Chapter 15: Shivaay bullies Anika........or at least tries to :)

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Mallika POV

I woke come to rapid knocks on my door. I could hear Adi and Sid playing in the bathroom. I went to the door and opened it.

"Badi Bahu......woh yahan aaya hain." Radha the maid stammered. She glanced downstairs.

I could hear something fall. I rushed to the balcony.

Anika was standing there ........and so was Shivaay. He was in his 3 piece suit. Every hair in place. What had happened to the meek one that dropped Anika, Viren and Priya yesterday?

"Stay away from me. I am with Viren I told you." She shouted. I heard Dev open the door and rush down angrily. Tia and Ayu came out of another door.

"Well, I can charge you for adultery." Shivaay replied. I gasped. Dev paused on the stairs. Anika paused.

"What do you mean?" She whispered.

He walked to her. She moved slightly back. "Well, we were never divorced to begin with. And you left me."

She pushed Shivaay away. I felt Siddarth and Adi walk up to me.

"What is that ass doing here?" Siddarth growled. He handed Adi to me. I saw Tia walk to me.

"Stay away." I hissed.

Tia looked at me helplessly. "Bhabhi....I need your help. Trust me on this, Anika needs nothing more than Shivaay now. She really needs him."

I glared at her. How can I trust her? She had destroyed everything for my darling nanand. I kept silent and stared on.

Adi was playing with my hair.

"Stay away from my sister." Dev shouted.

Shivaay smirked. "Dev Rana, I have in no way hurt your sister. As a matter of fact, I have come to get what is equally mine. My children.

I saw Anika recoil. Her hand immediately went to her bump. She took a few steps back. Shivaay smiled. "Anika, just as they your children, they are mine. They have a right to their father's love especially when their mother...." He trailed off. But from Tia and Anika's expression, I knew that he knew something, they had kept a secret.

"Their mother what? Their mother has enough money, a steady income" Sid shouted.

Shivaay smiled. "But she can never be me. Anika, you will come for your kids right?"

He knew something we did not and he was using it against her.

"Dev, he is right. The same way, a child cannot live without his mother, a child suffers without his father as well." Tia said calmly.

Dev looked ready to kill Tia. Tia glanced at me. Her eyes were pleading. An expression that I had never seen on that conceited butterfly.

I nodded. "Haan Sid. If they can work it out, then Anika's kids will have both their parents." Sid glared at me.

"Mallika!" He thundered.

Anika looked startled. She had never seen Sid shout at me but I was used to his "Butcher all those who even glare at the Ranas" voice. I walked towards the stairs.

"Bhaiya, don't scold Bhabhi. I will talk to Shivaay and solve it. It is my issue."

Dev and Siddarth looked horrified. "We will also come."

She shook her head. "No, you won't. This is between me and my husband."

I felt everyone in the room still hearing her use of words including Anika and Shivaay.

"Okay Anika. Use your office." Tia said. I saw Dev glare at her.

Anika walked to her room and Shivaay followed. For a second, I saw an expression on his face that looked nothing like the attitude he showed when he was talking to all of us just minutes back.

"Bheegi Billi." I heard a whisper. Who had said that? I looked at Tia. She had a secret smile.


Shivaay POV

I watched as Anika slammed the door and walked to me.

"How did you know?" She hissed.

I smirked. "Shivaay Singh Oberoi can know anything."

This seemed to irritate her more. At that moment, my phone rang. I glanced at it. It was Rudra. I picked it. Anika glared at me.

"What do YOU MEAN by you are coming back? I am the current CEO." He shouted.

Poor thing. Only got to know now.

"Well, Mr. Rudra Singh Oberoi, I am a 50% partner of every single thing that is in your hands right now. Even the house. So I am coming back. I have been trying to explain that to your Anika Bhabhi here that I am 50% involved in the kids."

I saw her scowl and blush all at once. I knew she would kill me when we leave the mansion.

