50hr room-last day

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Akari POV

"Ok so to do this you need to think like a fish." Gon said

"A fish?" Killua wondered out loud. "Yea, if I were a fish how would I feel if I saw food in front of me?" Gon said.

"Hmm... I would stare at it then start to get hungry them try to eat small pieces from it instead of swallowing it whole to make sure it's safe." Akari said and killua started chuckling. "Yeah! You got it, so the most important part is to make sure that they think it's fine then when they take a bite you yank it up, so you can catch it." Gon explained while demonstrating with the rod.

"Seems like too much thinking and work." I sigh "I prefer to just catch it."

"What do you mean?" Killua asked moving over to be able to see me. "Just what I said. When I would look for ingredients with menchi I would just stand in the lake or river then grab it out of the water with help from my claws."

"Hm. I should try that sometime." Gon smiled "Sounds fun too!"

"Hey, gon can I try something?" Killua asked pointing to the fishing rod. "Sure he replied and handed him the tool.

Killua brought the pole back over his head then swung it forward having it land behind leorios leg. "You missed" Gon commented and laughed a bit. "Just watch." Killua waited a moment then rapidly brought the fishing pole up and caught the hook on the end of leorios pants making him wake up. "What?" "Hey what are you doing? Hey! Hey!" Leorio complained, "Just as planned!" Killua smiled "Nice!" Gon and I cheered.

Leorio kept on complaining then the hook slipped off and swung back to Killua who caught it easily. "See I caught him." Killua boasted "Yep" Gon smiled. "What is that supposed to mean am I a fish now!?" Leorio shouted at us.

"Calm down it's not like we're going to grill and eat you," Killua said back

"I would gladly set the little fishy on fire," I say as I purse my lips and put my hands on the side of my head to imitate gills.

"Hey!" He shouted as we all just look at each other and start laughing.


It was time to sleep again and I learned my lesson from yesterday and I decided to sleep on the actual couch instead of the backrest.

I was the last one to go to bed because I was trying to get into touch with Kumo again. I've been trying to contact him ever since we separated but most of the time he cant talk does not have the energy to or probably had his anima shut off because of thier drugs. I hope he is ok. At least I know he is still alive and that's what matters.

I walked to the couch were gon and Killua were and set myself between them.

It's kinda weird because when I'm in my wolf forms sometimes I act more like a puppy and don't realize it. There was one time I was playing catch or something with Arianna and Jacob and it somehow turned into a game of fetch where I was in my cub form and I chased after the frisbee. I don't know how that happened.

Killua POV

I was sleeping like the others were but I felt some movement. I opened my eyes and saw Akari as a cub move over to sleep. She seemed really tired and/or half asleep. She turned her head a bit towards me probably noticing that I was awake. Then she nudged my hand with her nose.

Does she want me to pet her? Maby she just doesn't realize what she is doing and shes unconsciously acting how a real puppy would? I'll have to ask her later.

She nudged my hand again.

Ok, so she does want to be pet.

This is embarrassing. I sigh and lift up my hand and she curled up next to my stomach and I hesitantly started to pet her. I watched her and noticed how she looked a lot more at peace than I've seen her before.


Akari POV (Still in cub form)

"Ri- Ari- Kari.......... WAKE UP!"

AAAHHH!!! I mentally screamed and backed ran away in fright. I ran to the other side of the room then I looked at the people who freaked me out.

"Killua you scared her." Gon pouted.

"It's not my fault she gets scared easily!" Killua yelled back.

Oh, its gon and Killua. I sigh in relief and turned into my usual form (human with wolf ears and tail)

"What do you guys want anyway? This is the second time you freak me out in the morning." I sulk.

"Sorry about that." Gon said and walked over me and offered his hand which I reluctantly took and stood up. "We finished our workout and were getting hungry, sooooo we were wondering if you can make breakfast. All that the exam committee gave us were crackers and water."

"You yelled at me for that?" I deadpan

"You wouldn't wake up we tried calling your name but you didn't respond" Killua plainly stated

"Fffiiiinnneee ill makes food but you two are helping me," I say as I head towards the kitchen.

"Ok" They both reply and follow me.

"What do you guys want to eat for breakfast?"

"Hmmm, I don't know you choose." Killua shrugged

"Well do you guys want to try something new?" I asked

"Sure!" They both cheered

"Ok, we're going to make... BURRITOS!!"

"Burritos?" Gon asked

"Burritos," I reply with a smile

"What are burritos?" Killua asked

"Do you know what tortillas are?" I asked saying 'tortillas' in a Mexican accent.

"To-ti-a?" Gon attempted to say while I just giggle at them.

"Well we're going to make a breakfast burrito, so it's going to be sliced ham, cheese, eggs and some seasoning with a tortilla which is basically a flat circular piece of bread wrapped around it." I explained, "Its a Mexican meal which menchi taught me how to make."

"Ok? So is it like sushi? The to-ti-a is the rice and the stuff inside is ham, cheese, and egg?" Gon asked

"Pretty much."

