new moon troubles

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Four - new moon troubles

Inuyasha sat in the fort where Kagome had brought him in order to treat his wounds. He could all ready feel the moon's effect even though it was still daylight.

*.......Inuyasha........Inuyasha......* called out a familiar voice mentally. Inuyasha closed his eyes focusing on the voice.

*Sesshomaru, where are you? Are you all right?* Inuyasha asked mentally. Ever since they were kits (demon word for "kids"), they both had a strong mental connection which allowed them to speak to each other using their minds.

*I am fine, how about you?* asked Sesshomaru.

*I am safe, for the moment but tonight's a new moon.* replied Inuyasha.

*I know, I am on my way. Don't worry, I will protect you.* replied Sesshomaru.

*It's not me that I am worried about brother but rather the human whom has been taking care of me.* replied Inuyasha which caused Sesshomaru to snarl sharply. *Please don't hurt her Sesshomaru. Kagome is kind and gentle as she is not afraid of me. I care deeply for her.* stated Inuyasha.

*Fine. I would like to actually met this human whom helped you in order to thank her properally.* replied Sesshomaru. Inuyasha said nothing as he knew that his brother respected his wishes.

Later on Kagome came to check up on Inuyasha seeing the angelic demon was up on his feet. He was looking outside at the sky as the day was giving away to night.

"Inuyasha are you all right?" asked Kagome in concern. Inuyasha never turned towards her as he just simply shook his head. Once the last bit of sunlight was gone, Inuyasha hunched over in pain as his form began to change. Both his dog ears and tail shrunk down vanishing from sight as his hair became all black. His black feathered wings became all white as his fangs and claws shrank down to resemble that of a humans. His honey slitted pupils became human blue ones. Finally it was over as Kagome approached causiously. "Inuyasha?" she asked as the once angelic demon turned towards her.

"I am all right Kagome, this happens to me every new moon." Inuyasha stated in perfect human tongue. Kagome looked at him surprised to her him actually say more than two words in the human tongue. Suddenly Kagome could hear soft dark laughter errupt from behind her sending chills up her spine.

"It seems that you have a lot to explain little brother." stated Sesshomaru in the human tongue. Kagome turned sharply to see Sesshomaru standing there as he looked nothing like how Kagome had pictured him.

"Be nice Sesshomaru. Kagome this is my older brother Sesshomaru. Don't be alarmed, he maybe a demon but he isn't like the other demons." stated Inuyasha as Sesshomaru bowed his head.

"I have to thank you human for taking care of my little brother." stated Sesshomaru. Inuyasha undid the splint from his wing to show that it had been fully mended.

"I am confussed. Can somebody please explain to me what is going on?" asked Kagome.

"After we find a safer place to talk. Preferably sacred land. Both demons and angels are supersitious about sacred land." stated Sesshomaru.

"I know of a place. I live at a Shinto temple. It is considered sacred land." replied Kagome. Both brothers nodded their heads as they followed Kagome to her home.

At the Shinto temple, Kagome had lead both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha to the temple grounds. The temple grounds seemed to have an adverse reaction to both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha as the two became totally human considering that normally they couldn't before.

"What happened?" asked Kagome in shock.

"This is why demons and angels are supersitious about sacred ground as it tends to strip them of their powers but not us. " replied Sesshomaru. The two brothers talked about the war betwen angels and demons, about what Inuyasha was, how come the new moon effects him, and other various things. Inuyasha kept quiet about how he felt for Kagome as Sesshomaru never said a word about it either. Both of them felt like they could trust Kagome to know the truth about everything. Suddenly both brothers snarled sharply as they knew that they weren't alone.

"Kagome, get away from them. They aren't human!" shouted out an elderly voice. All three of them turned to see an elderly man who was wearing a priests outfit as in his hands he held talismans.

"Grandpa, its all right. They are friends." replied Kagome stepping in front of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in order to prevent her grandfather from doing anything harsh. Grandpa Higurashi looked at his granddaughter in shock.

"How can you be certain?" he asked.

"Come on Grandpa, you know full well that I am a pretty good judge on character. You know that I would be able to sense if they ment me any harm." she replied. Even though both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were in human forms, it didn't mean that they weren't able to use their powers.

*They are capable of spiritual powers. This would explain why Kagome is not afraid of us.* stated Sesshomaru mentally.

*I knew that she was special. Humans aren't trophies Sesshomaru. Some of them are kind and gentle people. This war is wrong and has to be stopped.* stated Inuyasha.

*I agree with you there. This was has taken so much from us that I can't bear it if I had lost you too.* replied Sesshomaru. Kagome gentlly tapped Inuyasha on his shoulder bringing him back around.

"Are you all right? You kind of spaced out there for a second." Kagome asked.

"I am fine Kagome. I can never repay you for everything you have done to help me." replied Inuyasha as he took Kagome's hand into his own kissing them gently causing the young girl to blush.

"But where will you two go?" asked Kagome.

"We will figure something out once this moonless night has ended." replied Sesshomaru.

"You won't be going anywhere you two. Kagome why don't you set up the spare room for them." stated an older female voice. Everyone turned to see Kagome's mother standing there.

"Are you certain about this Himeko?" asked Grandpa Higurashi (I dont' know Kagome's mother's true name so I just gave her one).

"I am certain dad besides Kagome seems to trust them." replied Mrs. Higurashi. Grandpa Higurashi just sighed as he knew that he has been out ruled on this.

"But we couldn't." replied Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in unison.

"We insist. Kagome told us a little bit about you and we wouldn't feel right leaving you two to fend for yourselves." replied Mrs. Higurashi. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru looked at each other as they had to admit that it would be nice to have a warm place to stay.

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