Chapter 13: Office Politics(1)

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Priya POV
This was Viren? Bhabhi, I am so unimpressed. He was staring at me.
"Anika Ma'am, thank you for the job." I saw Shivaay glare at me from the driver's seat.
She smiled. "Tia told me and since Kiara was going."

Anika gave Shivaay the directions to the Rana office as she fiddled with Viren's hand. I watched Shivaay's grip on the steering wheel increase. When we reached the building, Anika passed some keys to Viren and walked ahead of us. We could hear people scampering about.

"Jai and Nikhil, in my office now!" The two men froze at their seats. Everyone else, I could see looked pity full.

"Khushi........are the letters ready?" Anika stopped at desk where a young girl was working.

"Anika Ma'am..........woh I didn't know how to....." She started staring at the ground and tears rolled down the cheek. I held my breathe. Was Anika going to butcher her in front of me? There was pin drop silence in the office.

I looked at Shivaay, who seemed...............proud. Was Anika Bhabhi really telling me the truth about the so-called calm brother I had come to believe was my twin? 

"Come to my office now."

The young girl picked up her laptop and followed us. I tried to give her an assuring smile. We followed her silently. When Anika stopped again, I thought she was going to kill someone. She opened a door. There were 3 other girls in the room. She stepped into the room. 

"Shivaay, you wait here and Khushi and Priya come." She passed her bag to him. Samara followed me, I could see her hands tremble.

"Priya.....this is your seat. Some files are on the table and there are some notes on them, please finish that. Natasha.......please help her if she has any doubts."

"Lisa come here. Khushi has some issues with these letters. Help her."

She then smiled at Khushi. "Khushi......if you have any problem, you shouldn't sit in your seat and feel horrible about it. Why did you cry just now?"

Khushi slowly wiped her face. "Anika didi, I thought you were going to scold me."

Anika gently hit her head. "Pagli......I might be a Rana and all but I first your Anika didi na. Any problem come to me or Bhaiya."

Then she turned to Lisa. "Help her."

She gave me a smile and left the room. She said something to Shivaay and I watched my brother follow her. Why did she have to be so rude to him? She just spoke so nicely to Khushi.

"So you are taking over Kiara's work for now." Natasha asked. I nodded and sat in my seat.

"Hi I am Leera. Nats and I are the PR  managers. Lisa is our assistant I heard that man is going to become the project manager."

I nodded. "Yeah. He is the one." I kept quiet about the fact that he was my brother. No one needed to think that because Anika is my sister-in-law I got this job.

Natasha nodded. "Poor Guy. Anika has got his table set up in her room. Everyone is talking about that."

Khushi looked up but kept silent. She knew a lot about Anika. What did Anika mean by before becoming a Rana? I have to find out.

I looked at them puzzled. Natasha and Leera exchanged a look as though they were contemplating whether to say anything.

"Well........Anika Ma'am actually had another room for the Project Manager but after he was decided as the manager, she had everything shifted to her. Some people claim that he is the Shivaay Singh Oberoi. But he was the Great Oberoi why would he work under Anika Rana? He would be working with the Oberoi's right?"

I nodded absent mindedly. What did my sister-in-law have in plan for my twin? 

Shivaay POV

I followed Anika into her office. The two guys she had called before were standing there. They looked like they were in a lion's den. Anika took her seat and looked at the two of them and glared.

"Where are the financial statements?"

The two of them looked at their shoes. "Anika Ma'am......that we....we are still......"

Anika's expression started changing. She did look like a lioness. 


Jai finally looked up. "Anika Ma'am, I will bring it in 10 minutes."

Anika glared. "What do you mean 10 minutes? I want it now."

Jai and Nikhil looked at each other. "Ma'am....."

Anika lifted her landline. "Hello Rajveer.....come here. Please help Jai and Nikhil collect their things and leave."

The eyes of the two men widened. "Ma'am......"

Anika got up from her seat and walked to them. I watched her. She looked like the embodiment of class and refinement. I could not hear what she told them but they left without a word.

She went back and took her seat. Then she looked at me.

"Oi.....Mr. Shivaay......What are you doing there? Watching me? Go get me cup of......milo."

Milo? What the hell is that? I quickly rushed off to the pantry. When I walked in, there were 2 girls and one man standing there.

"Arre Arvind, you know Anika Ma'am fired Jai and Nikhil." One of the girls said. 

Arvind glared at them. "Well she did the right thing. Jai and Nikhil were transfering money to their personal accounts. They are lucky she did not file a complaint about them."

The other girl nodded. "Haan Rina. I heard she called their wives yesterday and gave them jobs at the Rana Orchid hotel."

The other girl looked surprised. "Why Ria? Anika Ma'am always does such strange things."

Ria nodded. "She says that a partner should never pay the price of what the other did. She says that marriage and love are overrated but something the society tags woman with. I heard her say that to Lisa the other day."

Arvind grimaced. "I have heard that the Oberois are the reason ma'am is like an ice queen. My sister used to work with the Oberois. She said when she work with Anika Ma'am.....she was a real sweetheart."

