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Akari POV

We have been in the trick tower for a while now. We all kept on walking down the hallway. Off in the distance, I could see an arena. "Look, guys! There's an arena!" I said as I ran towards it.

I'm so excited to have some action for a change all we have been doing is walking and pressing buttons. I reach the area and I saw a giant drop surrounding the arena. Probably so interfering battles will be less likely to happen.

I looked at the other side of the arena and felt a familiar, yet malicious presence. It felt odd and bit intimidating, but that should be normal because we are going to battle with them eventually.

 The others got here then metal bars came down from the ceiling behind us so were trapped. After that, the speaker came on. Lippo explained how they were prisoners and are going to compete with us.

A man came into the light with his hood still on so I can not see his face. "I am going first, who will be my opponent? It's your choice." He said

"Now what he said he will fight whoever we want, so I'm guessing pretty much anything goes." Killua said "Evreyone be careful there's no telling what they'll try to pull" Leorio joined "Without knowing whats up thier sleeves there's far too much at stake..." Kurapika said

They're wasting time discussing this. "... Given that Ill-" Kurapika tried to finish but I cut him off "I'm gonna to go" I said turning to them. 

Shock was written all over thier faces "NO!!" They all shouted at me. I sigh in annoyance "Did you not hear me?" I ask irritated while turning my head and getting closer to them "I said, I AM going." I state firmly 

"Did you listen to me?" Kurapika retorted back "There's too much we don't know about them. It's dangerous. We don't want you getting hurt" He said firmly. "Why won't you just let me go I can handle myself just fine." I clearly state crossing my arms "Is it because I'm a girl that you think I cannot handle a fight?" I say a bit disappointed that they don't believe in me.

They didn't respond.

"Huh, speechless" I laughed " Well I'm going whether you like it or not," I said plainly and walked away on the platform to the arena.

I stepped off the bridge and onto the arena with the hooded man. It was just me and him. I still can't believe that they don't believe in me enough to fight one battle.

"Now then, let's determine the method of combat. I suggest a death match" He said.

"Deathmatch?"Gon said slightly worried for Akari. "Is she seriously going to do it?" Leorio rhetorically asked no one in particular

"I accept" 

"Alright then," He said lowering his hood.

As his hood fell down I saw the face that caused my whole life to go into chaos. Tears fell from my eyes at the memories. The memories of what he did.

He killed my mom.

The man watched with satisfaction. He watched amused at my pain, my suffering. He stood there and laughed. "So hows that Damned Monster doing right now? Would you like to join her?"

I let the tears fall as I look down at the floor and clenched my fists at my sides. Why do I have to remember? Why did he have to come back? Why did he have to kill my mom? He made Kumo and I suffer for years.

 I stood there trembling. I could feel myself slip away from sanity. "Don't you DARE speak of her that way! You murderer!!"

He was the one that took mom. He was the one that made Kumo and I suffer. He needed to die.


Akari's eyes clouded into an emotionless pit with only one task. To kill.

She sharpened her nails and slashed the man. He dodged swiftly. She kept on attacking him, sending kicks, punches, and swipes left and right. 

She got fed up and transformed into a large wolf. She growled lowly and menacingly. She lunged at him trying to claw him once again. He just laughed. "I doubt that's going to help any." He said mockingly "It didn't help your poor mother" He teased.

The man then gave her a blow to the stomach and sent her back a few feet. "Wow, I'm not even warming up, yet you flew back. You really are useless" He said walking up to her confidently, preparing to kill her right there. 

"AKARI!!" Her friends shouted in fear that they will lose her.

He walked over to her fallen form, preparing to make this a gory death but before he could blink. She jumped up at him and sank her canine teeth into his side.

He stood there not being able to prosses what happened. He slowly looked down and notice that indeed the she-wolf had taken a chunk of skin and organs out of him. His eyes rolled back.

He died.

Akari spits out the flesh that she took out of him and de-transformed into her normal self. She dropped to the floor overwhelmed by the emotions and memories clouding her mind.

All the boys were beyond shocked at the scene in front of them. Their friend transformed into a wolf and killed the man that stood 3 times her size"Did anyone know she could do that?" Leorio broke the silence "No." They all respond still shocked at what had happened.

<DING> The scoreboard rang "One point examinees" Lippo announced

"Can the passage open so we could retrieve our teammates?" Kurapika asked the man"I see no reason not to." Lippo stated emotionless. "I'll go get her." Killua offered as the bridge came back out.

'How come she did not tell us this earlier? What was the whole thing about her mom? Did the man kill her mom or what? ' Killua thought. 

He picked her up and held her in his arms bridal style and brought her back to thier side of the arena. He set her down so she was leaning against the wall. Killua sat next to her and let her head lean against his shoulder for the time being.

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