Trick Tower Start

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Akari POV 

I stretched my arms out and took a good breath of fresh air. "It feels nice to be outside again." I sigh and I looked at my friends. "I guess," Killua said and kept on walking, looking for a trap door or something. 

I sighed and kept on looking for a trap door. I let my mind wander off, thinking about what my friends I met before the hunter exam would be doing right now. Arrianna and Jacob are probably joking around with each other and enjoying life. I hope Hanna is doing ok and has plenty of friends at her school. 

When I was lost in my thoughts I felt the floor mover from under me, "Aahh!" I fell down past the top floor and I land on my butt. "Itaaai" I rub my butt and stand up. I look at the ceiling where I fell from and I notice that the opening was gone. It was probably one of those flip doors.

I scanned the room and noticed that I was here alone. In this dark, cold, brick-walled room. "Oh no. This is not going to end pretty" I murmured under my breath and started shaking due to being overwhelmed.


"Do you think Akari found a trap door?" Gon asked the white-haired boy "I think so, we were all walking then she yelped and disappeared. She probably fell through one accidentally." He said.

They both walked around the same area looking for other trap doors around the place Akari fell. "Killua! I found 2 more!" Gon shouted. Killua walked over and agreed, "Me too." "Let's go tell leorio and Kurapika" The greenete suggested.

Akari POV

I held my head with hot tears flowing down my eyes, leaning against the wall with my knees tucked against my chest, trying to get the gruesome memories out of my head. 

FB (her past)

I sat in the corner of the cold, dark, brick room, chained to the floor. The only light was the fireplace on the opposite end of the room. The metal door creaked and revealed one of my torturers with thick heat resistant gloves.

Not again.

He walked over to the fireplace and grabbed the metal weapons with his gloved hand. His heavy foot stepped approached. He lifted up the glowing, burning red metal mockingly and started to scrape it against my skin.

FB end

I can't stand being alone and cooped up again. Not without Kumo, I can't do it anymore. I used to be able to stand being alone in a cell-like area because I knew my brother was somewhere nearby. But I can't anymore, not without knowing that he is safe. I can't be certain anymore.

I just sat in the corner and let all my fears, worries and regret consume me.

Killua POV

The four of us were all standing next to the trapdoors.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now," Kurapika said to the other three.

"I guess so." leorio agreed smiling.

"Let's meet up at the bottom of the tower and find Akari!" Gon stated

"Ok! 1" I started

"2!" Gon shouted

"3!" They all shouted together and fell through the trap doors.

We all land on our feet while leorio falls on his face. They all look up and see each other. "Well, that was a short goodbye." Gon laughed.

"I guess so-" I stopped when he spotted Akari in the corner curled up in a ball.

I ran up to her and asked softly, "Are you ok? What happened?" I crouched down next to her trying to see her face that she is covering with her arms.

The others ran up to her as well trying to see what was going on with her.

"Akari?" Gon asked worriedly. To which he got no response.

"Akari, are you ok?" I ask again.

I wonder what happened to her? I moved her arm and lifted up her chin and had her look at me. When our eyes met I saw an overflowing amount of regret, pain, and fear in her eyes. What made her be this way?

Her eyes suddenly change back to normal. She jumped and gave me a hug. "Wha-" I gasp in shock surprised at the sudden contact.

Oh, she must have been scared when she was alone. Maby it triggered a bad memory. I'm not really good at calming people but I will try. "Hey, its ok were here now. You don't need to be scared anymore." I say softly while rubbing her back reassuringly.

After a minute or two, she stopped shaking and had calmed down. "So are you ok now Akari?" I ask one more time. "Yeah I'm fine now," She said letting go.

I miss her warmth. Wait, what am I thinking? I felt heat slightly rise to my cheeks at the thought, but I hid it from the others.

"What happened? Why are your fists bloody?" Kurapika asked

"Oh ya.. that... um..." Akari hesitated but continued anyway when she saw the pressing stares sent her way. "I kind panicked earlier. You see, I can't really be in an enclosed space alone without panicking and start trying to escape and break things." She explained, "So you tried to break the walls down." Kurapika finished as Akari nodded.

"That would explain the dents and blood on the wall." Gon added


"Here," Leorio opened up his suitcase and brought out a roll of bandages. "Let me heal your wounds." He offered, which sounded more like a demand. Leorio came closer to Akari making her a bit scared and back away, going closer to killua. The others noticed this and Leorio decided to reassure her again, "Its ok Akari I'm a pre-med I know what I'm doing." He held out a hand and she hesitantly held her hand out so he could treat her wounds.

The boys couldn't help but wonder why she was so scared right now and why she was hesitant around them. It was not like her.

Awww there seeing Akari's soft side. What's going to happen next :)

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