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Akari POV

"Welcome, I'm Menchi, the examiner for the second phase." She said while sitting in a chair with a big buy sitting behind the chair. I smiled at my big sister like figure. I've missed her.

"Likewise I'm Buhara!" He greeted with a smile. Soon the floor shook because of Buhara's stomach growling.

"There you have it! The second phase will be cooking!" Menchi stood up

"Cooking? We're here to take the hunter exam!" Some people shouted at her in annoyance.

"Yes, your challenge is to create something to satisfy our palate," Menchi said putting a hand on her hip. "Why do we have to cook though?" Another person asked, "Because we are gourmet hunters!" Menchi shouted proudly smiling. Laughs across the exam area once Menchi finished introducing herself

"They just want to tick her off don't they" I sigh to myself because I know she might end up killing one of them.

"So Gourmet hunters, What are we supposed to make?" The same aggravating dude asked tauntingly. Buhara stood up "Your main ingredient will be pork"

"As in pig meat?" They asked again

Why are they asking so many questions? They should just accept the fact that we will cook. This is getting annoying.

"The exam will start now!" Buhara yelled as evreyone sprinted towards the exit.


"Catch a pig and cook it. Much easier compared to the first phase." Leorio said while we all walked around. Gon suddenly jumped down the hill as evreyone followed his example sliding on their butt.

I jumped down sliding on my feet as if I was surfboarding when they all stopped suddenly and bumped into each other. "Shoot!" I tried to stop but soon tripped over Kurapikas hand and tumbled down the hill stopping right in front of a pig with many battle scars.

All the boys stared at me with wide eyes as I sat in front of the giant pigs eating bones.

Most of the pigs turned their attention to me. "Cookie!" I shouted at the pig with large scars that I gave him months ago when I was hunting. He squealed and ran in the other direction with me chasing him deeper into the forest.

I ran in front of cookie and kicked his forehead making him drop to the floor. "Haha, I finally caught you," I say teasingly at the dead corpse.


3rd POV

"IS THERE ANYONE WHO CAN SATISFY ME?" Menchi yelled at the contestants

"That's it," Kurapika said and snapped his fingers "This is a cooking test, there including us on originality and presentation," He said smiling as he thought of a solution.

"I see" Leorio smirked and placed his fingers in a checkmark position on his chin.


Leorio served his roasted pig with a hunters association flag on the presentation table "How do you like my cooking?" he said with a smirk "IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE A KIDDY MEAL?!" Menchi threw his dish in the air and buhara happily caught it.

Next, gon placed his pig decorated with flowers on the table. "My turn!" gon said "ITS BASICALLY THE SAME THING!" She screamed in frustration flipping his dish as well.

"Here is mine" Kurapika placed his tower of pork and fruit in front of menchi. "Finally something that resembles an actual dish" she muttered grabbing a pice. She ate it then screamed throwing the dish as well "Yuck! You're no better than 403!"

Kurapika sadly walked to his area "Haha" leorio laughed teasing the blonde "No better than 403 huh?" Kurapika moped then turned his head to where a delicious smell was coming from.

Akari pov

I came back a bit late because of how far away I was, but I didn't mind. I watched as evreyone just roasted thier pig over the fire. Seems they have no idea what to do don't they? I sighed to myself and walked to my station, grabbed a knife and cut up the pig into many bitesize slivers. I cooked them on the pan with some spices and then I left it there to go see if there was any rice and thankfully there was. Menchi thinks of everything, doesn't she?

I cooked the rice and finished up the pork. "Ooohh that smells great Akari" Kurapika complemented "Oh thanks!" I said looking at him briefly before going back to work.

"Woah that looks delicious Akari. No wonder you like cooking." Gon complemented. 

 "Thanks, gon" I reply sheepishly as I placed the rice in the 2 bowls and put the meat on top. To finish it off I drizzled my special sauce to top it off. (AN- Pic of the meal at the top)

I grabbed by dishes and walked over to where menchi was passing my friends who had thier jaws dropped. "Akar- Sugoi" Killua said while staring at my plate as if he was on the brink of starvation and this was the only food on the face of the earth.

I placed my dishes on the table giving Menchi a playful smile. "Your dish looks great like usual Akari," She said sending back the smile.

