Chapter 16: When The High Society Rips Anika into Pieces

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Anika POV

Walking into the Handa Residence was probably the biggest mistake that I made in my entire life. But for Saumya, I would make the same mistake a thousand times.

"Hello Anika and Mrs. Rana." Mrs. Handa greeted. Her eyes clearly not seeming so welcome.

"Will your husband be coming today for the Luncheon of The Rose Society after the meeting?" She asked Mallika Bhabhi, who nodded.

"Oh Anika!" Lavanya Handa sauntered down. One of the three witches who bullied Saumya sauntered down the stairs with her right-hand Ragini Malhotra by her side.

Mallika tensed. She knew there was going to be a sneak attack any second. I gripped her hand.

"Will Viren come today?" Lavanya asked. I felt my wall being slowly ripped. A small nibble but this was only the beginning. I had just arrived. I schooled my face to the mask I usually wore.

"I do not know about the Raichand son but Malthi Aunty is certainly coming." Mallika answered as she pulled me towards the ladies room where all the high and mighty society woman were seated.

"Come Chutki. Ignore them. Let us take our seat."

When we walked into the room, each family had their own table. Some families that were closely related were together. When we entered, Saumya looked at us wide-eyed. She and Mallika Bhabhi were having a silent conversation. Priyanka was looking at something on her phone. She did not notice the silent conversation.

"Oh Anika Beta.......we didn't know where you would sit. So we just kept a chair aside for you. With the Raichands, Oberois or Ranas?" Mrs. Malhotra snidely asked. She knew about the gossip around that I was an a Rana and about the fact that one of the Rana Princesses  were once promised to Dhruv Raichand.

I smiled sweetly at Mrs. Malhotra. "Actually Aunty, I will be sitting with Mallika and Saumya. Mallika is my Bhabhi and Saumya and Priyanka are my best friends. I am sure the Oberois and Ranas can share a table like usual. I think Malthi aunty would want her bahu and not me on the table."

I knew that usually Mallika and Saumya sat together. But today.....the arrangements had changed.

Mallika smirked and called a servant to move her chair and the Rana place tag to Saumya's table along with the chair for me.

Once, we were seated. The meeting commenced. Who would say that we were working for a charity event. Some of the woman were just there to spend unnecessary money.

I raised my voice. "Maybe we can think more about the poor kids this is going to benefit."

Mrs. Handa and Mrs. Malhotra exchanged a look which I knew did not mean anything good. "Haan Anika Beta....we know that you worry a lot about them but you see when we are part  of the high society, we think about the charity gala first."

Mallika was about to say something but I squeezed her hand. Anika Rana had to take a stand. 

"Of course aunty.......I meant that living in glass palaces, we do not think about the suffering of the kids. Maybe the food leftover from the gala can be given instead of wasted. And the chocolate fountains can be avoided."

Half the room seemed to approve but the half that held most of the power sneered.

Suddenly, I heard a comment. "Anika ko kya pata.....achche khandhaan ke hone ka importance. The Ranas should have never taken her in. Who knows whether she is even a real Rana?"

I did not know who said the comment. 

"Anika being a Rana or not is none of your business. But for your information, we know that she is a Rana and that is more than enough." Mallika hissed.

"Mallika Beta......this is a society meeting not a cat fight. Please calm down and sit, so that we can continue." Mrs. Malhotra quipped in a high pitched voice. 

After sometime, I realised that I was just invited there to be mocked. They did not care about my opinion or my ideas. Considering that I worked in the events department of the Rana industry.....

"Bhabhi.......I will just go to the bathroom and come."

Mallika nodded. She looked a bit unsure. As I walked down the hall, I felt my feet step on something. I looked down to see a chocolate cheese cake stuck onto my ballet flats. I groaned. How would I clean that? I felt tears prick my eyes. Hey! Don't judge.........I am pregnant and I do have mood swings.

At that moment, I could hear some snickering around the corner. I knew the second generation was most likely the reason. I tried to take a step forward, but I could feel my feet skid slightly. 

"Anika Di?" A voice questioned from across the hall. I looked up to see Nikhil Handa watching me and rushing to my side. Nikhil had worked at Bhaiya's office as an intern for sometime. He was a real sweetheart like his father and not those conviving cheapdes that he called his mother and father. 

He looked at my shoes. "Arre should have been careful. You could have got hurt and Sid Bhaiya would have had me slaughtered." He smirked.

He looked for a maid, who immediately helped me out of my sticky situation.

"Thanks Nikhil."

Nikhil gave me a smile. "No problem Di.....I still owe you for helping me complete the file on the first."

I chuckled. "Keep quiet....if Bhaiya comes to know I did it, he will tell your father. We both will get into trouble."

He laughed. "Okay di....see you at the luncheon."

I nodded and went further down the hall to the bathroom. As I was applying soap to my hand, I saw it turn a hot pink color. What? What was happening?

I immediately pulled my hand into the water and tried to wash the stain away. It slowly went away but was a light pink. I once again heard snickers. I rolled my eyes. Who was playing these pranks?

I was walk back to the hall when my feet tripped over something. I knew I could not fall if I did, my children would pay the price. I tried to break my fall by holding onto the table nearby. But in all that I sprained my foot. I winced.

