Chapter 12: Green with Envy

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Shivaay POV
Priya had refused to talk about her chat with Anika.
She had just gone to her room after we reached home. I had done all the unpacking and had just lay down to sleep.
Then the phone in the house rang. I glanced over to Priya's room. The door was closed and I knew she would not get up.
I got up and picked the phone.
"Hello. Mr. Shivaay. Anika Rana here." The voice came from the other end.
How did she know that it was me?
"I need you to drive my car tomorrow, my driver is not well."
What? I was project manager not her secretary.

"I know it is not in the job description that we sent out but it is in the contract you signed." Her voice answered the question in my mind.
What? can't be.
"You didn't read all the pages. Mr. Shivaay, you should have realised that your ex-wife has watched you sign enough documents to know which pages you skip." She replied.
"So go through the contract again. So tomorrow, you need to be outside my house by 7 in the morning."
Then she cut the call. How dare she? I slammed the phone back.
But what to do, the Ranas were my bosses.

I went back to sleep after putting an alarm.
Before I closed my eyes, the alarm rang. The clock showed 5:30.
"ALREADY?" I shouted.
I quickly got up and got ready. Then I heard some noise, I saw Priya open the door.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"Work," I replied. Her eyes widened. "I have to drive Anika somewhere."
She looked a bit worried. Was it because of what they talked yesterday?
The front entrance of the house was lit with light. Anika was standing there with some books in hand. She was talking to someone. She looked deep in conversation.
I wanted to hear what she was saying but she suddenly looked up at me.
"Here are the keys." She tossed me the keys. I caught them and opened the doors. She opened the back door and sat down.
"I am not your driver." I growled.
She smirked. "Ranas never sit with those without a surname of repute. And Mr. Shivaay you don't even have one."
I gritted my teeth. But kept silent.
"Where are we going?"
She smiled. "First, we have to make a stop at Raichand Mansion and pick up Viru then we are going to JP University. And by the way, it is Ma'am." She added.
I gripped the steering wheel. "The Raichands?" I inquired.
She ignored the question. "And don't forget you have to pick me and Viren and drop us at the Pearl hospital."
After this, the car had become silent when her phone rang.
"Om! You are back?.........When did you land?....... How is Ishu?.....Oh Ok......So today you want me and Viren to come to the Mansion.....Ok...ok...see you then."
She cut the call. "Oh and Mr. Shivaay after that we will be going to the Oberoi Mansion."

My breathe hitched. I would get to see Om, Rudra and Prinku after 2 months.
As we drove into the Raichand Mansion, I saw someone waiting at their porch.
When Anika pushed open the back door, it burned more. So I was really like their driver.
"Hi Princess." He got in and hugged her. "How are the babies?"
Babies? She is pregnant with twins?
"They are fine, Viru. Especially when you are around." She added with a soft giggle.

Viren POV
The way Shivaay gripped the steering wheel made me want to massage my neck. Anika, meri maa, are you trying to get me killed? I would have to ask Dhruv Bhaiya to increase the number of bodyguards.
She was acting so weird.
Once we were settled, she leaned on me and put her head on my shoulder. Through the rearview mirror, I could see even the darkness of early morning, Shivaay's eyes sparkling with anger.
I moved a bit close to Anika. She looked up at me a bit surprised. Well, she could be surprised for all I care. I had to worry about my life. If he could, he would throw me out of the car.
When we reached campus, I helped Anika out of the car and she gave me a kiss on my cheek. As we walked away, I could feel my shirt burn with the glare of the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

"Anika, he might kill me." I squeaked to her.
She held my arm. "This much did not make for fun. And don't worry.....Jaanu."
She added with a sly grin. Poor Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
"Don't pity him." She said. Man, she kept reading my mind.
Then when we reached the classroom, I saw some of the b*t*hy girls of the class in a corner. Oh No....they are going to say something.
Their leader Nina Handa sauntered towards us.
"Hi Raichands." She cooed. I felt Anika tense next to me.

"Anika darling, Mama was telling that at the end of the month is the golden jubilee of the high society club. She asked you to attend the planning event this week." she glanced at me and then at Anika's stomach.
I was about to move forward when Anika gripped my hand.
"But Mallika Bhabhi is attending instead of me." She replied.
Nina's expression became even more nastier. "No Anika, for the planning this time all the members are coming. So you and Mallika Bhabhi have to come. Even Soumya Oberoi is coming. Even your Viren's mama is coming."
Finally Anika nodded. "Sure. Let Mrs. Handa know that I will be coming."
After she walked away, I turned to Anika.
"Are you mad? They are going to mock the fact that you were the so-called Hidden Oberoi Bahu, your pregnancy, Tia everything......even Soumya will suffer. That is why Dev and Sid never let you go for the meetings."

Anika smiled at me. "I will be fine. What will they say....I can face it. After all Mal bhabhi and Soumya will be there right. And Mal Bhabhi was telling that they are troubling Soumya a lot. For sometime, they will pick on me. I can do that much for my ex-devarani and now best friend."
Anika was a real example. She never feared insults or anything. I guess that sort of power only comes when you have suffered so much.
As we sat down for class, I felt someone watching me. When I turned around, I could see no one.
Who was it?
After class when we came down the stairs. We saw a huge crowd near the car.
"Is that him?" Whispers could be heard.

Anika sighed.
"Anika, is that Shivaay Singh Oberoi?" One of the juniors asked.
She shook her head. "No, that is just Shivaay, my manager." She said curtly.
The girl giggled. "Do you think he will date me?"
Anika stopped walking. "No! And Lyla Ranawat, your Mom will kill you if you marry him, he just a manager and he has no surname."
Lyla looked a bit annoyed. "No Surname. I thought if he was an Oberoi...." Her voice trailed off.
Anika pulled me and we went to the car.

"Shivaay, let's go." She said. She seemed really pissed about the events. She just opened the back door and sat in the car facing the other side.
Shivaay glanced at me and took his place in the driver's seat.
Once he started driving, I held Anika's hand. She jerked it out.
"What were you doing outside the car?" She hissed.
Shivaay looked rather shocked. "Are you trying to prove that being so good looking will fetch you girls?"

My eyes went wide. Her hand immediately crushed my hand as it dawned on her what she had said.
"Next time, stay in the car."
At that moment, her phone rang.
"Priya....thanks for calling. Kiara briefed you right?" She kept the phone down. Then turned to me.
"Viru, today's appointment has been cancelled. And I have some work. So you can rest in the loft till we leave for the Mansion. Ru and Sumo have called us."
After this, she instructed Shivaay to stop at a bus stop. Then a girl stepped into the front seat.
"Viru, this is Priya. My part time assistant as Kiara is going to visit her sick mother."

Author's note: Please vote and review. Let's me know whether people are interested in reading the story or I am living in a bubble where my story is loved 
Please check out my new story. Lies take us apart.

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