"Anika Bhabhi?" He whispered and I could hear lots of other whispers.

"Yup, your Bhabhi and I will be coming back home today. Please clean my room." I smiled at Anika, who looked shocked. "Oh, and clear another room on the same level."

Rudra went silent. "But that is the Obros and sister level." He finally said.

"Yes, I know that is why I am telling you to clear a room." Then I cut the call.

Anika was glaring at me. "Anika, I am...." I trailed off.

"Sorry?" she supplied.

I kept silent. "Please come. For the kids."

Her stance changed from attack mode to ordinary. She looked at her table for a few seconds.

"Fine. But will come tomorrow after the meeting at the Handa Mansion. Even after that I will stay only on my own terms."

I was willing to agree to anything for her. I nodded. "But no work. Think of it as a vacation till the kids are born."

She looked annoyed. "No...but..."

I stopped her. "If not, I will tell your brothers your so-called secret." I threatened. Although, I still had no idea what was wrong. I would have to meet Neel today to find out.

I could see her trying to reign her rage. She finally nodded. "FINE."

She walked out in a huff.

When I came out of the room, I saw the brothers glare at me. 

I smiled at both of them. "I will take Anika home after the luncheon."

Dev looked ready to kill me.

"I do not know what you threatened her with but when I do find out, I will kill you." Dev growled.

I just nodded and walked out. I glanced at the two women on the balcony. Both watching me as though they wanted to kill me but at the same time offering support. 

How do women so that?


Rudra POV

As soon as I kept the phone down, I was swarmed by Ishana Bhabhi and Soumya.

"What did that man say?" Ishana Bhabhi asked.

Yup! She arrived today morning. It was apparently some winter break or something at her dance academy. Winter break now? She had given me and Sumo a heart attack early in the morning by sneaking into the house. She had stumbled into our room instead of O's.

Soumya had almost given her a punch when she tackled her and had her on the floor. I got up to defend Sumo when I recognised her.



Ishana gave me a smile.

"Yup Rudra. I am Ishana Singh Oberoi, where else did you think, I would be."

Soumya had looked surprised. "Rudra, this better not be one of your girlfriends."

Ishana gave a cheeky smile. "Oops sorry Devrani ji." She gave her a hand and helped her up.

"Actually, I am your Jhetani." She said with a grin.

I made a mad dash for the door and ran into O's room.

"O, Ishana is back."

Om immediately got up. "Where?" he asked.

I whined that she was in my room. Om dashed towards my room. But when I walked in, I saw them kissing and hugging. Soumya was looking shocked and slightly embarrassed.

"When did you come?" He asked.

Then she laughed and told him what happened. That was when he lifted his head to look at us both.

"Well, Rudra.....this is my wife, Ishana. She was coming for winter break"

Flashback ends

"He told me that Anika and he was coming and to clean out his room and another room on the Family floor."

Om gave me an irritated look. "Why is he playing around with everyone's life? Anika, the Ranas and us."

Ishana Bhabhi looked deep in thought. "There is something wrong." She whispered.

"Yes di, there is something wrong and that is that Bade Bhaiya is forcing Anika Bhabhi to come here." Soumya complained.

Ishana shook her head.

At that moment, we heard a car stop in the driveway. Soumya walked out. Ishana started going to Om's room. "Aren't you coming?" Om asked.

She shook her head. " already have enough drama now, I will go take rest now."

Shivaay and Anika's assistant Priya walked towards the house.

Shivaay walked to us. "Soumya can you please show Priya, her new room."

Soumya nodded. "Bhaiya, which guest room?"

He shook his head. "No, the other room, I asked you to clean."

Soumya and Om scowled. "But Shivaay, that is only for Oberois."

Shivaay Bhaiya looked annoyed. "Priya is an Oberoi." He declared.

I gasped. Was he replacing Anika Bhabhi with Priya Di? No, I will never allow that.

"What nonsense Shivaay?" Om held him by his collar.

