Chapter 17: Anika Comes Home

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Rudra POV

Om and I were discussing a deal when we heard a cyclone arriving.

"Shivaay! Put me down now! Do you think I can't walk?" Anika Bhabhi was shouting on top of her lungs while Shivaay was ignoring everything and walking in. Saumya and Prinku came in behind them. Saumya looked fed-up while Prinku was listening to some earphones and headed off in the direction of her room.

Saumya walked to the couch and plonked herself down. I felt someone watching us from the 2nd floor. I saw Ishana Bhabhi hidden behind a pillar watching the events in the hall. She still had stayed hidden from Bhaiya.

Shivaay placed Bhabhi gently on the couch. "You can sleep in our room."

Anika was sitting grouchily. "You mean your room." She hissed.

Om cast a glance at me and then I watched his eyes widen. I looked in the direction he was looking, I saw Priya Di climb down the stairs. I quickly signalled to Priyanka who was walking towards the kitchen. She rushed to Priya Di's side.

" here?"

Anika shot me a glare and if she had been Shiva, I would have been ash. "Your Bhaiya brought me here." She muttered something else which sounded to me like 'Bhagad Billa'. Whatever it was Shivaay did not seem pleased. 

"You should take rest." He said stoically. 

"Arre Priya! Aap?" Anika yelled.

Priya Di and Priyanka stopped midway. Priyanka looked horrified while Priya Di had a wide smile.

"Anika Bhabhi!" She shouted and ran down the stairs.

Om looked up at me shocked.

"Bhabhi?" Om asked. Anika glanced at him.

"Yeah Om....of course she will call me Bhabhi. If you can call me Bhabhi, she will also na."

I moved closer to Om. "Poor Bhabhi, she doesn't know that Priya is her sautan."

Priya came and sat next to Anika. "Why are you here?"

Anika's smile faded. "Ask your brother." She snapped.


"Bhaiya! Why did you force Bhabhi to come here?"

Shivaay recoiled. "Since when do you call me Bhaiya? We are just a few minutes apart max. We don't even know who is the elder one."

Elder one? Bhaiya? 

"Yeh Ho kya raha hain?" I shouted.

Anika, Shivaay and Priya stared at me. While Priyanka and Om stared at them puzzled just like me. "What happened, Rudra?" Shivaay asked.

"Why is she calling you Bhaiya?" Om asked.

Shivaay glared at Priya. "Because she is mad. I am going outside." 

Shivaay stomped out of the house. Anika giggled and hi-fied Priya. "I told you he would get irritated." She snickered. Priya giggled.

"Bhabhi? What is happening? Why is she calling my Bhaiya....Bhaiya?" I asked. How dare she? 

Anika smirked. "Well she is Shivaay's twin so that is why she is calling your brother Bhaiya."

Om jumped up. "Kya?"

Anika and Priya looked puzzled while Priyanka's eyes widened. 

Anika nodded. "Haan. Shivaay and Priya are twins."

Priya di and Anika Bhabhi then went about to tell the story.

"Oh!" I finally said. The three of us were embarrassed. We thought Shivaay Bhaiya was marrying Priya Di. Ewww......disgusting. 

"Sorry Priya.....we didn't know you were an Oberoi. But why didn't anyone else tell us about her?" Om wondered.

None of us had an answer. Looks like we would have to wait till the Oberoi Elders reached home. 

I then spotted Anika Bhabhi trying to adjust her seating position.

"Okay travelled so long. Now go rest. Prinku, please take her to the room."

Priyanka helped Anika Bhabhi get to her room.

Anika POV

I was sitting on his bed. My back ached after the long ride and I was mentally exhausted because of the bullying.

Suddenly, I felt the corner of the bed. I opened my eyes to see Ishana. But she did not look happy.

"Ishu, when did you come here?" I squealed. She just glared at me.

"What are you hiding Ani? Don't lie, I will find out from Shivaay."

What? How did she know?

"Don't use your brain so much. There is something. If not Shivaay would never risk the Rana wrath to get you home." Ishana glared.

I felt tears prick my eyes. Ishana rushed to my side. She hugged me and brushed her hands through my hair.

"Ishana....I am dying." Her hand stopped. "Nikitha said that my body is not at all accepting any of the treatment. I am too weak to carry the children."

Ishana pulled a bit away. "What do you mean? Dev and Sid said they were doing great."

I nodded. "The kids are. But I am not."

Ishana looked at me. "Does he know?"

I shook my head. "I don't know how much he knows. He had my medical records on his phone. I saw it when he left the phone in the car."

