last battle

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. may contain some sexual scenes so read at your own risk! Also I will be featuring some attacks that are in the series as well as some of my own! Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols:  "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Fifteen - last battle

Inuyasha flew back to the temple as fast as his wings would carry him. Inuyasha had his tasks ahead of him. To rescue Kagome, stop this war, establish peace between the races, marry Kagome, and raise his cubs. Inuyasha knew that Sesshomaru knew were the demons lair laid as he had to strike before the demon's moon. If he could manage to take down the demon lords before the moon's effect kicked in then he stood a fairly good chance to end this war. But if the war between the demons managed to drag on during the demon's moon, that would have to use his full powers and unleash his full and true form. The only one whom had ever seen his truest form was his older brother Sesshomaru. Inuyasha reminded himself that he was doing this for Kagome and the sake of his cubs. Not once has Kagome shown anything other than love for Inuyasha even when she saw the darker side to the angelic demon.

*Don't worry Kagome, I will save you!* Inuyasha stated telepathically hoping that his life mate would hear it.

As Inuyasha entered the temple he had found that everyone was there waiting for him.

"Inuyasha where on Earth did you go? You had all of us worried." scolded Sesshomaru angrily.

"Sorry but I needed time to think things over. I had to come to glimpse of what happened and what I plan to do. I am not going to hold back anymore." stated Inuyasha. Sesshomaru looked at his brother shocked as he, Koga, and Shippo fully understood what Inuyasha had planned.

"But Inuyasha you have never used that power before. Are you certain about this?" asked Shippo as Inuyasha nodded his head.

"For the sake of my mate and cub, I am willing to do this." replied Inuyasha.

"If you are truly that determined then we will help you all the way Inuyasha." stated Koga.

"Don't forget about us! We are in this with you as well." stated Sango as the two angels Kikyo and Kanade, the monk Miroku, and the demon cat Kirara stood ready for battle. Inuyasha walked up to the monk remembering that Kaguya had freed him of the curse that was in the palm of his hand. Inuyasha took the monk's once cursed hand into his own.

"Miroku, do you trust me?" asked the angelic demon. Miroku's eyes widened as it seemed that he understood fully what Inuyasha was planning.

"Of course I trust you Inuyasha." replied the monk. Inuyasha closed his eyes summoning forth his power to flow into Miroku's hand. Miroku could feel the flash of power burning in his hand as he could sense what Inuyasha was doing. Inuyasha was reopening the wind tunnel in the palm of his once cursed hand. But it felt different than before. It wasn't a curse as it felt like Miroku had more control over it than before. When Inuyasha was done he pulled his hands away reopening his eyes.

"Its not like before as it won't swallow you up. It will only activate when you want it too." stated Inuyasha as the monk nodded his head that he understood.

"Inuyasha please bring back my daughter safe and sound." stated Mrs. Higurashi as Inuyasha nodded his head. Sango and Miroku climbed onto Kirara's back when the demon cat reverted to her true form. Inuyasha, Kikyo, and Kanade opened up their wings as Sesshomaru, Koga, and Shippo lead the way on foot.

Night fell quickly as the moon wasn't completely red yet but all of the demons could feel its effects.

Soon we will kill the hanyou and those whom oppose us. We will not allow anyone to stop us. shouted out Naraku. Suddenly a large boomerang came crashing through cutting a few of the demons. After they were cut in half, talismans came flying in landing on the demons burning their bodies. Inuyasha stepped forth snarling at the three demon lords.

I have come for my mate and cub. Release her at once! demanded Inuyasha.

You are a fool to come here hanyou especially on a night like this. Destroy them! roared Takemaru. As the army of demons swarmed the little group, Miroku stepped forth undoing the beads from his hand that contained the wind tunnel.

"WIND TUNNEL!" shouted out Miroku as the strong winds began to suck them into the black hole. Another group of demons tried to swing in behind the group as the two angels, Sango, and Kirara cut them off. Sesshomaru, Koga, Shippo, and Inuyasha moved attacking the three demon lords. The moon became blood red as some of the demons began to shift their shape as their powers became much stronger. Naraku transformed into a giant spider, Menomaru transformed inot a giant moth, and Takemaru into an oni (yes I know that Menomaru and Takemaru don't take on these forms but for this scene I wanted them to). Sesshomaru, Shippo, and Koga also reverted to their full forms as Koga became a large dark brown wolf with golden eyes and Shippo became a large golden tan fox (once again I know that they don't do this in the series but I gave them ability for this story).

*Inuyasha get Kagome out of here. We can hold them back!* snarled Sesshomaru mentally. Inuyasha sprinted through the chaos to find his mate surrounded by demons. He could smell Kagome's sweet blood as the demons were tearing into her. Inuyasha snarled sharply as he pulled out Tetsusaiga.

WIND SCAR! snapped Inuyasha as he unleashed the blast killing the demons. Inuyasha rushed over bending over his mate protectively as he used his powers to heal her wounds. Anger ripped through Inuyasha at how they would do this to his mate. Even though the group that he had brought with him was holding their own, he wanted to end this war once and for all. "Kagome stay close to me. I am going to be transforming into my fullest form. Don't worry, I know what I am doing." he told the girl as she nodded her head while he placed Tetsusaiga back into its sheath. Inuyasha dug deep into his power summoning it forth. His body began to change into that of a large white dog complete with four large black feathered wings and two long tails. This was Inuyasha's fullest and true form (yes I know that he doesn't take on a dog form like Sesshomaru but I had to give him this form). Inuyasha picked up Kagome using his twin tails placing her on his back. Inuyasha then turned charging at the three demon lords. Inuyasha's body became surrounded by a white fire that burned any demon that came close to him. *This war ends now!* he snarled as power coursed through his body. *HOLY DEMONIC FLAME!* (original attack) The fire that surrounded Inuyasha's body burned even brighter blinding everyone.

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