a dangerous situation

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. Warning..... it may contain some sexual scenes so read at your own risk!  Also I will be featuring some attacks that are in the series as well as some of my own!  Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Six - a dangerous situation

It has been two months since both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha started living and staying with the Higurashi family.  The family treated them no differently as they would one of their own.  Grandpa Higurashi managed to create a set of enchanted bead necklaces with purple pearls and white shark teeth (Inuyahsa's beads that he wears in the series).  The necklaces seemed to work as Sesshomaru tested them out coming close to an angels hunting ground as they never sensed him.  But that didn't mean that they were still not safe from being spotted.  Inuyasha had grown rather attached to Kagome as he cared a lot for the girl.  When nobody was at the Shrine, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru would come out to spare to impove their skills.  Whenever humans came to the shrine, Inuyasha had to hide as he couldn't transform into a human form as easily as Sesshomaru could.  Sesshomaru knew full well how Inuyasha felt towards Kagome.

Why don't you tell her how you feel Inuyasha? asked Sesshomaru.

I don't know if I can.  I haven't known Kagome that long and it just doesn't feel right. replied Inuyasha.

Nonsense.  If you love her its only natural that you tell her.  She won't know if you don't tell her.  Are you afraid that she doesn't feel the same way?

Somewhat.  I just don't want to seem to be imposing my feelings on her.

Inuyasha have you ever thought that maybe the reason why she took care of you is because she cared.  I have been noticing the odd looks that Kagome has been giving you and the slight blushes she gets when she is near you.  I am telling you Inuyasha, the girl cares a lot for you.

You truly think so?

Come on its so obvious.  Besides she has your scent all over her.  I have noticed that you have been making a mental connection with her.  She is your intended mate Inuyasha.  Its not very often that our kind can find a true life mate.

But I have no idea of what to even say.

Just tell her how you feel and let nature take its course.  It has all ready begun to happen. replied Sesshomaru.  This made Inuyasha worry even more as he could sense that something was wrong as he suddenly spread open his wings taking off into the sky.

Inuyasha followed his senses to find Kagome under attack by both demons and angels.  Her enchanted beads laid scattered in the alley as she screamed for help.

"Nobody is going to hear you human.  Now tell us where the mongrel is." hissed a demon as he slashed Kagome with his claws.  Tears glittered down Kagome's scratched up Caucasian face.

"We know that you know where that half breed is as you have his scent all over you." snapped an angel.  Kagome shrieked in pain as the angel cracked a light whip across Kagome's back.  She bit into her lip keeping silent about where both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were.  Seeing the angels and demons putting aside their differences to find Inuyasha and to torture Kagome made Inuyasha's blood boil that he begun to transform as his demonic blood took control.  Inuyasha's cornea's became blood red as his eyes turned ice blue.  Lavender scars stretched across his face that were similar to the ones that Sesshomaru had.  Both his fangs and claws fully lengthened as the fur on his tail and hair became more wild and much longer.  Another set of black angel wings ripped out from his back as he let out a loud guttered roar as he unsheathed the Tetsusaiga that hung on his side.

WIND SCAR! he snarled as he swooped down unleashing a powerful blast which sent about half of the demons and angels flying away from Kagome.  Inuyasha landed in front of the teen girl snarling at the demons and angels.

".....In....uy.........as.......ha....." moaned Kagome before she lost consciousness.  The demons lept at Inuyasha snarling at him.  Inuyasha freed one hand as his sharp nails dug into the palm of his hands.

BLADES OF BLOOD! snapped Inuyasha as he flicked his wrist sending blood flying as it was transformed into energy killing some of the demons.  Before any of the angels had a chance to move, Inuyasha turned his attention to them.  A white flame appeared in the palm of his hand.  WHITE HOLY FIRE! he snarled (original attack).  As he threw the flame it grew in size killing about half of the angels.  Inuyasha gripped his sword as he was ready for them to attack.

DRAGON STRIKE! snarled a familar voice as blue lightning crackled from behind Inuyasha killing some of the angels and demons.  Both groups had no choice but to retreat as Sesshomaru appeared to help his brother out.  Inuyasha snarled at his brother as he took a step closer.  Sesshomaru sheathed his sword Tenseiga as he stepped towards Inuyasha.  Kagome laid behind the angelic demon as she was in very bad shape.  Inuyasha calm down, look at me, you know me.  Its over now, Kagome is safe.  Please calm down. Sesshomaru stated calmly.  He knew that this was a very dangerous situtation as if he made one wrong move Inuyasha would attack him.  He knew that somewhere within that feral mind of his, Inuyasha was in there as he was protecting Kagome.  It reassured Sesshomaru that Kagome was indeed very important to Inuyasha.  Inuyasha shook his head blinking a few times.  Calm down Inuyasha, I need for you to calm down. stated Sesshomaru as he stood his ground.  Slowly the markings on Inuyasha's face disappeared as his eyes returned back to normal.  Inuyasha dropped Tetsusaiga as he dropped down to his knees as the second set of angel wings shrank back into Inuyasha's back.  Inuyasha let out a loud howl of pain as he finally came back to.

......Ses.....sho.....maru......? Inuyasha whimpered as blood tears streaked down his face.  Sesshomaru went up to Inuyasha as he kneeled down by his brother's side.  Sesshomaru pulled Inuyasha close patting him on the back.

Its all right Inuyasha, its all over. Sesshomaru stated as the angelic demon cried into his kimono.  Inuyasha's blood rage was nothing like what Sesshomaru goes through as it seemed that the angelic demon couldn't make heads or tails out of whom was a friend or an enemy.  Only one thing rung clear in Inuyahsa's mind, protect the human whom bore his scent.  Inuyasha didn't want to ever feel that way ever again as it frankly scared him.

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