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When Lisa woke up, she noticed that it was 6:30. Usually dinner would start by now, but she noticed that the house was quiet...too quiet. Carefully...Lisa went towards the stairs and slowly started to descend to the dining room. Almost all of her family was there except for Lana, Luan and Leni. Slowly she went to Rita who looked up at her and tried to stop her tears...Unsuccessfully.

"Hi Hunny. Dinner is coming shorty. Your father ordered some pizza for us to eat." Rita Said.

"That's great...I just have one question...Where is Second, fourth, and seventh older sister units?" Lisa Asked.

"Well...There.." Rita Said. Before Rita could make up an answer, Lori slammed her hands against the table and picked up Lisa by her shirt. She was clearly angry about something...Something that Lisa didn't know..yet.

"They're gone. CPS took them because of your "important" experiment that blew up the school. Now we're missing 6 siblings all because of YOU!!!" Lori Shouted before throwing Lisa on the ground.

"B..But...I had no idea that this would happen." Lisa Said.

"That's the problem with you. You never think about how it effects others. You experiment on people without their consent and use us as test subjects for things that you never tested on anything else. Now we lost Leni, Luan and Lana and we only have one shot to get them back. I hope you're real proud of yourself Lisa because you just made the task of getting 3..Now 6 of our siblings back even tougher than before." Lori Shouted.

"LORI...I know that Lisa screwed up, but yelling at her and trying to fight her won't make a difference for what happened while she was napping. Now come sit down and relax."Rita Said. Lori slowly went back to her seat, but not before glaring at Lisa with all the hate that she can muster.

"Mom...When will we get Lana back? She was gross and unclassy, but I miss her so much." Lola Said.

"Sigh...To be honest, Lola...I don't know. I expected all of you to be on your best behavior so we could get Lincoln, Lucy and Lily back. However one of you...couldn't handle that and destroyed an entire building." Rita Said.

"What do we do now? We lost 6 siblings already and it may be a matter of time before they come for the rest of us as well. Besides it won't take long for some people to grow a backbone and try suing us for damages that we all committed in Royal Woods." Luna Said. 

"We have to continue behaving. Like it or not...We have to prove that Mom and Dad are the best parents to house Lincoln, Lucy, Lily, Leni, Luan and Lana. Besides we have to stick together no matter what." Lynn Said.

"Surprisingly Lynn's right. We have to stick together even if it kills us inside. Let me set the record straight for you Lisa...Make one more explosion happen or use any of us as an experiment  then I'll turn you into a human pretzel." Lori Said.

"Hey everyone...I got pizza. However...I've been instructed to never show our faces around the place." Lynn Sr. Said.

"Let me guess...They heard what happened to the elementary school." Lynn Said.

"Yep." Lynn Sr. Said.

"Can this get any worse." Lola moaned.

Lola didn't know that she jinxed the family's luck. She also didn't know how much her sister would change over the next couple of weeks.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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