demonic battle

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. may contain some sexual scenes so read at your own risk!   Also I will be featuring some attacks that are in the series as well as some of my own! Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Thirteen - demonic battle

After the angels had left all except for both Kikyo and Kanade, Miroku screamed suddenly as he grabbed a hold of his cursed hand.  He clutched the beads that were wrapped around his cursed hand as the wind tunnel that was once in the palm of his hand slowly vanished.  Tears streaked down Miroku's face as he looked confused.  Kanade walked over looking at Miroku's once cursed hand.

"It seems that Kaguya has freed you from the curse that was in your hand." stated Kanade.

"But I thought that the only way that I could be free from the curse was to kill the one whom gave it to me." stated Miroku.

"Normally yet that would be the case but it seems that because you are an ally and a friend to Inuyasha, she freed you from that curse than to face Inuyasha's wrath." stated Kanade.  The monk just slowly nodded his head as what the angel had said made sense.  Then suddenly without warning Inuyasha collapsed as everyone rushed to help him.  A concerned look stretched across Kagome's face.

"Don't worry Kagome, he is all right.  Inuyasha is just exhausted from what happened.  He will be all right once he gets some rest." stated Sesshomaru as he walked over picking up his brother.  Everyone agreed that it was probably best that they all went to get some rest as the battle was far from over.

Meanwhile in the pits of Hell, the three demon lords Takemaru, Naraku, and Menomaru were discussing what they should do about the hanyou Inuyasha.  Suddenly a demon burst into the chambers as the demon bowed quickly.

Pardon the interruption my lords but the hanyou Inuyasha has defeated the angels that control Heaven. stated the demon.  The three demon lords looked at the demon surprised.

Impossible.  Not even we could over power them.  How is it possible that a half breed could do what we could not? asked Menomaru.

It seems that he had channeled his demonic rage transforming into something very powerful and dangerous. stated the demon.  What the demon had said shocked them even more.  The only one whom could seem to stop him was a human female. added the demon.

Now what do we do?  He knows that we will be coming to challenge him? asked Takemaru.

We will attack the hanyou during the demon moon.  His two halves will be fighting him for control.  It is the perfect time to strike.  We will take this human hostage and force him to submit to our demands.  Now that Heaven is out of the picture, we will have everything in our control. replied Naraku.  The three demon lords erupted in laughter as they finalized their plans.

Meanwhile....... Kagome sat next to Inuyasha whom laid unconscious on her bed.  Kagome was still shaking like crazy over what she had witnessed.  Let alone the form that she saw Inuyasha take scared her.  Sesshomaru gently tapped Kagome on the shoulder causing the young girl to jump.

"It's only you Sesshomaru." she stated in a sigh.

"I am sorry that you had to see that part of my brother Kagome.  All demons have a deadly and dark part to them.  For Inuyasha it is a lot worse because of what he is.  I am actually a bit surprised that you were able to reach Inuyasha and were able to calm him down." stated Sesshomaru as he grabbed a hold of Kagome's shaky hand.  Slowly Sesshomaru used his powers to ease down Kagome.  "Normally it would be my brother whom does this since you are his life mate but I don't think that he will mind if I calm you down." stated Sesshomar as he allowed his powers to flow into Kagome.  Slowly but surely Kagome's body began to relax.  "I didn't think that it was possible but somehow your own natural powers has been increased.  This is how you alone were able to reach Inuyasha.  I just hope that the demons don't plan to attack during the demon's moon."

"The demon's moon?" asked Kagome in confussion.

"Better known as a blood moon.  It increases a demon's natural power almost ten fold.  Now you have seen what happens to Inuyasha during a new moon and what happens when he looses control of his demon blood when he is enraged.  Now imagine the same thing only reversed." stated Sesshomaru.  Kagome shuttered at the image.  "I have been trying to teach Inuyasha how to not use his rage or to unleash his more demonic nature.  This is the result of what happens when he does.  I think that it is harder on him to control the two forces of nature that lie within him." stated Sesshomaru.  Kagome thought back to what Kikyo had told her.

"Don't worry.  The children that you will bear will not have the same problems as Inuyasha.  I sense a balance within them that combine the two halves that dwell within Inuyasha perfectly." the angel told her.

'To bad that we can't give Inuyasha a little bit on humanity so he wouldn't have to go through this all the time.  Even though I have seen the worst and the best sides there is to Inuyasha, I love him more than ever before.'  Kagome though to herself as she gently rubbed her slightly round belly.  The baby that she was carrying was growing fast as she was evaluated to be four months pregnant.  Kagome waited for Inuyasha to wake up as she wanted to tell him that she was carrying twin cubs.  Considering how fast the babies were growing, she would give birth before school started in the fall.  Sesshomaru gently patted Kagome on the head.

"Don't worry Kagome.  Inuyasha will wake up in the morning.  He just needs to rest." stated the demon.  Kagome just slowly nodded her head as Sesshomaru left the room.

As everyone slept, several demons slipped into the shrine looking for the human that Inuyasha was protective of and whom had managed to calm down the hanyou.  Once they had found Kagome, they covered her mouth and nose with a sleeping potion that was drenched in a cloth before they carried off the pregnant teen out of the shrine before anyone noticed.  They cold tell that this human they have taken hostage was also Inuyasha's mate as she was carrying his kits.  Evil grins stretched across their faces as it seemed that something was actually going their way for once.

The next morning Inuyasha awoke as he could sense that something was wrong.  Strange smells drifted up Inuyasha's nose.  He could tell that Kagome used to be in the room but now she was gone.  Panic began to kick in as he leapt to his feet as he rushed out of the room that he was in.  Inuyasha searched frantically everywhere for Kagome as he couldn't seem to find her.  Even when he tried to reach out for her mentally, he felt like he was hitting a brick wall.  He knew then that something was really wrong.  Inuyasha ran into his brother as the other demon knew that something was wrong.

Sesshomaru have you seen Kagome? asked Inuyasha.

Not since last night.  What's wrong Inuyasha? asked Sesshomaru.

I can't find her anywhere.  And there was a strange and unfamiliar scent in her room when I woke up.  When I reach out for her mentally, it feels like I am hitting a brick wall. replied Inuyasha.  Sesshomaru knew that it was next to impossible for Kagome to block Inuyasha mentally since the two of them were now bounded by blood.  Sesshomaru had a really bad feeling about this.  The older demon took off for Kagome's room sniffing around as when he smelled the demon's odor he snarled low and deep before he turned to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha whatever you do......don't panic or lose control.  But it seems that the demons have taken Kagome. stated Sesshomaru.  Inuyasha's eyes had lost all of their luster as Sesshomaru cursed out loud when he noticed Inuyasha's demonic markings appear on his cheeks.  The angelic demon lept at the dog demon as the two fought pinning each other while rolling through the room.  No matter what Sesshomaru did whether it was yelling out Inuyasha's name or trying to reach him mentally, there was no reaching his brother.  Sesshomaru cursed in his demonic tongue as he transformed into his full dog form pinning down Inuyasha using all of his demonic strength. 

The dog demon's fangs sank into the angelic demon's exposed throat.  Sesshomaru merged his mind with Inuyasha desperately fighting with him mentally trying to calm down Inuyasha.  It took all of Sesshomaru's power but he had finally succeeded as Inuyasha whimpered lightly.  This wasn't the first time that he has seen Inuyasha act this way.  But this time it was worse than he has ever seen before.  Sesshomaru let go of his hold on Inuyasha as he transformed back to normal.  Don't worry Inuyasha, we will get her back! stated Sesshomaru.  *And that is a promise!* he added mentally.

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