Shivaay Bhaiya just gently pushed off his hands. "Soumya please show Priya to a room on the floor.

I saw Priya Di look a bit uncomfortable. "Shiv...I don't."

Shivaay just ignored her and walked into his room. "Don't wait for me for dinner."

Priya Di's face fell. "Hey Priya....don't worry. I am sorry but that is the Oberoi family know........we......Anyways, show her to a room on the floor."

Om tried to justify to Priya Di despite the fact that his expression looked ready to kill.


Siddarth POV

I watched as Dev yelled at Tia. Mallika was in our room putting Ayu and Adi to sleep. Anika had gone to her room and locked the door.

My little sister was going to the same house where that Shivaay Singh Oberoi had failed to be her husband. I stormed into our room. The two kids were sleeping next to each other and Mallika was standing in the balcony.

"Were you crazy?" I held Mallika and shook her.

Mallika grimaced. "No, I stood by Tia as I felt she was right. Anika needs a support. I was with Mom and Dad for 2 weeks and I missed you so much. I needed you. I came back. Remember."

I turned her around. "She is my sister and that crazy man, what did he do? He killed her again and again. He killed the man she loved. I am going to destroy that Oberois." I shouted.

She held my face gently. "Did he? Or did he just chain him down? Shivaay is complicated, Sid. Not a lot different from you. But very different at the same time."

She pulled me into the room and made me sit on the bed. She kneeled down in front of me and held my cheek.

"Did you know when Shivaay started working? He started at 18. We were just in University then. He used to juggle work, classes and family altogether. He has closed his heart to anyone. He thinks in numbers and this is the first time, I have seen him come back to something that has rejected him completely. The Oberois are not like the Ranas. Family feuds are in their bloods. Pinky aunty hated me because I was not as rich and fancy as Om's girlfriend. I mean she was from one of the legacy foreign business families. Just imagine Mama called you everyday to tell you how horrible your girlfriend is and how you should probably date an Upper-class girl. Imagine she told you that Jia and Dev are 2 and hence will get more property and you had to fight to get more. Sadly, I did not make matters better. I used to irritate him regarding his mother's comments. Just imagine, he had an irritating mom and a runaway girlfriend. He had to catch me from the train, twice from the airport.........with Anika, he just doesn't know what to do. With me and Tia, he could boss us around and protect us. But her, she is like a live wire."

I scowled. "Since when did you become his lawyer."

Mallika gave me a light slap. "Madcap. Don't worry Sid, we are there right for her. If you want we can go everyday. This time, we know everything. But think about it, if they can solve everything, Anika will be so much happier. She won't have to hide all his pictures in a drawer and shut it whenever you and Dev come. She misses him."

Hmph. "But I still don't like him." I grumbled.

She gave me a smile. "Don't worry. I promise by the end, you will pity him. After all Anika Rana is not known to be a sweetheart."

I sure hope so. That devil deserved to be skinned.


Anika POV

I sat in my room. Tomorrow I would not be here. 

My phone started vibrating. It was Lisa.

"Hello Lisa. Are the tickets ready?"

Lisa went silent. "Lisa?"

I heard her taking a deep breath. "Woh Anika Ma'am..........all our accounts have been frozen by the bank. Apparently, they got a tip that someone was trying to hack and extort money from our account. So they are looking into it. Siddarth Sir is currently on the phone. I will call you back."

I cut the call and was about to hurl it against the wall when it vibrated. I switched on the screen.

Promises are meant to be kept. If not secrets can be spilled. In your words, Raita phail jayenge.

I felt my blood boil. I hurled my phone across the room and broke into sobs. I opened the drawer next to me.

"Billuji, where are you? I need you now."

Author's note: So Shivaay does not know what is wrong with Anika but he is trying to be her Billu again. Next chapter will take sometime to be uploaded. I am busy with work and applying for university courses.

I loved today's episode. I literally had to bite my cheeks from bursting into fits of laughter as my sister was studying. So excited for tomorrow. 

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