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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. Also, I will be featuring some attacks that are in the series as well as some of my own! Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Fourteen - trapped!

Kagome awoke finding herself in unfamiliar territory as she didn't like the feeling that she was sensing from this place. That's when she fully noticed them, the demons that surrounded her. Fear and panic kicked in as she reached out for Inuyasha mentally. A backlash of energy hit her hard causing her to feel pain that she has never felt before.

"That won't work human, you won't be able to reach that hanyou from where you are." stated a dark voice. As Kagome looked up she could see three demons standing before her. All the other demons bowed before them.

'These must be the lords that command the demons. But why did they take me and what are they planning? Could this have something to do with the demon's moon?' Kagome asked herself as she glared at the three lords causing them to laugh at her.

"You are in quite a predicament human. You will be our trump card in order to deal with that hanyou. He will bow to our will." hissed Takemaru.

"And don't try to do anything because you are trapped here." added Menomaru. The three demon lords laughed as they walked off. Tears streaked down Kagome's face as she cradled her knees close to her face.

" me." she cried.

Meanwhile........ when nobody was watching, Inuyasha slipped away from the temple. Once again Sesshomaru had to calm him down when he lost control after he had learned that the demons had taken Kagome. Inuyasha was unsure of what to do as he knew that the demons would keep her alive in order to use her as leverage in the coming fight. His demonic rage was becoming far worse than ever before. Inuyasha needed a place to be alone where he could think. Inuyasha flew back to the old cave home that he and Sesshomaru used to live in before all of this happened. Inuyasha proceeded to sit in his favorite old oak tree looking out at the horrizon. He clutched the Tetsusaiga that hung by his side as his claws stroked his mother's feather.

'Please help me. Mom, dad, somebody, anybody. I can't do this anymore. I am tired of fighting against myself.' Inuyasha thought to himself. He could feel the Tetsusaiga pulsing within its sheath as the white feather began to glow. A bright light blinded him blurring his vision. When his vision cleared he could see two distinct figures standing before him. One was an angel with long black hair and bright blue eyes while the other was a demon whom looked like Sesshomaru except he wore his long white hair up into a ponytail. He had the same lavendar scars and hazel eyes that both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had. Inuyasha blinked a few times staring at them as something about their presence felt familiar to him. That's when he pieced it together. ...........Mom..........Dad........? he asked in question. Both nodded their heads as Inuyasha realized that his angel sight had kicked in overtime. But how..........your both dead?!

Inuyasha we never truly left you as you carry a small fragment of us always with you. replied Inutenma as he pointed to the Tetsusaiga.

We could sense your distress for your mate and you cubs. added Izayoi.

By calling out for help, it allowed us to appear before you through your powers. stated Inutenma.

I can't control it anymore. My demonic half has been getting stronger that I even attacked Sesshomaru because of what happened as the demons had taken my human mate Kagome. stated Inuyasha.

Stop fighting against yourself Inuyasha. Allow the two halves of yourself to merge together. By you constantly fighting against yourself, you are making things worse. stated Izayoi.

Your mother is right Inuyasha. You may feel trapped when your powers fight you for control. When one flares up, try to get the other one to work with it not against it. stated Inutenma. Inuyasha looked at them in question not understanding what they were talking about. Inuyasha could feel warmth flood into his body when his ghostly parents touched him. He could feel their energy flow into him as the two halves felt at peace as he could feel them merging together. Inuyasha looked at them shocked as both Izayoi and Inutenma nodded their heads.

We will always be with you Inuyasha. stated Izayoi.

Now go and rescue your mate and end this wretched war my son. added Inutenma. Inuyasha nodded his head as his senses returned back to normal.

Thank you, mom and dad. he stated before flying off.

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