Inuyasha's feelings

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. Warning..... it may contain some sexual scenes so read at your own risk! Also I will be featuring some attacks that are in the series as well as some of my own! Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*. 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Seven - Inuyasha's feelings

Once Inuyasha had calmed down, his attention turned to the unconscious Kagome. There was nothing he could do about Kagome's mental wounds but he could take care of her physical wounds. Inuyasha focused on his angelic powers calling forth his power to heal Kagome's wounds. Inuyasha knew that Kagome would have to live with the memory of what happened to her.

Inuyasha are you all right? asked Sesshomaru in concern as his brother was really quite.

I don't want to talk about it Sesshomaru. I don't want to ever go through something like that ever again. replied Inuyasha.

I wish it was that simple little brother but its not. Until you admit what you are feeling and to take Kagome as your life mate, they will keep coming after her. replied Sesshomaru which caused Inuyasha to snarl in his demonic tongue. Kagome let out a low soft moan as she slowly began to come to. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru helped the teen sit up. Kagome began to shake uncontrollably afraid because of what happened. Inuyasha kneeled down in front of Kagome taking her hands in his.

"Kagome look at me, your all right, you are safe now." stated Inuyasha. Kagome blinked several times before she embraced Inuyasha hugging him. Tears glistened down her face as she cried into Inuyasha's shoulder. "Its all right Kagome. I am here." Inuyasha stated softly as he held Kagome in his arms. He started believing that Sesshomaru maybe right as he could smell his scent mixed in with Kagome's. He would talk to her later once she had a chance to calm down and when she was feeling better as she had been through a lot.

Inuyasha carried Kagome on his back taking his time as the girl fell asleep. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha made sure that they had picked up all of Kagome's beads so that it could be restrung into a necklace as a stronger one had to be made for her. One that combined her beads along with the beads that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha wore. They both knew that they had to tell her family what happened to her.

I don't feel right with tell them something personal that happened. It should only be between us. snarled Inuyasha.

I understand that Inuyasha but we can't keep this quite forever as they have a right to know. Tell you what we will tell them only after you talk to Kagome. If you wimp out, then I will tell them everything. stated Sesshomaru. Inuyasha whimpered slightly as he knew that Sesshomaru would do it.

Inuyasha sat in Kagome's room watching the girl as she slep soundly.

'How can I even tell you how I feel towards you? Where do I even begin? For some reason I feel like I have known you for centuries dispite that I have only known you for a couple of months.' Inuyasha asked himself. He could see and hear Kagome stiring as she began to wake up. Inuyasha got up from where he was sitting at to kneel down by Kagome's bed. Kagome slightly turned her head a bit relieved to see Inuyasha by her side.

"Have you been there the entire time?" asked Kagome as Inuyasha nodded his head.

"I am sorry Kagome, I never meant for you to get hurt. If I had known that something like this would have happened, I would have acted sooner." stated Inuyasha. Kagome looked at him in confusion, she knew that he had no real reason to feel sorry for what happened to her. Inuyasha took a long deep breath letting it out slowly. "I like you Kagome, I like you a lot. When a demon likes someone or finds a mate, some of their scent rubs off onto them. According to Sesshomaru, because of how I feel about you and stuff, a part of me recognizes you as a life mate. So its my fault that you got attacked." replied Inuyasha shyly. Kagome sat up slowly in her bed looking at Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha are you trying to tell me that you love me?" asked Kagome as he nodded his head. He couldn't bear to look at Kagome as the memory of what happened to her still lingured in his mind. Kagome gently lifted up Inuyasha's head as his honey eyes met her black ones. "Inuyasha, I love you too. I had fallen in love with you ever since the first time that I had laid eyes on you. I knew that the demons and angels would attack me sooner or later because of my power not because of something as trivial as your scent on me. My wounds maybe easily erased and I will recover as I can forgive them for what they have done but, I have learned one thing that this war means nothing to them if they fear that somebody will come along and change how they see things. You are that person Inuyasha." replied Kagome. He would have never expected Kagome to feel as strongly for him as she did for him. Inuyasha leaned in kissing Kagome as his hands wrapped around her head. Kagome kissed him back just as passionately as her hands wrapped around his head. She opened her mouth fully allowing Inuyasha's tongue to dance with hers as she moved her hand up to Inuyasha's ears as she tugged at them. Inuyasha moaned in pleasure from his ears being played with as his kiss deepened becoming more aggresive. Kagome matched his pace as she could feel Inuyasha's hands move down to her breasts as he fondeled them. His kisses traveled down to the nape of her neck as Kagome moaned in pleasure. Inuyasha's fangs lengened as he wanted to mark his mate and to take her. Kagome moaned in pleasure as she played with Inuyasha's ears. Her body felt warm as she so all ready wet. Inuyasha removed Kagome's bra and shirt exposing her soft supple breasts. He carefully took one of the breasts into his mouth suckling on it like a baby. Kagome shuttered in pleasure moaning out Inuyasha's name.

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