Missing Lincoln

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While the Louds had their meeting, Miss Carmichael and Ms. Hannah were having their own meeting about Lincoln, Lucy and Lily.

"Cynthia...The problems that Lincoln and Lucy suffered at the hands of the Louds are huge. Lucy is depressed mainly because her parents didn't see her as the unique girl that she is and had her grow out her hair so they can't see her eyes. Lincoln is used to help the family and is blamed for things that his sisters have done." Ms. Hannah stated.

"I see. Usually I feel bad about separating families, but this is an exception.  These parents haven't been parenting which is evident since their second eldest daughter isn't thinking like an average 16 year old girl and is struggling in school. Another one of these girls also eats out of the trashcan. I thought taking 3 children was enough, but it seems like we have to take more. I'll be taking the second eldest child, fourth eldest and one of their six years old back to the orphanage to help with their problems however it may take some time to get a permit for them so just keep working on Lincoln and Lucy." Miss Carmichael stated. Miss Hannah nodded and started to think of a therapy plan for Lincoln and Lucy. 

Meanwhile the Louds were all relaxing and thinking about Lincoln, Lucy and Lily. They were also regretting how they treated them before they were taken. Guess they never knew what they had before it was gone. Sighing...Most tried to do some of their activities only to discover that they're missing the one vital part of their various activities.

"Sigh...Without Lincoln, I don't have anyone to model the clothes that I designed." Leni Said.

"You're telling me....Lincoln was my sports partner." Lynn said.

"He was also my pageant couch." Lola added.

"Let's face it...Lincoln was a vital part to our activities and talents, but now...He's at an orphanage with Lucy and Lily." Luna Said.

"Yeah...I'm missing how he always came up with a plan that worked 50% of the time." Luan stated. 

"I just want Linky back. Without him...I fear that our family is splitting apart." Leni cried. 

"Don't worry Leni...Lincoln will be back with us before you know it." Lori said. 

"Besides it's not like CPS will take more of us away." Luan Said. Instead of calming Leni down...It just made her crying worse. She was also joined by the twins who feared that they may be separated in the future.

"Why did you say that Luan. Now Leni is crying harder." Luna scolded. Luan just shrugged and just looked down at the ground. 

"Calm down guys...Fighting with each other and thinking negative thoughts will not help us during this time. We just need to keep positive and things will work out." Lori Said.

"Really?" Leni Asked.

"Really. Now let's try to take a nap or something. It's been a long day and the stress is making us fight each other." Lori said.

The girls slowly went to their rooms to sleep. They didn't think that things would get worse for them, but then again no one knows what the future holds.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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