understand how hard it was for him to control the different aspects of himself. But there were times when one half was stronger than the other half. Inuyasha could feel his demon blood boiloing as his form began to change. Another set of black angel wings had ripped out of Inuyasha's back along with another long white dog tail. The cornea's to Inuyasha's eyes became blood red as his slitted honey eyes became ice blue. A set of lavendar scars stretched across his cheecks as both his fangs and claws lengthened. Tetsusaiga pulsed within Inuyasha's hands as he snarled at Kaguya as violent winds picked up all around him.

"WIND SCAR!" he snapped unleashing the winds through his sword. Kaguya pulled out a mirror from her robes chanting something in an angelic tongue as Inuyasha's attack got swallowed up by Kaguya's mirror before it headed straight back at Inuyasha. Inuyasha dodged his own attack snarling sharply as the angel had managed to really tick him off. A steal coat covered Tetsusaiga as Inuyasha had to destroy the mirror that the angel was holding. "ADAMANT BARRAGE!" snapped Inuyasha as he swung his sword, the steal coating flung off of his sword heading straight at Kaguya. The angel tried to dodge the silver spears as they managed to break her mirror and damage her wing. "BACKLASH WAVE!" snarled Inuyasha as the angel's wings were destroyed in the blast. Kagura saw Kaguya go down hard as she moved to help her sister. Sesshomaru stepped before her in full form as poison dripped from his fangs as he wouldn't allow anyone near his brother. Sesshomaru could feel Inuyasha's rage like it was his own. Never before had Sesshomaru seen such a descructive power coming from Inuyasha as the older demon knew how dangerous a demon's rage could be. Both Shippo and Koga also kept everyone back as they also knew that Inuyasha would attack anyone that came to close to him. Inuyasha moved swiftly going after Kaguya once she fell to the ground. The angel tried to defend herself but Inuyasha hardly felt anything when the angel blasted him. As Inuyasha moved in for the final killing blow, he was suddenly grabbed from behind.

"Inuyasha stop! Nothing will be solved if you kill them." shouted out Kagome as she wrapped her arms around Inuyasha. The feel and smell of his mate brought Inuyasha back around as slowly his eyes returned back to normal. Tetsusaiga's blade rested inches away from Kaguya's throat.

".......Kagome.......?" asked Inuyasha as he didn't move one inch. Sesshomaru shape shifted back to his regular form stairing at Kagome in shock. Somehow the teen had done what most could never do, tame a demon's rage. Slowly Inuyasha's form returned back to normal as he didn't bother to move Tetsusaiga away from Kaguya's neck. "It's all over. I proved to be stronger in battle. I don't want any angel to come and threaten either me, my mate, or my kits. This war has gone on long enough. Humans are not pawns as they have their own feelings and emotions. It is time that we ended this war." stated Inuyasha. By defeating the two rulling angels of Heaven meant that the angels had to agree with Inuyasha's demands.

"Very well hanyou. Heaven's agrees with your terms as we will no longer interfear with humans as we will leave you, your mate, and cubs alone." replied Kaguya. Inuyasha moved his blade away from the angels throat as he sheathed Tetsusaiga away before he offered the angel a hand up. Kaguya took it willingly as Kagome finally let go her hold on Inuyasha. Kagome couldn't stop shaking as everyone watched the angels vanish back up to Heaven. Kagome collapsed down onto her knees grateful that it was somewhat over with as all Inuyasha had left was to fight against the demons. Hopefully whatever she felt coming from Inuyasha didn't happen again as she didn't know if she would be able to stop him next time.

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