the Hihguarashi family

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Five - the Higurashi family

Both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were shown to the guest room as Mrs.Higurashi assured them that they didn't have to remain in human form as almost everyone in the Higurashi family would know that the two weren't human. The two brothers looked at each other nodding their heads as they both fully transformed back into their normal forms. Though it was still night, Inuyasha couldn't retain his true form of an angelic demon until morning. Never before have the two of them met an entire family whom was all spiritually aware. It did make things easier on them as they would only have to explain things. The family decided to discuss everything in the morning once everyone had gotten a good nights rest.

It was early morning as Inuyasha awoke undergoing the transformation back into his true form breathing a sigh of relief that the moonless night was over with. He literally hated the moonless night but he understood that he couldn't control his physiology. He was born on the moonless night as he didn't undergo the change into an angelic demon until the morning. When he became an angelic demon, he jumped in age and size. Most demons and angels grew up quickly, aging rather fast. When they reach a certain age, then they tend to stop growing and aging as they will now age rather slowly. With Inuyasha's physiology, he tended to be more angelic on moonless nights and when his demon blood boils due to his emotions, he becomes more demonic. He hasn't lost control of his emotions yet, but it doesn't mean that it is not bound to happen sooner or later. Inuyasha has seen first hand what happens when Sesshomaru looses control as he could only imagine what would happen if he lost control.

After a while both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru ventured out from the guest room when they smelled food. Their empty stomachs rumbled with how hungry they were as it had been a while since they have had something decent to eat. Both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha followed their keen sense of smell, tracking the scent into the house directly to the kitchen. All of the Higurashi's raised their heads when they sensed the two of them. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru blushed when their stomachs rumbled loudly after they had entered the room which caused the younger two Higurashi's to laugh. Kagome tried not to laugh but she couldn't help it as Inuyasha looked far too cute when he was bashful.

"Kagome and Sota that's enough. Go ahead and sit down Sesshomaru and Inuyasha as I will make you something to eat." stated Mrs. Higurashi. Sesshomaru took a seat rather quickly as Inuyasha pulled out a chair, his wings opened wide as he went to sit down, they folded up behind the back of the chair as his tail weaved its self between the hole in the chair. Sota stared at Inuyasha's ears as they twitched every now and then along with his tail. "Sota stop staring, its not nice. Here boys eat up there is plenty." stated Mrs. Higurashi.

"You have done enough for us all ready. We have no way to repay you for all of the kindness that you have shown to us." stated Sesshomaru.

"Don't be silly. You don't have to repay us, we are glad to help out. We want to learn more about what is going on as Kagome only told us a little bit." stated Mrs. Higurashi as she placed two plates of pancakes in front of the two. Both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha thanked Mrs. Higurashi as they dug into the food.

"You two seem well behaved and well mannered despite what you are." stated Grandpa Higurashi bluntly.

"Most demons are evil creatures by nature but, I am not that way. Over the centuries I have learned much by observing humans and being around my brother which has allowed me to experience things that not many demons will ever experience." replied Sesshomaru. Inuyasha snarled sharply leaping up from his chair as he grabbed his tail. At the end was a large fat cat latched on.

"Buyo!" shrieked Kagome as she got up from her seat grabbing the cat. Buyo let go of Inuyasha's tail as Inyasha growled at the cat holding his tail. "I am sure that he didn't mean it Inuyasha." replied Kagome as she put the cat outside.

Come here Inuyasha. stated Sesshomaru. Inuyasha did as his older brother instructed as he handed him his tail. Sesshomaru took his brother's tail stroking it gently as he used his powers to heal the wound. There all better. Sesshomaru stated as he let go of Inuyasha's tail. Inuyasha just nodded his head thanking his brother before he went to sit back down. "Sorry about that Inuyasha gets that way whenever somebody plays with his ears and/or tail. He tends to exhibit certain behaviors that a dog would when you scratch or pet them." replied Sesshomaru.

"So tell us a bit about this war that is going on." stated Grandpa Higurashi.

"Angels and demons have existed as far back even before humanity even existed. Because of our opposites in nature, angels and demons have been at war with each other. When humans came into the picture, the war grew even more fierce as both sides believed that they had a right to control humanity. Our father Inutenma was starting to question what he believed. This was before he met Inuyasha's mother Izayoi, an angel of Heaven. The two met when they were disguised as humans as our father fought to protect her from another demon. The two discovered only later on that they were enemies. But for some reason the two of them never attacked each other as they began to fall in love. It was around this time that I had lost my own mother do to this war. When I met Izayoi, I began to see some of the things that our father was realizing. That this war was senseless and that there was no need for it. Both Inutenma and Izayoi were making plans to end this war when they discovered that Izayoi was pregnant with Inuyasha. On the night that Izayoi was giving birth to Inuyasha, both the demons and the angels attacked. Our father gave me Inuyasha telling me to protect him and to help him end this war. Both of our parents believed that Inuyasha could end this war." stated Sesshomaru.

"Ever since then Sesshomaru has taught me how to control and use my powers as we try to keep from out of sight of the other angels and demons knowing that they will kill me if they ever found me. That's what happened when you had found me Kagome. The demons had discovered that I was alive as they swarmed the place that we were living in." added Inuyasha.

"Well you two are more than welcomed to stay here as we have plenty of room." stated Mrs. Higurashi.

"It would be nice to have a safe place to stay and not having to worry about food." replied Inuyasha. Sesshomaru knew that Inuyasha was sick of living in fear for his life as maybe being around these humans may give him a good reason to finally challenge the angels and the demon.

"I guess it will be all right if we stay here. I just have one question though. Does spiritual awareness run in your entire family?" asked Sesshomaru.

"For as far back as we can trace it yes, it does. It has never shown any signs of weakening." replied Grandpa Higurashi.

"Why are you concerned about it Sesshomaru?" asked Kagome.

"It is just whenever somebody has a high or strong spiritual awareness that they are not left alone as usually either angels and/or demons kill them. How is it that you have gone undetected by them? I know that this shrine offers some protection but not all the time." stated Sesshomaru bluntly.

"These give us extra protection." replied Grandpa Higurashi as he laid down a pink pearl necklace with a medium white jewel in the middle (the shikon jewel). "This enchanted beads are worn to protect us from being detected by those we choose to hide from." added Grandpa Higurashi. Sesshomaru picked up the necklace in his claws as he could feel the energy that the necklace had as it acted like a barrier. Sesshomaru mumbled something as he handed back the necklace.

"Dad do you think that its possible that you could create a necklace for them?" asked Mrs. Higurashi.

"I could try." replied Granpa Higurashi. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru looked at each other as it was decided that they would both stay with the Higurashi family.

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