"Anika Beta!" I looked around to see Malthi and Viren walk towards us.

Viren had a huge smile. "Hey Ani."

I smiled although my leg was hurting like as though someone was chopping it.

"Anika Beta.....are you okay?" Malthi aunty always knew when something was wrong. 

I winced. "Actually aunty, I sprained my leg."

Malthi looked shocked. "Anika.....I thought your mischievous behaviour was on hold till the kids were born."

I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "I tripped."

Malthi Aunty hugged me. "Viren help me get Anika to the room."

Viren was about to lift me when I felt another hand on mine. I saw Shivaay standing there. He looked like a thunderstorm on its way.

"Anika come."

He lifted me and carried me to the car. 

I fidgeted and struggled. "Shivaay.......put me down. Everyone is waiting for me in the room."

Shivaay ignored and kept walking. He gently placed me in the front seat and left. After he closed the door, I was about to open the door when I heard a lock click in place. He HAD put the child lock.
He gave me a cheeky grin before walking into the house. The darkness replacing his face before he left.

Mallika POV

I watched the various snooty ladies make comments about Anika but there was little I could do.
I knew all these aunties from childhood and going against them was something I could not do. For once I was silent while these worthless woman ripped my precious little sister into pieces. 
"Didi.......why did you bring Anika Bhabhi here? You know how these people butcher me every week." Saumya hissed in my ear as soon as Anika left the room to go to the bathroom
I grimaced. Anika hadn't listened when I tried to prevent her from coming. 

"I will go and check on her." I slowly got up. Anika was strong but she was still a human. She may pick herself up but she needed help.

"Mallika don't have to." Priyanka looked up from her phone. Before I could ask her what she meant, the front door swung open and a thunderstorm stormed in.
"How dare you?"

The entire room went silent. It was after all Shivaay Singh Oberoi and he did not look like he had come to donate more funds. Shivaay stormed towards the high table where the Handas and Malhotras were sitting. I could see Ragini and Lavanya ogling at him. They were looking very stupid.

"What happened Shivaay beta?" Mrs. Handa crooned. Everyone in the high society knew that the Handas wanted Shivaay to marry Lavanya but instead the Oberois had gone to the Kapoors. 

Shivaay glared at the lady. "What the hell is going on here? Where is my wife?"

The ladies looked at each other and put on a face of lack of understanding. "Wife? Lekin Shivaay Beta, I thought Anika Bitiya left you." Mrs. Malhotra asked in fake empathy.


I heard Saumya scoff. 

"My wife is in the car in tears with a swollen ankle. Do you even know that she is heavily pregnant?"

The women looked at each other. I stood up. What had happened to Anika? I walked to Shivaay's side.

"Shiv? Where is she?"

Shivaay ignored me. "Soumya.....we are leaving now. Come Prinku. This is the last time any Oberoi women will ever attend this nonsense. The Oberois are pulling out of the board. Don't expect any funds from the household. I did not donate every month for a bunch of women to play pranks on others and mock another's upbringing."

Malthi aunty also scoffed. "How can you all be so irresponsible? She is a pregnant woman for god's sake. I stayed on in the society because the Rose Society was my grandmother's dream. But I am sure, she would be ashamed to see it today."

Soumya and Prinku followed their elder brother who stormed out. I walked out with the Raichands.

"Aunty, could you please drop me home? The driver is not coming today because Sid was supposed to come for the Luncheon."

Malthi Raichand smiled and nodded. 

Soumya POV

As I heard Bhaiya slam the car after me, I looked to the passenger seat. Anika Bhabhi was sitting silently. She looked like she was seething with anger.  Why was she sitting here? Didn't she have to leave with Mallika Bhabhi.

Shivaay came and sat in the driver's seat. 

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Shivaay boomed. His eyes glaring at me through the mirror.

Anika scoffed. "Shivaay.....this is a closed vehicle. You don't need to yell."

I watched Shivaay's grip on the wheel tighten. "You shut up. You should have called me or your brothers the moment the nonsense started."

Anika scowled. "I can look after myself."

Shivaay almost snarled. "Maybe you, Miss. Anika Rana know  how to. But my wife does not. She believes she can do anything in the world. So I need to take care of her and my kids."

"Your Kids?" Anika yelled. My eyes widened. Were they going to butcher each other? I looked at Prinku, who had a calm smile and had taken out her earphones and plugged it into her ears.

"They are mine." She snapped.

Shivaay smirked. "Well, I did contribute." 

Okay! Okay! Stop! 

I cleared my throat. Shivaay glanced into the mirror. 

"Any problem Saumya?" He had a crooked smile. I glanced at Anika Bhabhi, who was facing the other side and sitting but I could see her blushing and looking annoyed in the side mirror.

"Nothing Bade Bhaiya! Rudra just messaged asking when we were going to reach."

Shivaay nodded. "Tell him, we will reach in 5 minutes."

I messaged Rudra that Bhabhi was coming with us, so that he could prevent Priya didi from coming in front of Anika Bhabhi.

The rest of the ride was silent but I knew it was not the end of the war.

Author's note: Hope you liked this chapter. I was so busy that I could not update this chapter before. Sorry :(

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