Air Ship

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"Stay out of the kitchen brats go eat in the dining room!" A chef said as he kicked gon and killua out. I walk out normally as gon and killua stared at me "What's the matter?" I asked, "Why were you not kicked out too?" Gon pouted "They know I'm close friends with menchi and they don't want to get fired or beaten up." "No fair" Gon pouted once more as I just giggle at his actions.

We were walking around then Killua saw something out the window "Wow, awesome! Look, you guys!" We both ran up to him "Nmm? Nani? Nani?" Gon shouted. I looked out the window with wide eyes "Wow its so pretty" I say "Wow, it's almost like their jewels!" gon said

I jumped up and sat on the edge of the window with my legs tucked to my chest; looking outside at the view with a smile on my face. "Hey, I was wondering where are both of your parents?" Gon asked looking at both of us.

When killua asked us that question my hand moved by itself to my choker. I felt the cool surface of the metal plate against my finger. I played with it in hopes to help me forget that awful memory. My vision was clouded and all the noise around me was tuned out. All that I could see were sections of memories where I watched my mom's die with a tearstained and bloody face.

I remembered when she shed her tears gave me a final hug then and ran to the door attacking the man there. I remember watching as she fought the man falling to the floor bruised and bloody. I remember her limp body on the floor with a pool of blood slowly puddling around her.

3rd pov

"Where are both of your parents?" Gon asked "Hmmm... They're alive. I think" "What do they do?" "There assassins," Killua said plainly. "Huh? Both of them?" Gon asked turning to killua who started bursting in laughter "That's your first reaction?! You really are a riot." Killua laughed and sat down "Your the first person who's ever responded seriously like that."

 "Well, you're telling the truth right?" Gon asked. "What makes you think that?" Killua asked placing a hand against his face, leaning on it for support. "Just a hunch"

 "That's weird" Killua plopped his head down on the windowsill. But before he could continue talking he realized that Akari was too quiet. Normally she would have already made a comment or something.

 He turned his head and looked at her. Gon following his silver-haired friend's actions and they both look at Akari who seemed stuck in her own world "She's doing it again" Gon said, "Yeah, I wonder what going on with her?" Killua asked as he got up and waved a hand over her face.

Killua looked into her eyes and they were dull and filled with sorrow and fear. "Woah" He murmured to himself feeling pity for the girl because he knew that only something horrific must have happened to make her eyes turn that way. 

He placed a hand on her shoulder being ready if she accidentally attacks him. "Akari? Are you ok?" He spoke kindly and softly. She didn't respond. " Akari?" He spoke a bit louder and started to shake her shoulders. 

She blinked and her eyes changed back to their original hue. She lifted her head and saw two worried faces staring at her. "Are you ok?" Gon asked staring at her, waiting for an answer "Ya, ya. I'm fine" She said a bit forced while jumping off the windowsill and backed away from them.

"Are you sure? You don't sound sure." Killua asked walking closer to her "Ya just fine." She said getting up and pushing them away a bit. Killua gave her a concerned look as she smiled and backed away nervously.

Suddenly she gave an annoyed sigh and turned around "Netero I know you are there! You can come out now!" He came out and entered the room with an annoyed expression "You ruined all the fun!" He complained as she just mimicked his annoyed face repeating his words in a childish way to annoy the man further. "Why are you here?" Killua asked ticked off that the old man suddenly interrupted. "I'm bored so...." Netero trailed off while Akari facepalmed in annoyance and groaned "Not this again! Why to them?! Go mess with Pokkle, Tompa or Hisoka for all I care! Someone else!" Akari yelled at him but he just grinned back. "Sooooooooooo...... Play a game with me!" "Game?" Gon asked

 "If you are able to defeat me I shall let you become hunters!" "Really?! Ill play then!" Gon shouted cheerfully while jumping in excitement. "Why do you do this Netero?" Akari asked as she sulked on the floor anime style.

Killua pov

How the heck can her personality change so quickly? When gon and I were talking she was just in her own world with sorrow and fear in her eyes. Then when I try to figure out why she got defensive and scared. When Netero came she went back to being her teasing, playful, confident self. Now that Netero wants to play a game with us she is moping on the floor. What is she not telling us? 

She has been avoiding most of the personal questions we ask her and even if she does answer them, they're always something she is leaving out.

3rd POV

They all entered the padded fighting room then Netero explained the rules of the game to gon and killua. Akari sat down on the floor resting her back against the wall near the door and took a nap. 

