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I was playing in the front of my house with my Onii-chan Kumo like I always would but then something felt off.

In the distance, I heard gunshots and screaming. Onii-chan grabbed me and ran into the house to go tell Oka-san.

When we got inside I saw my mom's face which had tears trickling down and embraced us in a warm motherly hug. She let go and put a hand on each of our shoulders. She looked at us and said in a serious yet caring tone 

"Akari, Kumo I love the both of you and don't ever forget that ok?". Both of us nodded our heads tears dripping to the floor unaware of what was to come and scared from our usually happy mother's, grim expression. 

"Why are you guys sad and what's going on outside?" I asked because in truth I didn't know. I had no clue was going on. All I knew is that my mom and brother are sad and scared because of what's going on outside. I don't like it. I want them to stay happy.

They both turned to me sadly and with sorrow in their eyes.

Mom approached me and held my hand in hers. She sighed "Akari you will figure it out dear but now is not the time."

In her hand, she held a brown woven leather choker resembling a dog collar. On it, there was a silver circle with a purple paw print on it. She put it around my neck and then gave me one more hug.

She turned to onii-chan and gave him a woven leather bracelet. "Take these as a reminder that I will always be there for you even when I'm gone." He took it out of her hands "thank you oka-san" he hugged her with teary eyes. I stood there confused. What does she mean by gone? What's happening? Is what's happening outside that dangerous? 

"It will be harder later on in life but I want you two to always remember" she let go of my hug to face the two of us "Don't ever give up, the beginning is always the hardest. Keep on fighting till the very end. Can you guys promise me you both will do that?" Outside there was banging on the door. We both nodded our heads with teary eyes.

"Ok, now go hide in the back and don't let them see you" She instructed giving each of us a kiss on our foreheads. Questions swirl around in my head. Who is them?

Kumo grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the pantry to hide while mom went to go open the door and fight whoever was there.

Kumo and I peer through the cracks of the door, watching as mom opened the door and transformed into a leopard pouncing on the man. They landed outside on the floor. The man got pissed. He started dishing punches at my mom. It was as if I could feel her pain in her roars. I saw her badly bruised and weak but she kept on trying to attack the man. She slashed and bit him with all her strength, but the words that I will never forget are the words that came out of his mouth moments before his final blow "You dammed monster!"

With that, my mom fell to the floor dead.

I was frozen in terror. The scene replayed over and over in my head. I couldn't do anything to help her.

I felt my brother grab my wrist yelling at me to move and run away while we can but I stood there staring at my mom in horror. 

My memory was clouded after that. All that I could think of was my mom who just died right in front of me.

After my mom died the attacker's approached the pantry where we were hidden. Before they could get to us, Kumo transformed into his coyote form and bit one of the attackers, but that did not stop them to get us. The bitten-man hit Kumo with the backside of his knife.

"Ku-mo" I muttered as he fell unconscious. The man turned to me and called his companions to get me. 

Why? Why did they have to do this?

The men approached me with fake smiles plastered on thier faces. "If you run then we will kill your brother." One of them threatened.

"Kumo" I mumbled tears falling from my eyes. I turned to look at him. He was still on the floor unconscious with the man holding a knife behind him.

I slowly comply and walk over to the men and Kumo.

With that, they took me and my brother away.


I sat on my hard bed waiting for my brother to come to visit my cell today for the first time since we got here almost a year ago.

I can still feel the drugs in my veins. Today they put a one that drains my energy and doesn't allow me to use my anima, so I have a less likely chance to think about escaping with him.

I heard the cell door open and saw Kumo being pushed inside. I tiredly looked up at his kind, approaching form. "Hey, lil sis." He said softly.

  I've missed his familiar face. 

I quickly hugged him the tightest I could and stayed there as he gently hugged me back.

We stayed there for a while enjoying the time that we have to see each other.

Kumo POV

"I missed you Onii-chan" Akari cried softly onto my shirt.

"Shhh... It will be ok, I'm here for you." I hugged her close and pet her head.

I don't know how long we have to stay here but I will at least get her out of here if its the last thing I do. I want what's best for her and this is the last thing mom would have wanted for us. But for now, we have to keep on living as she said.

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