"Had?" I smiled a little. "I deleted them."

She looked horrified. "Anika, are you mad? He should know."

I felt annoyed. "Why are you behaving like Viren and Tia?"

Her expression changed. "Tia?"

I nodded nervously. "I brought her home. She is in the Rana mansion."

Ishana got up. "Are you mad?"

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Ishana sat next to me again. "Ani, why are you crying?

"I am scared Ishu. I feel so empty and broken that I think that is killing me more."

Ishana POV

Watching Anika break down like this made me want to cut Shivaay into bits and pieces.

"What are you doing HERE?" A voice boomed from the door. I watched Shivaay stand at the door. Anika looked horrified. She tried to get up.

Shivaay stormed into the room and held me by my arm.

"Leave me, Mr. Oberoi." I said.

Shivaay glared at me. "Stay away from my wife."

"Stay away from MY wife, Shivaay." A voice boomed from the door.

Ugh....these Oberoi men and their possessiveness.

I pulled my arm out of Shivaay's hand but by then his focus had changed.

"Om? Her?"

Om grimaced. I knew he was thinking about our fight. Then he nodded.

"Yes, Shivaay. She is the one. My partner."

Suddenly, we heard some noise from downstairs. Shivaay left the room.

"I think they have come." Om said. He tugged my hand. I shook my head.

"No Om. Not now. They have to much to deal with."

I headed off to my room before Om could say anything.

I watched Om help Anika downstairs and then the evil witch, they all called Pinky Oberoi scowl seeing her. I almost leaped off the railing to strangle her.

But all I could do was watch.


Shivaay POV

"Mera heera." Mom was strangling me in a hug. She was glaring at Anika, who was standing exhausted at the bottom of the stairs.

"What is she doing here?" Ma scowled.

Anika had an indifferent expression but it was clear that she was defending our kids with the way she kept her hand over her bump.

"Ma, she is pregnant and I am their father." I could see Ma's face soften a bit. I saw Badima walk past me.

"Anika, they?" She sounded so excited.

Anika nodded. "Can I?" she asked gently. Anika took her hand and slowly placed it on her stomach. I felt mom's grip on myself. She slowly walked towards Anika. Anika moved a bit back. She looked a bit tense.

Mom stopped in front of. "Kya karein? These are my grandschildren."

She slowly kept her hand on Anika's stomach. "How are you baby Oberois?"

Then Anika slowly removed mom's hand. "Mrs. Oberoi, they may have your son's blood but they are not Oberois, they are Ranas."

She turned and walked to my room and closed the door.

"Shivaay, what is this? That girl is telling that our khoon is Rana. That Rana, those cunning creeps." Mom shouted.

Om stepped forward. "Chotima, they are Ranas because your son never accepted them as his own. They are Ranas because Anika is their mother and she is a Rana."

"Say something Shivaay." When I kept silent, she walked out of the room.

Then the door opened and three girls stepped in. Soumya looked annoyed. "Priya di, Prinku remember I am your bhabhi." Prinku had her hand looped over Priya's arm.

"Priya di, you should have been here when Shivaay bhaiya was dating Tia. You and Rudi would have killed her."

Suddenly Priya looked up to see everyone looking at them. She looked a bit shy. An emotion that you rarely saw on her face.

"Ma! Papa!" Prinku shouted. "When did you all come?"

Badima gave her a small smile. "Just a few minutes back. Om picked us."

She hugged Badepapa.

"This is Priya di." She introduced her to Badima.


The noise came from two directions. Badima, Badepapa and Papa ran towards mom's room while Priya, Omru, Soumya and Prinku ran towards my room.

"Anika!" Ishana came running down the stairs. She ran towards the pool. I followed her. I knew Anika would not open the door.

Ishana threw a nasty glare before climbing through the window. Then I heard a gasp. I quickly climbed in.

There were mirror fragments everywhere in the room. Anika was crumpled on the floor crying. She had thrown a frame at the mirror.

I rushed to her side.

"Anika, are you okay? What happened?" She pushed my hands away when I tried to hold her.

She curled into a ball pulling her knees closer. She was now reduced to sobs and sniffles. I felt Ishana open the door and walk out. I heard her tell something to the others and the commotion outside the door was dismissed.

"Go to your mother. She must be thinking I am doing some kala jaadu on you." She grumbled.

I smirked. When I held her again, she pushed it away.

"My children want a hug." I said.

She shook her head. "I am their mom. I know they don't."