~time skip~

Killua lunged for the ball but Netero bounced it away making killua ram his head against Netero. Killua fell to the floor and clutched his face in pain. "You are getting nowhere" Netero plainly stated looking at the boy on the floor. "Akari!" Netero yelled turning his head towards her "AAAHHH" she shouted in surprise of being woken up by yelling. "What old man?!" She yelled at him frustrated that he woke her up from her delightful nap. "Why don't you try to get the ball?" He asked "I'm tired and I played it with you many times before." Akari stated, getting comfortable while closing her eyes. "I'm sure the boys would love to see you fight." Netero teased 

"That's right!" Gon shouted walking over to us "We haven't seen you fight yet." He said crouching down next to her "So?" Akari asked opening one of her eyes to look at gon "Sooooo can we see you fight?" Gon asked giving her a pleading look. 



They both had a mini starting contest then she finally gave in "Fine you win. But only one round." She said sighing in defeat. "Yay!" Gon shouted while killua just smiled at the two.

Akari stood up and looked at her attire before giving Netero a glare while she took off her beanie which was covering her wolf ears.

He chuckled and thought about all of the times he had pulled down the beanie to cover her eyes in general and especially while they used to battle.

Akari circled around netero looking for openings where she could strike, but he is much more closed off then he was with the others. She soon found an opening. She faked going for the ball so she can appear behind him and kick his back. He launched forward and lost grip of it and it flew to the side. 

They both simultaneously jumped and soared through the air kicking and hitting each other, trying to make sure they are the first ones to get the ball. The striped ball was inches away from Akari's grasp but netero (half on purpose and half on accident) poked her eye making her stop in her tracks, fall to the floor and hold her now red eye. "Damn it old man your playing dirty!" She yelled with here poked eye-watering. "Gomen, Gomen" He apologized with his free hand scratching the back of his head.

"Ok cource you alwase mamage to find a way to blind me." Akari grumbled in annoyance thinking of all the evil tactics he has used in the past.

"Wow, you were amazing Akari!" Gon beamed "Thanks gon" She sighed.

She glared at netero who had his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. She took the opportunity and thought of a video that she watched with one of her friend Jacob.

She made a one-way telepathic connection to netero and basically 'played' it in his brain. 

(AN the ear rape is like 1000 times louder in Neteros brain and very painful. Also, it did not affect her. Also here's the name of the video (it's on youtube) if for some reason it doesn't work: *Autistic screeching* [Earrape!] by Biggie Boi

The moment that the screeching 'played' in his brain, he screamed as well.

(AN- The name again: #Top5 Scared Screams by JukinVideo. 

(Neteros scream sounded like the first or last one [last is 1:18] . You can choose a different one if you like, but that is closest to the one I imagined : )

"AAHH!!!" Netero screeched and Akari was crying in laughter. Once the scream in his head ended he continued to yell. "OH, MY GOD AKARI IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" He gave Akari a piercing glare and ran towards her. 

She speeded out of the way with him still on her tail.

"Old man we're even now! You cant get me!" She shouted jumping off the wall she was previously running on. "You sure about that?!" He yelled back playfully and sped up. He caught her and started to tickle her sides. "Hahahahhaha no- Hehehe- stop- Hahahahaha!!  Ok-Ok I give! You win!" She laughed teary-eyed "That's what I thought" Netero stopped tickling her and smiled.

The two boys just looked at the two in complete confusion. 

Akari Pov

I can believe the old man poked my eye. That was such a dirty move. I walked up to the door where I heard menchi humming. I knocked on the door and menchi opened it immediately smiling once she saw me. "Akari!! You finally came!" She yelled pulling me in a hug. "Hey, Menchi... Can you let go now?" I asked trying to breathe while she was squeezing the life out of me. "Oh ya sorry." She said and invited me inside.

"So how have you been? What have you been up to?" She asked me motioning to sit on the couch next to her in which I complied. "I've been all over the place meeting new people. It's been a blast and they have not been able to find me." I said with a smile on my face, thinking about all the amazing people I've met.

 "Well, that's an accomplishment eh?" She gave me a teasing smile and nudged my shoulder causing me to chuckle. "I'm really glad I'm taking the hunters exam this year though. I made some great friends that I plan on hanging out with for quite a while." I said with a wide smile on my face.

Menchi looked at me and gave me another bear hug. "You're so cute! I hope you'll have tons of fun on your adventures with them once you become a hunter." She pulled me back and instructed "You know you do have to contact me when you find any new types of ingredients. Right? Oh and come and visit again so we can share recipes and stories! Whatcha think?" She smiled "Sounds like a plan!" I cheered.

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