School Blues

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The 6 Loud sisters slowly woke up and started to head towards the dining room. Silently hoping that their parents wouldn't keep trying to talk to them about their feelings about the whole situation. The sisters didn't want to talk...They wanted to quickly regain Lincoln, Lucy and Lily so the Loud House can become more normal.

"Hey Girls...Do you guys know what day it is?" Rita Asked.

"It's Monday." Lori stated. When Lori said that most of the other girls spit out their food while others slightly choked on theirs. They didn't want to go school since they knew that the news of what happened spread all over social media. 

"Do we really have to go Daddy?" Lola Asked.

"Yes...Just because Lincoln, Lucy and Lily aren't with us. Doesn't mean that you guys can miss School. Now go upstairs and get dressed." Lynn Sr. Said. The girls slowly stopped eating and placed their dishes in the sink. Then they headed up stairs to get dressed while trying hard not to look at any reminders of their missing siblings.

Afterwards, they slowly went to Vanzilla and drove to their respective schools. At the highschool...Everyone stopped and stared at the 4 girls which made them uncomfortable. 

"Girls...I know that this won't be easy, but things will go the way it was when we get Lincoln, Lucy and Lily back from that orphanage." Lori said to encourage her sisters.

"I hope that we don't receive any more surprises. I don't think any of us can take it anymore." Luan Said.

"Yeah...If only we had a warning or something before everything went down this weekend. However I have a terrible feeling like they're planning to take three more of us away." Leni Said.

"Leni...It's just the nerves talking. We'll stay together...I'm sure of it." Lori Said. The girls slowly split up and went to their individual classes where their classmates whispered about the girls. The same happened to all the other Louds sisters. 

Sighing...The Loud Sisters slowly walked to lunch and sat down with each other looking defected. No one wanted to talk to them which hurts. However they were thankful that it wasn't worse since it would make their lives in school a living hell. 

"Man...This bites. No one wants to talk to us." Luna Said.

"Think on the positive side Luna...At least people aren't shunning us or glaring at us like criminals. Besides...This will blow over we just need to be on our best behavior. Most of us can do it, but I'm worried about the others since Lynn has a mighty temper and Lisa blows things up for science. Not to mention Lola who blackmails people on a daily basis." Lori said.

The girls kept eating until a teacher walked over to them and whispered something in Lori's ear. Lori's eyes soon became with dinner plates and she quickly started to bang her head on the table. 

"What's going on Lori?" Leni Asked.

"Mom and Dad are coming to pick us up early. When they do...Don't say anything since they're going to be pissed." Lori Said.

"But why would they be mad? We haven't done anything to raise their ire." Luan Asked.

"They're going to be mad since Lisa conducted an experiment that as always blew up in her face. However that's not the worst part...She also blew up the school. Luckily no one is hurt." Lori Said.

The other girls sighed and glanced at each other. Getting Lincoln, Lucy and Lily back is going to be a challenge.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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