Ria suddenly saw me. "Oh so you are the new hottie everyone is talking about." I felt blood rush to my cheeks.


Ria laughed. "What are you looking for?"

What did she want?......"Some Milo."

Ria eyes widened. "You are here looking for Milo?"

I nodded. Rina laughed. "You won't get that here. You have to go to the pantry near Siddarth Sir's room. Dev Sir has it specially brought for  Anika Ma'am from Singapore."

Special drinks for Anika? Something staff could not have.

"She doesn't have anything. Apparently, the kids love milo but anything else......."

I just smiled and left. have I broken you? 

Mallika POV

"Did you tell Shivaay to go to the pantry near Sid?" I asked.

Anika nodded as she held Aditya and played with him. I got up.

"Anika? Are you crazy? Your brother will kill him."

She smiled. "So?Sometimes, Mr. Shivaay needs to know the difficulties of not having a surname of Oberoi."

I groaned and walked towards the door. "Well Ani, you may not have a problem seeing your husband dead but I certainly don't want to see mine behind bars."

Anika smiled. "I love you Bhabhi. Just make sure, he can at least crawl back to my room."
I rushed to the pantry, I could see Shivaay walking towards. I closed my eyes as I followed.
" said...hmm...would you by any chance know a Rudra Singh Oberoi?" I heard my husband ask. I could hear that his voice is laced with sarcasm.
"I have heard of him, Sir."
I heard Sid keep some papers down. "Well since you have no personal interests in him, I think you can help me with this project. The Oberois have been stealing all our retail deals. This will destroy them."
My eyes widened. What was he doing? The Oberois and Ranas were working together for the Retail contract.
"Sir, I think I should take Anika's drink to her." I watched Shivaay leave the pantry. I walked in after him.

"What are you doing Sid?"

Siddarth smirked. "How the mighty have fallen. From the top of the castle to nothingness. Mal, you should have seen his expression when I told him about Rudra. What he doesn't know is that we might have taken her away from the Oberois but we could never take the Oberoi out of her."

I glared at Sid. "Don't forget, he is my best friend.
Sid rolled his eyes. "Who hurt my sister?"

Suddenly, we heard a crash.

"Anika!" Siddarth and I ran to her room. 

When we entered, we saw Shivaay and Anika standing in the room and the cup of milo on the floor. Adi was looking bewildered at the two.

"Shivaay........please pick the cup pieces and send a cleaner to clean it." Anika ordered.

I expected Shivaay to make a fuss or something but he just nodded and bent down. When I looked Anika.......for a second, I thought I saw pain but it vanished just as fast as it came.

Shivaay POV
Anika had given me some information and told me to get a project file ready.
I watched her work. She had already broken 2 phones.
She was muttering something under her breathe. Finally after 10 minutes, she looked at me.
"Mr. can go for lunch."
Mr. Shivaay- the name made my heartache. Anika, you used to call me billu...bhagad billa...tadibaaz...something like that, my heart begged but my brain silenced my mouth.
I nodded and left the room. I walked to Priya's office.
She looked up from some papers. "Haan Shiv? Ready for lunch?"
I could feel all the other woman look at me. I nodded.
She turned to the youngest. "Hey want to eat lunch with us."
Khushi looked at me with eyes filled with hatred then shook her head.
"No Priya di.....I have brought lunch from home."

What had I done? I looked at Priya who just walked out of the room. I followed her to the canteen. When we entered the canteen all eyes were on us. Whispers from every corner.

"I heard the new project manager is Anika Ma'am's ......... No wonder he got the job." A man whispered to his colleague. 

Another voice whispered. "I mean he is hot and all but I cannot understand why Anika Ma'am gave him such a high post. Might have......." her words were rather obscene.

"Bhaiya.....why do you look so disgusted? Such things are said when you are at such a high post suddenly. Seeing your expression someone would think you came from a super rich family. We all just ignore and move on. You only have to feel ashamed or disgusted if you did something like that. Now eat."

I watched my sister and wondered what she would think when she got to know that I was once upon a time the Shivaay Singh Oberoi in front of whom, the whole world cowered. Then suddenly something came into my mind.

Was it true what Saumya had said that in offices when females are promoted such comments were ten times worse.......didn't that mean Anika would have had to suffer the very same thing. Did my own house staff make comments about her like that? And I did not even notice.

"Bhaiya.....what are you thinking? Eat now." Priya jabbed me with her fork and I looked at the meal in front of me.

Oh Anika, was I even worth having as a husband?

Author's note: Author's note: Two updates in 2 days. Hmmm.....not bad. Hope you all like it. I just wanted to point towards how Shivaay is slowly realising the difficulties that Anika faced when she was an ordinary girl. Please review and let me know how you liked this chapter.

Also Priya is acting like she has no idea that Shivaay is an Oberoi.

Please check out my new story. "Lies take us apart". It is a story about how rumours destroyed 2 people's happily ever after.

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