Kagome's care

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea. Thanks to the two whom had reviewed my first chapter. I will have more up as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think.

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Three - Kagome's care

Just before Inuyasha had lost consciousness, he could smell and see someone approaching him. He let out a low threatening growl not knowing if this person was a friend or foe. But in his injured condition he knew that he couldn't fight off whomever was approaching him. The smell of apple blossoms filled his nose before he had lost consciousness. Kagome Higurashi was on her way home from school when she saw this bright flash of light. Kagome looked up seeing Inuyasha whom had teleported. She could clearly see his injured wing and knew that he was hurt. She watched as Inuyasha as he came crashing down breaking his ankle and wing. As she slowly approached, Inuyasha had set his ankle back into place as he howled in pain. Kagome knew that Inuyasha wasn't going far in the injured stated that he was in. It wasn't in Kagome's nature to not help someone when she knew that they needed help. Even though Inuyasha wasn't clearly human, she wasn't bound to leave him while he was injured. After Inuyasha had lost consciousness, Kagome had to think over where she could bring Inuyasha in order to treat his wounds. She remembered an old fort she used to play in as a kid close by as it was close to her home.

'That should work.' she thought to herself as she walked over getting Inuyasha up to his feet so she could drag him. She was a bit surprised to find that Inuyasha was incredibly light. She knew that birds had hollow bones which made them light so they could fly. She just registered that maybe it could be the same for the creature that she was helping. Kagome dragged Inuyasaha to the old fort as she made sure that he was comfortable before she headed home to grab a few items. She was a bit grateful that no one was home as she entered the Shinto temple. She placed her book bag in her room as she grabbed the first aid kit, bandages, a spare blanket, pillow, wash cloth, and a cantine filled with water. Kagome then went back to the fort to take care of Inuyasha's wounds. First Kagome removed the top part of Inuyasha's kimono carefully cleaning off his wounds. She placed cream on his wounds wrapping them up in bandages. She worked quietly so not to disturb Inuyasah as she knew that he needed his rest. After she was done, she placed Inuyasha's head onto the pillow that she had brought. She was surprised how soft and fuzzy his hair felt as it didn't feel like hair but more like fur. Inuyasha's small dog ears twitched in annoyance as Kagome touched them. 'Who ever he is or whatever he is, he is quite attractive looking and kind of cute.' Kagome thought to herself as she gathered up her stuff along with the blood stained kimono top in order to wash it and to patch up any holes. She would have to get to the pants another day in order to hem the holes in them. Kagome then left the fort giving Inuyasha time to rest as she would check on him in the morning.

The next day, Inuyasha awoke finding himself in the fort with a blanket drapped over him. Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsusaiga from his side in order to help him get up as he used the sword like a crutch. As he slowly rose up to his knees, the bandages that were wrapped around his body slowly came undone as his ankle was swollen from it being broken and his wing was still broken. Blood soaked through the bandages dripping off of his body. Somebody had brought him here and treated his wounds. Suddenly the smell of apple blossoms entered the area as he slightly turned his head to see a young girl with long black hair and black eyes standing there holding his kimono top in her arms. Inuyasha let out a low threatening growl bearing his fangs. The dark haired girl appeared not to be frightened as she stood her ground.

"I didn't think that you would be up this soon. You shouldn't move around as you are still badly injured and if you move around, you are going to reopen your wounds." she stated calmly. Inuyasha just looked at Kagome as she just waited for him to trust her. Inuyasha had seen humans before and understood their language but none of them seemed as captivating as the girl that stood before him. Finally Inuyasha stopped snarling allowing the girl to approach. She placed down his kimono top as she opened up the first aid kit that was underneath as Inuyasha sheathed his sword sitting down Indian stlye. Kagome took off the bloody bandages as Inuyasha sat there allowing the human girl to work. Kagome retreated his wounds wrapping them up as she made a splint for Inuyasha's ankle and wing. Inuyasha snarled in annoyance as Kagome tended to his wing. "Sorry, I am almost done. Oh by the way, I am Kagome Higurashi." stated Kagome as she tended to the wing.

"Inuyasha." snarled Inuyasha in annoyance as he could only master a few words in the human tongue, one of them being his name. It would take time for him to master the human tongue and right now all he had was time to allow his wounds to heal.

Kagome always came by either before or after school. She would check on Inuyasha's wounds and to bring him some food. Inuyasha was developing feelings for Kagome as this was the only other person whom wasn't afraid of what he was. It had been a whole week since he had been in Kagome's care as his wounds were slowly looking better as Inuyasha would listen to Kagome as she would tell him about her family, how her day went, and things like that.

"What about you Inuyasha, do you have any family?" asked Kagome as she checked on Inuyasha's wing.

"An older brother. He is different, he isn't like me." Inuyasha stated.

"Inuyasha what in the world are you any way? I mean, I have never seen anything like you before." stated Kagome as she knew that she was touching a sensitive subject.

"Angelic demon, cross between angel and demon. My brother is a full demon." replied Inuyasha. Kagome understood that Inuyasha couldn't speak in her language as it was hard for him to speak it.

"Well in a couple of more days your wing should be completely healed. All of your other injures are completely gone." replied Kagome.

'I figured as much. I wonder if Sesshomaru is all right?' Inuyasha thought to himself. Inuyasha knew that in a couple of more days would be the new more which ment that he would loose all of his demonic powers and take on the form of an angel. It would be then that Inuyasha's wing would be compeletly healed. He knew that when he becomes a full angel that his powers would act like a becon allowing any angel and/or demon to home in on where he was at. He knew that he couldn't allow anything to happen to Kagome as he cared for her to much. *Where are you Sesshomaru?* he asked mentally.

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