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(AN- Warning- this part has torture. If you don't like that or are not comfortable with it I'm sorry but this chapter is very important for her past)

In the 7 or so years, Kumo and I were in their custody we were tortured daily.

First, it was the little things like taking blood samples and testing on it, but they soon became desperate and anxious to get our gift. They ended up trying many deadly poisons, serums, toxic chemicals, deadly plants, and torturing methods on him and I, they burned me with fire daily.

We only got to see each other's faces about twice a year.


"Get up!" A man yelled and hit me with their special burning hot metal whip. 

"Yes sir," I said with no emotion. I stood up and held my head low like how they have told me to in the past. 

He whipped me several more times, reopening my old wounds causing blood to pour out. 

Great now I have to clean that later.

"Today you get to see number 826" He snarled

I get to see onii-chan again. I thought excitingly to myself and smiled a bit, thankfully the man did not see.

Honestly, the only thing keeping me sane and mentally stable for the years I have been here is the fact that I know that my brother is here too and that I will see him eventually. Also, the telepathic conversations that we have time to time when we're well enough or able to use the ability.

"You know what that means though." He grinned wildly "Yes sir" I bowed my head and braced myself for what type of extra and special torturing methods they will do this time.

The man took his metal bat from the side of the room and hit my shin harshly, making me fall to the floor. That's gonna leave a mark.

I've learned over the years how to endure the beatings and not show fear or pain.

He dragged me to a table and threw me on top.

He then took a few daggers and sliced lines on the top part of my foot and across my legs.

He stopped and smiled. He took the knife and stapped it deeply into the bottom arch of my foot. 

I lay there, painfully trying to keep an emotional face.

 I have been through enough of this to know most of what they want is the satisfaction of my screams. I don't want to give them that pleasure, so I suck it up and endure it. Like I have done every day for the past 7 years since I was 3.

  However, I wish for the day to arrive when Kumo and I escape this awful place and are able to live freely and do as we wish. Without any fear from the men that keep us in custody.  

After about 2 hours of him cutting my skin, he stopped and stared at me and smiled once more. 

Bad sign.

"Run." He said

Oh god help me

"NOW!!" He screamed and took out his whip and hit me several times making me bleed more than I am already.

I staggered and winced as I tried to put pressure on my feet. He whipped me again. Making the striking sound echo through the large and dimly lit room.

I got up to my bloody, damaged and probably broken feet and began to run. I ran around the room what felt like to be a million times. I kept on running. My feet and legs throbbed and made a trail of blood behind me. 

I tried to continue on running, my vision blurred and my head spun. 

I felt myself fall to the floor and I dreamed what I have always dreamed of. What I have always wanted but have never known or experienced in a long time.



I woke up back in my cell, on my bed.

 I slowly sit up trying not to mess with my wounds.

"Hey lil sis" I turn to hear the voice and I see my brother.

"Hey," I reply still exhausted. I leaned in for a hug which he gladly returned.

I notice that my wounds don't hurt as much as they should be right now. "Hey, Kumo?" I ask "What is it?" "Did you heal my cuts?" "Yeah, I cleaned them a bit with a towel and put some bandages while you were out cold." He said caringly. "Thanks, it feels a lot better." "Any time" He smiles.

(AN: "Bold": Telepathically speaking)

"Ne, Kumo?" I ask clenching my fists. "When are we going to escape? You said last time that we will soon and that you have a plan in mind." 

"Actually, I was going to talk about it with you when you woke up." He told me smiling. "I have found out that there are a lot fewer guards on watch today. I also learned that area 1C has a glass window that big enough to escape without anima." 

"Really?! When can we go? I'm assuming soon because its today that there are fewer guards." I ask Kumo

"Yup, we will go right after the daytime guards switch with the nighttime ones and thier still busy closing up most of the exits"

"Ok, sounds like a plan" I smile widely at him and hug him tightly.

"This is our chance. We will finally get out of here." I cheer hopefully.

Kumo POV

I let go of her hug and put my hand on her shoulder. "We can go through with this plan only if you promise me something" I state seriously.

"What is it?" She askes me

"I need you to promise me that if it becomes a situation where I can't escape with you. You will leave without me. No questions asked. You will leave."


"You will leave and will not come back here," I tell her assertively.