She grabbed some chopsticks and took a bite. Her eyes lit up and sparkled as she ate my food "Its even better than last time!" She exclaimed taking another bite. "Aww thanks, I have had more practice," I say as she and buhara but up the circle side of thier signs signifying I pass. "Let's catch up later ok?" She said smiling "You bet," I say as I turned and walked back to my friends who looked at me astonished.

"How the heck did you do that?!" Leorio shouted. "Do what?" I asked. "Make your dish, get menchi to pass you, and have a freaken conversation with her?!" Leorio shouted at me.

"Well, for one Menchi did teach me how to cook." I said plainly "What!?" They all shouted "No fair" gon pouted.

There's a lot you don't know about me.

"Akari come over here please." Menchi called "Ok!" I yelled "I'll be right back," I told them before I walk away

I walked up to her and she gave me a side hug and started yelling at the other contestants. "The exam is over! Buhara and I both ate out fill"

<CRASH> "I've had enough of this." One of the contestants yelled after crushing the table "I absolutely refuse to accept this!" 

He's going to get himself killed. 

"In the end, you all still failed," Menchi said, "You asked for pork that we risked our lives to make" he retorted, "I said to prepare pork that we both found delicious. Nobody besides this little angel made anything remotely delicious." She said putting her arm around my shoulder in a side hug. "You all did almost the same thing> No effort was made and when I think some actually tried they just decorated it. No one tried to emphasize the flavor. No one took it seriously. In other words, you guys don't have any guts to try something new" she said sitting down and crossing her legs.

"I'm striving to be a blacklist hunter! Why the heck should I listen to a mere gourmet hunter!"

Yup, he's going to die I sighed and watched the scene.

The man tried to punch menchi but was soon sent flying to the entrance gate hitting and harshly falling down. "Buhara that was uncalled for" She stated "But if I haven't intervened you would have killed the guy. Am I right?" He asked

"I suppose" Menchi got up and juggled her swords while lecturing the examiners

"Even so...  isn't it a little excessive to fail an entire pool of applicants?" A booming voice from the sky said. "Netero?" I mumbled under my breath. Wow, I'm seeing a lot of familiar faces today, aren't I?

Netero then jumped out of the hot air balloon making dirt fly everywhere. "Whos that?" A random person asked. "The head of the exam commission," Menchi said walking over to netero. "He is also in charge of the hunter exam. Chairman Netero."


3rd POV

"Now evreyone look down the cliff. Those are spider eagle webs." Menchi stated while looking at the webs then turning to smile at me as I did the same. "Now look down below the web, Those are spider eagle eggs." Menchi and I stood up from where we were standing. "Akari what are you doing?" Gon asked watching with slight worry. I just smiled at him. Hehe, they're all going to be so shocked. I then turn my head to face menchi and nod our heads in agreement. 

 "What the hell?" Leorio Shouted. We both jumped off as the others paniked "Akari what the heck are you doing?!" Killua yelled looking over the edge "Akari!" Gon yelled looking over the edge as well.

We both dove through the air simultaneously doing flips in the air and spinning around each other. Once the web was close enough we both grabbed the web doing a couple more flips around it. Using the momentum I flipped over it one more time and stood on the web while menchi held onto it. Then we waited for the breeze. I waited for a few minutes and then I felt a slight breeze against my face and then I stepped off the web with menchi following behind me. I caught the egg then the giant gust of wind brought me back up. 

I flew higher up in the air and then ended up going too high and losing control of where I was going. Not again I complain in my head. I flew towards my friends and luckily kurapika caught me in his arms before I hit the floor. I held the egg in my arms "Woah- thanks kurapika for the save," I said giving him a smile "I normally fall on the floor face first when I do this." I chucked to myself  "No problem" He said putting me down "I guess it's my turn to jump." He said running off, following gon. 

I watched as they all hung on the spider web and a couple of impatient ones jumped down too early. Menchi walked up to me watching the examinees as well. "When are you going to tell them about anima?" She asked as I sigh "I'm not sure, I don't completely trust them enough yet, but they are getting suspicious." I say and fix my beanie that is falling off, so it won't show my ears. I watch as my friends fly up with the spider eggs in hand.

I hoped you liked this chapter. Thank you for reading! 。◕ ‿ ◕。

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