"Ok let's start!" Gon cheered. "Wait where are we going to get the ingredients." Killua deadpanned

"Oh, that's right. Let me call menchi.

"Hey menchi" I telepathically called her as I sat on the floor "What's up?" She asked, "I wanna make breakfast burritos but I don't have ingredients can you send some to me." "Sure thing. It will appear in your fridge in about 5 minutes." She explained "Thanks a ton" I replied and ended the call.

"Ok the ingredients are going to appear in the fridge in about 5 minutes," I say "Do you guys know how to cook?"

"I would cook with mito when I get bored" Gon said

"I know enough to survive" Killua added.

"Ok, so far I'm going to have you cook the eggs." I pointed to gon then walked to the fridge to see if the ingredients were there. Which they are.

I took out the ingredients and put them on the counter.

"Ok so Killua, you cut these pre-cooked ham slices into tiny squares," I said and he walked over, grabbed a knife. I gave him a cutting board.

I walked over to the cabinets and grabbed a pan and spatula for gon and placed them near the stove. "Gon can you grab the eggs and get the salt from the spice rack?" "Sure"

He got it and walked over to the stove and started to cook. "Hey, Akari?" Killua asked while cutting the ham. "Yeah" "How long have you lived with menchi and netero?" He asked looking at me. I turn my gaze towards him. "Dude, look at what you're doing. Don't cut your finger off." I ordered him.

Hehe yeah, I almost cut my finger off several times.

"Yes, Mam." He mockingly sassed back and I just stuck out my tongue. "Well, I hung out with them for a few months if that answers your question."

"Akari should I add salt now or later?" Gon interrupted "Umm lemme see" I walked over and he moved to the side. "Yup we should add salt before it starts looking eatable." I say "Ne, killua!" "Hm?" "You done yet?" I asked "Yeah I just finished" "Ok we're going to add the meat now" "Ok" he replied and grabbed the cutting board and slid the thinly cut ham into the pan.

Killua POV

"What next?" I asked looking behind me. Where did she go? She was here a second ago?

"Give me a second!" I heard her say

I look over to see where she was at and I saw her standing on the countertop reaching for something on the highest shelf.

"What are you doing?" Gon asked with a hint of worry especially considering she was close to falling off.

Gon and I turned off the fire and walked behind her so if she falls we would catch her. "I'm trying to get some spices," She told us while still trying to reach for it "Why are they up there?" Gon asked. "How should I know?" She replied and jumped a bit to reach further and get the spices, but she soon lost her footing and fell. Luckily Gon and I caught her. "You good?" I asked "Yes! I got it! Haha, beat that menchi!" She cheered to herself. 


She hopped down with a proud smile on her face. 

I'm glad she's happy.

"Thanks for the save guys." She closed-eye smiled at us. 

Kawaii. Wait what am I thinking! I don't like her like that. She's like a little sister.

Akari POV

"Killua you can take over stirring for gon. It is a lot of food so it will take a bit longer. While you do that I'm going to teach you both how to warm up the tortillas. You will switch in a bit. "Alright" They both chanted

"Ok, Gon, the tortillas are pre-cooked so we will cook them on the open flame."  I expalined. "Why? Wouldn't it burn?" Gon asked. 

"No were warming them up. Just watch." I took the tortilla from the package and placed it on top of the grate thingie and let it warm up. "You see how it's pale and kinda see through?" I asked them. "Yeah" They responded. "We need to wait till it's not pale or seethrough. We will also flip it over a few times like this so the heat evens out." I flipped it one more time and decided that it's done and showed them. "Like this. Your turn." I gestured to gon.

(A/N- By the way, this is how I warm up my pre-cooked tortillas in real life. My parents taught me.)

He did it exactly how he was supposed to. They're both doing a great job. I guess I'm an incredible teacher... well Menchi is better because she taught me, but still bonus points for me.

"Smells good. What are you guys cooking?" I turn to see who was speaking and it was kurapika who was walking in. "Killua and I are cooking breakfast burritos with Akari!" Gon cheered "That's cool" Kurapika smiled. "Yea but they're doing most of the work. I'm just teaching them and telling them what to so. There great at it. Also..." I turn to Killua and gon "how hungry are you guys or at least about how many should we make?" "Let's make a TON!! They look really good" Gon cheered as he flipped the tortilla in the air multiple times until it landed on Killuas face.

Ohh what's gonna happen?? I watched with a smile on my face. 

Killua then took a raw egg, tackled gon and cracked it on his head. 

There so hilarious. I thought and took over the cooking they were doing, while, they were fighting.


I finished the cooking part a while ago and now we were in the living room about to eat the burritos. 

I watched as the guys took a bite of the burritos for the first time and I was so happy when thier faces lit up and they smiled. "SUGOI!! It's DELICIOUS!" Killua and gon cheered and started scarfing the burritos down. "these flavors are so good and unique I haven't had anything like this!" Kurapika added taking another bite. "So good," Leorio said with his mouth full.

I just watched them and happily munched on my burrito with my tail wagging behind me.

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