Oh god! She was so stubborn. "Anika, the shards can hurt and it is dangerous for the kids."

She looked worried. She slowly got up. She was about to move when I held her. She looked at me questioningly.

"We are not staying here tonight. I will ask Hina to clean the room."

I slowly helped her out. Then she held my hand.

"You should go to your mother." She whispered. She slowly pushed me towards my parents' room and walked away.

How can a woman so hurt by us, think about us? I wondered as I walked towards Mom's room.

In the room were the senior Oberois. Mom was crying hugging Badima. I saw a broken vase.......okay this was not as bad as our room.

"She is having twins like my Shivaay and Shivika."


"Shhhh! Pinky, the kids don't know. Keep quiet." Badima said.

Papa sat at the edge of the bed. "Shivika is in a special place at least Shivaay is with us."

Was Shivika Priya?

"Maa...." I called.

Everyone turned to me. I looked at the bed to see some albums that we never saw before. There were pictures of me, Om and another girl as kids.

"Who is this?" I whispered.

Mom started crying while Badima tried to soothe.

"That is your sister." Badepapa said in a sullen voice. "Shivika."

"Where is she?" I felt my voice become a whisper.

I heard footsteps. At the door was the entire clan of young oberois.

"She and you were kidnapped right out of our garden Shivaay. The kidnapper set you free when we paid the ransom but we never got Shivika back." Badepapa said.

"Mama?" a soft voice came from the back.

Mom looked up. "Shivi?"


Priya slowly moved forward. Mom rushed to her.

"Meri bachchi!" She hugged Priya, who hugged her back.

With that I slipped out of the room to meet Neel.


Priya POV

I never understood why the other officers got so excited when our assignments got over. I remembered Raj Rathore tell us how excited he was to meet his 2 year old and wife while some officers had gone to the near by villages to buy small trinkets for their mothers, wives and other women in their lives. The female officers would go along to with them to make their own purchases. In all this, I would just sit in the corner and watch with my next assignment letter in my hands.

But in my mother's arms for the first time, I understood why.

I slowly pulled myself away. "Ma, it is Priya now." I whispered.

Mom gave me a teary smile. "So what! We will call you Priya. After all a name is nothing." I looked around Shivaay and saw that he was missing. Then I felt someone hold my shoulder.

"Will you not meet your badepapa?" A loud voice asked. I turned around just to be lifted into the air.

"My little monster."

I heard someone say the same thing at the back of my mind. I smiled.

"Come now. Let me make kheer after all my princess is at home now." a woman replied.

I heard a grumble. Then I saw Om hitting Rudra's head.

"Rudra, I heard. Deal with it. My niece has come back." So she was Jhanvi, the one Shivaay called Badima.

We all were seated in the hall except for Om, Shivaay......and Anika Bhabhi.

I got up. Everyone looked at me shocked.

"What happened Priya?" Mama asked.

"Woh....Bhabhi hasn't had anything to eat."

Mom looked annoyed. "She is probably expecting us to call her." She got up and walked to her room.

What was wrong with the two of them?


Anika POV

I felt exhaustion and lack of breathe hit me. I could feel my tummy grumbling. I knew I had to take the medicines but I still hadn't had dinner. I missed home, if it was back there, Bhaiya would have already bought my food and forced me to have my food. Jia and Naina would have called me and checked if I had had food. But here, I was just a burden.

I slowly got off the bed and got up to call a maid. When my door opened. But then my view became fuzzy.

I felt someone rush to my side. A pair of arms held me and made me sit on the bed. I felt water being given into my hands. I slowly sipped water. But it was not doing anything to help.

"Mad girl." a voice grumbled. I felt somebody going through my medicines. Then I heard a gasp. I grimaced.

I felt some food being stuffed into my mouth. After eating a bit, I slowly felt my vision stabilised. I saw Pinky aunty stare at me with eyes filled with tears.

She sat on the edge of the bed. She held my hand.

"How long have you known?" She whispered. I squeezed her hand.

She then looked at me again, her eyes full of fear. "Does he know?"

I shook my head. She kept her hand slowly on my stomach. "You will be okay."

She whispered.

She fed me the rest of my food and then tucked me into the bed.

"You will take rest." She emphasised and then left the room.

For the first time, I realised that out of all the Oberois, the one most complicated was the woman that just walked out of the room.

Pinky Oberoi.

Author's Note: Hope you all liked this chapter. I hope it was long enough. I am not going to let Anika let Shivaay go that easily. She might forgive him but she is going to try his patience.

Please review. It is very important for me to continue.

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