More Heartache

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The Louds were still gathered in the living room when someone knocked on their door. Slowly Rita went to open it only to come face to face with an angry Miss Carmichael. Rita felt her heart stop when she saw her.

"Hello Louds. I received an interesting phone call from the major's office before I left the office to get lunch. So tell me...Do you even want to get back Lincoln, Lucy and Lily because your second youngest daughter's actions show the exact opposite." Miss Carmichael stated.

"We do want them back. Besides we grounded Lisa for her actions." Rita Said.

"I'm afraid that what you've done to your daughter has come too late. The state has ordered me to take three more of your children away. Mainly Luan, Leni and Lana." Miss Carmichael Said.

"What? Please no...I can't handle having three more of my babies taken away from me." Rita cried.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Loud, it's out of my hands. Boys...You know what to do." Miss Carmichael Said. The police officers stormed the place and started to get some of the girls belongings packed up. After they packed them up...They quickly escorted the girls away from their home.

"Leni...NOO!!" Lori cried.

"Goodbye Lori. We'll still see each other at school." Leni Said sadly before she walked out of the door.

"Luan..Please stay. I'm not sure what will happen if you're not here to make us laugh." Luna Said.

"I can't stay Luna. You know that. Besides it won't be the last time that we see each other. I'll see you around some time just remember that I love you Luna." Luan Said before following Leni out the door.

"Lana...No. I don't know what I'll be without you." Lola cried.

"Noo...I don't want to separated from my sister. Please...Let me stay here with her please." Lana cried. The officers just picked Lana up and cried her towards one of the police cars where Leni was sitting. Leni slowly started to hug Lana and felt tears come down her cheeks. 

"Now Mrs. Loud, the State is angry at the event that happened earlier however they're ready to give you one more chance. Don't waste it or your children will be sent to new homes where they will be raised to be better children. Good day Mrs. Loud." Miss Carmichael Said.

Miss Carmichael left the house and went back to her job. Once she was out of sight, the remaining Louds started to sob. They lost 6 siblings. 6 children. Mrs. Loud couldn't handle it and went towards her room to cry with Mr. Loud following behind her while the remaining children just sat down and looked at nothing.

This will never get better until they behave better than before. They just had to do it or else...Things will forever be changed in the Loud House.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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