  I will make sure she gets out of here. Even if that means she will be on her own while I stay here. I want the best for her.  

"Promise me that" I look at her and I could tell that she is scared and does not want to do this. But I need her to, I will eventually kill myself from guilt and regret that my younger sister died because of me or that she has to suffer alone in this hell hole while I'm outside.

"I promise" She mutters while tears fill her eyes.

I watch her break down as she did in the past. I sadly force a smile knowing that I have to be stronger for her sake. I sat cross-legged on the bed and motioned her to come over. She crawled over to me as a toddler would. I picked her up and sat her in my lap, hugging her.

"Do you want to hear a story?" I ask her. She nodded her head.

"Mom told me this story," I say and she smiled, probably happy that she can hear more about mom.

"Once there was a boy in green (not Gon, sorry) who flew city to city in search of his rebellious shadow."

"His what shadow?" Akari shouted amazed "His rebellious shadow. He was searching for his shadow who basically was playing  a giant game of Hide and Seek."

"Oh, tell me more about his shadow!" Akari squealed

"Alright, his shadow likes to play games and tease the little boy all the time. His shadow would always hide from him and have the boy chase him wherever he went." I playfully told the story

"What else?!" She exclaimed with a bright smile on her face.

"When he finally caught his shadow do you know what he did?" I asked


"He tried attaching the shadow to the bottom of his shoe with a bar of soap!"

"Did it work?" She tilted her head and looked up at me.

"Nope!" I cheered popping the "p".

"No" She gasped with her mouth in an 'O' shape.

"But he encountered a little girl who tried to help him keep his shadow attached it to him."

"Did she do it?"

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......" She stared at me intently waiting for an answer. "I forgot." I shrug my shoulders and throw my hands up in the air

She gasped "How can you forget something as important as that!" She punched me playfully and stood on her bed. "You're evil!" She yelled and stuck her tongue out at me

"Haha!" I stuck my tongue out at her too.


3rd POV

Akari and Kumo waited for the guard to open the cell where both of them reside, so they can break out.

"Alright 826 get back to your cell," One of the guards said while opening the door.

Kumo walked over to the man then slammed the metal door onto the mans face making him drop on the floor. 

Akari and Kumo both ran towards the window they were planning to escape by. 

"We have a breakout! Numbers 826 and 827 are on the run!" The man yelled through his walkie-talkie.

"Roger that. We are sending backup."

The siblings ran towards the room where the window was.

They ran past frantic guards and turned sharp corners with ease. They turned the last corner with some guards on thier tail. Literally.

"There's the window!" Akari shouted to her brother. 

Kumo smiled but then realized the guards were closer than they thought and they had the tranquilizing guns too.

"Akari you hurry up! Open the window and get out! I'll be right there!" He told her while he slammed the door shut.

"You better be!" Akari opened the window and started to climb out while keeping it open tor Kumo who was currently trying to keep the door closed with the several men attempting to break the door down. 

"Hurry up Kumo! You can still make it out!" Akari yelled at her brother.

"Hey if I can't come with you. I need you to remember your promise." Kumo sorrowfully said still trying to keep the men on the other side of the door which was close to breaking. 

"What? No what are you talking about! You can still make it-" 

"I want you to keep on living as mom said, don't worry I will too" He paused for a moment to realize how close the men were to open the door. Kumo looked at her with sorry eyes. "I'm not coming Akari. You need to run. Live a good life. Make great friends. Get stronger. Have adventures. Go!"

The men yelled louder and broke the door. Kumo fell to his knees on the floor and one of the men stabbed him with a  tranquilizing dart.

The last and yet barely audible words that she heard her brother speak were. "Live your life to the fullest."

With that sentence repeating over and over again in her head the men took his unconscious body back to his cell.

Akari closed the window and ran. She ran away. She ran away as far as she could. She ran as her brother said to.

Akari POV

I ran for days.

I ran away.

I left my brother with those monsters.

I ran.

My feet throbbed from running for days straight with cuts and bruises painted on my legs and feet. But I still ran.

I won't let them capture me again. I won't let my brother's sacrifice of his freedom for mine go to waste. I will make him proud. I will get stronger as he said.

He will escape. We will meet again.

But right now I'm going to live my life to the fullest like you said, Kumo.

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